yeah cloning organs and body parts for replacements is a brilliant idea.
I believe they already can do that, they wash the cells off with some kind of detergent, and use stem cells to fill it in.
It is generally impossible to clone just singular organs, if you know how the cloning process works. YOu still need and egg from a mother... and you clone it with genetics of the thing you want cloned. Then the zygote is put into a mother, and the child will be born eventually. There is no clone ray where you can clone individual body parts.
I can't remember exactly where I saw this, so forgive me for not being able to point anyone in the direction of sources to corroborate what I'm about to say. Anyway, I watched a small news story about some dogs that were cloned from extremely well trained police canines, this was not in the U.S. The resulting puppies were almost devoid of human interest. They didn't really wag their tales, they didn't bark, they weren't excited by people, and they seemed to be unconnected emotionally to their trainers. However, they were exemplary at completing all of the tasks they were trained to do, almost as if they were biological robots.
This poses interesting questions about what makes us human. If an entire human being was to be cloned, would it have the personality traits associated with normal human psychology? If not are they really human? Of course they are human genetically but would they be accepted as human in society?
It also brings up questions of divinity within the human form. There seems to be a natural order to things in the universe. People are born due to the merging of gamete from two individuals of the opposite sex of our species. Now, if we subvert the natural order, and practically make a person from thin air, are the same mechanisms in the spark of life that normally occur being activate? Or have we short-circuited the process, and denied those individuals of a necessary part of their development during creation, a part that maybe we don't understand yet through science, and only recognize through our constructs of religion?