ForumsArt, Music, and WritingShort Story Contest: Fear (Page 35)

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14,990 posts
Grand Duke

The green light has been given! After weeks of preparation, the Contest can be launched!

This has been brewing in many users' mind for awhile. Enter the Official Writing Contest!

General Rules

1)Submissions for the context must specify the word count implemented.
2)It must adhere to the period's theme as the main idea, or at least have some connection.
3)It must be submitted by the deadline. (The deadline will be according to AG time so that people will not be confused by the timeframe/exploit difference in time zones.)
4)A winner cannot win twice in a row, though he or she can submit an entry the next week.
5)Winners get a merit.

What not to include

1)No excessive inappropriate language, such as vulgarities, swearing. This includes slandering anyone in the AG community.
2)No slandering of race, religion, culture, language of people.
3)No sexual references or innuendoes, though romantic scenes such as kissing can be included.

Actions that lead to disqualification

1)No plagiarism. If it has been discovered that the story has been copied, e.g. the plot has been copied, the user will be disqualified with immediate action. However, elements of inspiration can be allowed.
2)Only one submission is allowed for each user. So please do not create multiple accounts for multiple entries. If it has been discovered that a user has submitted many entries due to this method, he or she will be disqualified.
3)If someone's username is used as a character's name or mentioned in the story, ask for permission first. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

Judge: Me, though I will appoint someone else if I want to take part.

Current Theme: Fire. Fiery start eh?

Deadline: 31st May (Two weeks)

Without further ado, let it begin!

*Note: Everything is subjected to change!

  • 359 Replies
2,917 posts

You can't beat water. Not with fire. Land will only adsorb it, only to make devastating landslides. Ice only will make water tougher. The Kingdoms try and move it with their tin cans, only making a problem somewhere else. This is why, when I was on the brink of death,when the white mage approched me, I chose water to empower me. Now, loneliness scares me more than death. Without Water, I would be another farmer, soon to be engulfed in floods. The castle can't protect themselves from my immense power, and what many brave knights don't understand, is that, I am immortal. Arrows go strait through me. Sword are useless. Even if they attack me while sleeping in my coastal hut, they can not kill me.

They do not understand why I am ruthless, why I constantly drown out the kingdom. It is because the King betrayed me. I had done him a job, working in his castle, and he treated me like a slave. Denied me ever working for him. So now I must kill him. So no one ever gets shunned like that again.

But I do not only plan my vengeance, with my powers comes forever caring for sea life. I am constantly asked to get a crab out of a fisherman's net or escort baby turtles into the waters.

But one day, i hear a rustling in the trees and out appear 5 heavily armored knights. Each with vibrant flags and horses, they yell "We have come under decree of King Andrew the IV, and are here to kill you." As they approach, I lift my hand up, and with it comes the whole sea behind me. "You prepared to come here with armor, you thought it would protect you, but with one million pounds of water on you, it will only kill you quicker. Back off now, I do not want to kill you. It is the king that i would like to release every shark and lobster on." They looked at each other, and one dressed in royal blue said "We accept you terms." And they whipped their horses and trotted away. I put the body of water down, and sat down. This happens every week or so, and I have become a master in the art of intimidation.

I am also well acquaintance with the sky, and receive messages of the kingdoms doings every so often. On day a dove comes to me and says "The kingdom's army is on its way here with 3 catapults and about 100 soldiers, heavily armed!" I thank the bird, a lay down, working on my tropical tan. About 30 minutes later, I here something of a stampede of animals and see a giant projectile on fire land about 60 yard from me. As i saunter closer into the woods, I see giant catapults firing towards me and 100 knights galloping towards me. I douse the ground with thousands of gallons of water so it is much like shallow quicksand. I fall back, and watch all the steeds get knee-deep in mud. The knight get off their horses, but are stuck too. Now for the catapults. Much of the forest around me is in flames, and more fire balls are coming. I quickly get about 100 square feet of water and throw it toward the catapults. The sheer force breaks them like saplings. The knight have taken off their armor now and are retreating. As for the horses, I will tend to them now. I put out the forrest fire, and take out all the water from the drenched ground. I set them free, and lay down on the beach once again. There is steam everywhere. I saunter down the beach, then lay down and continue my tan. I Like I said, you can't beat water.

9,821 posts

Dudeguy. . .the theme isn't fire anymore. . . .

2,917 posts


Then what is it? Sorry for my oblivious behavior...

13,657 posts

Then what is it? Sorry for my oblivious behavior...

"The other half" like the title says. Go to page 11 to see the judging and the new theme.
You could also use the Announcement board to stay updated on the theme and deadline.
2,917 posts

I could not find it. And We have to post our story on your profile, Cen?

13,657 posts

And seemingly a misplaced theme:

Moving on to the Next Theme. The Theme will be 'The Other Half'. And the deadline will be on the 23rd of June, so you will have roughly three weeks to ponder over it!

As said before, the same rules will be applied.

The Word Limit this time is 700 to 2000 words.

From towards the bottom page ten.

And We have to post our story on your profile, Cen?

Whut? Why would you want to do that? Nicho is the judge, I have nothing to do with this, I am not even entering due to lazy?
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Whut? Why would you want to do that? Nicho is the judge, I have nothing to do with this, I am not even entering due to lazy?

I reset the deadline to 30th June -_-| Look first Cen!

Anyway, I apologise guys. My homework is suffocating me, think chemistry essay, chemistry mind-map, English test, Osteoporosis paper, Malay essay, all rolled into one.

I'll judge ASAP!
13,657 posts

Look first Cen!

I know - -
I just found the theme, and c/p the post, to make sure he had something to look for > >...
And odd quoting, when you complain about my lack of finding deadline:P
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

And odd quoting, when you complain about my lack of finding deadline:P

Under normal cicumstances, I may have understood what you were saying...but since it is school, which is never going to be considered by me to be a nomal period, well...I think I'll make do staring blankly ahead at the screen.
13,657 posts

All forgiven and forgotten, just trying to help, though:P

2,053 posts

Hm... Judging soon? I'm eager to see who comes out on top.

1,252 posts

seriously when is judging I want to see if my story even placed.

13,657 posts

Nicho, this was the thing I was fearing... This is also why the OP of the Announcement Board says the contest has to be established before it is announced there.
There have been one or two successful rounds (just one, is it not), and then it get abandoned by the judge, because there is too much work in it.
If you have problems with the time, you might either need to resign, get a guest judge, or actually take the time, taking it from time where you would have been writing on your story and the poems.
Either way, this is kinda bad, especially as you have not addressed it at all since somewhere around the second deadline.

1,031 posts

Didn't he say the deadline was July 30th?
Anyway is it to late to enter? I have a killer original concept that I have been waiting to do.

13,657 posts

I think you can enter, if you are fast. He is delaying this a lot, so if anyone wants to join, I think they are allowed to.

Showing 151-165 of 359