ForumsArt, Music, and WritingShort Story Contest: Fear (Page 35)

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14,990 posts
Grand Duke

The green light has been given! After weeks of preparation, the Contest can be launched!

This has been brewing in many users' mind for awhile. Enter the Official Writing Contest!

General Rules

1)Submissions for the context must specify the word count implemented.
2)It must adhere to the period's theme as the main idea, or at least have some connection.
3)It must be submitted by the deadline. (The deadline will be according to AG time so that people will not be confused by the timeframe/exploit difference in time zones.)
4)A winner cannot win twice in a row, though he or she can submit an entry the next week.
5)Winners get a merit.

What not to include

1)No excessive inappropriate language, such as vulgarities, swearing. This includes slandering anyone in the AG community.
2)No slandering of race, religion, culture, language of people.
3)No sexual references or innuendoes, though romantic scenes such as kissing can be included.

Actions that lead to disqualification

1)No plagiarism. If it has been discovered that the story has been copied, e.g. the plot has been copied, the user will be disqualified with immediate action. However, elements of inspiration can be allowed.
2)Only one submission is allowed for each user. So please do not create multiple accounts for multiple entries. If it has been discovered that a user has submitted many entries due to this method, he or she will be disqualified.
3)If someone's username is used as a character's name or mentioned in the story, ask for permission first. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

Judge: Me, though I will appoint someone else if I want to take part.

Current Theme: Fire. Fiery start eh?

Deadline: 31st May (Two weeks)

Without further ado, let it begin!

*Note: Everything is subjected to change!

  • 359 Replies
4,206 posts

I mite make some mistackes, b/c my keyboard sucks, but i will try.

Magic Trick

Albert was the worst magicien in the world. No we are not in the magical world of disney, but in 1987 in France. Albert was learning to do magic tricks seance he was 14. He is now 37, and still everyone saw the tricks behinde he's magic...

-"No one wants to see my show..." He said to himself, wile he was thinking on he's desk, in he's appartment.

-"This is really bad...i mite become a bum, if i continue like this"

-"What a unfair world!"

Knock! Knock! Knock! Somebody was at the door. Somebody? No one visits Albert. Strange...Albert walks to the door. He opens it, and see a men whit to policemen behind him.

-"Sir, You will have to go to the police departement whit me" Said the men.


-"We are searching a men that killed a old men"

-"I didn't do it" Said Albert.

-"Well you will have to come whit me, just to be sure"


Albert followed the policemens to the station. At the station the policemens had a doubt on Albert. And more the time past, more the policemens were thinking he was the criminel. Until Albert landed in prison for 10 years! 10 years of jail, for something he never did.

10 years later...Albert is out of prison, but has this anger. He want's to get revenge. But wait! Revenge on who? He searched for 2 years why he was in prison. Why did he search? Because he knew that somebody paid the policemen to arrest him. After 2 years he found the person. A other magicen. Why would a other magicen do that? He didn't know, but he wanted revenge...

How is he going to make a revenge? Albert though of something. Why don't he use his magic tricks? He mite suck at it, but he still got some skills.

-"How could i find him?"

He though about something. He takes his magic hat, and 1...2...3...pop! A bird comes out. He shows a picture to the bird, and ask him to find him. Albert waited about 20 minutes. He looks at his window, and he saw the bird comming back (yes he is in he's home). The bird disepear, and Albert gets all the information he needed. Exit he's house, and gose to the other magicien house. He opens the door, and...

-"I got you now!" Says the magicien

The magicien jumps on Albert whit a magic stick. Albert blocks the stick whit he's stick. The other magicien takes a gun out...

-"What the..." Says Albert

Bang! The magicien shoots the leg of Albert. Albert falls down...



-"Who are you? And what do you want whit me?!?"

-"Why would i tell you???"

Albert secretly takes one of his magic cards, and before the magicien shoots, Albert throw his card at the magicien's arm. He drops the gun. Albert takes his magical hand-lokes. And lokes the magicien hands.


-"I want to know why you did this!" Said Albert


The magicien falls on the ground, dead. Albert is choked. What happend? He doesn't know. Well he got his revenge...but still...he stills wants to know why. Why for all this, and who is behinde....

To be contenued.....

3,550 posts


Wow, I don't that it is your keyboard failing you there.


Interesting story you got there. Umm, not really going to say anything because there is nothing to say.

4,206 posts

Interesting story you got there. Umm, not really going to say anything because there is nothing to say.

Dose that mean its good?
3,550 posts

Yeah it was nice.


4,206 posts


I told u my keyboard sucks
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Well, if need be, you can resubmit. At least before the deadline.

Speaking of deadlines, the rest of the details for this round is up in the Announcement thread in the Tavern.

2,399 posts

I came down, shiny hammer surrounded my lighting sparks... Wrong stroy eh?

I'm here to tell you about a small young boy that becomes a powerful wrinkled wizard... Shoot, wrong again.

So there he was, poised on the ease of battle, Hogwarts.... This is getting ridiculous and you people think it's getting boring.

Now here it is.
I had told you once before, and I'll say it again, this is no heart stopping tale, instead it is a liver crushing tale. Now the point where we meet the main character of the story, I think, I never did got to a writing school or anything. So now we meet young... young... "Shiln!!" (Staff)... Oh right, Shiln. Shiln is about 15 years old, has a bunch of friends that are idiots, doesn't go to church, and his school sucks. He was never really interested in magic, I mean, it's all fake ya know. A kid in high school should know that. Shiln's parents never were mean or cruel to him, unless you count taking out the trash cruelness, which most of you will. Shilns grandma was strange, and had never given up hope to the fact that magic was real. So now we take you into the bo- story!

"Shiln!" Called his Grnadpa
Shiln was staying over at his grandpa's house for the weekend
"What!"He yelled as a reply.
His grandpa never did have good hearing.
"Take out the rubbish!" His grandpa 'whispered'
he always thought his voice was to loud and came to point where all he did was whisper or rasp his words.
"But I just diiid." it a annoyed voice
"Whats that?" Drandpa asked
"Nothing." Shiln replied
"Well than quit doing nothing and get the trash to the curb!" He could still yell when he wanted too.

As Shiln was taking the imaginary trash away from the curb...
"To!" (Staff)
As Shiln was taking the imaginary trash to the curb he spotted a shiny object, now it's just a shiny object, it's not red and shiny or gold and shiny, just shiny. But nevertheless Tod
"Shiln!" (Staff)
But nevertheless Shiln went to pick it up.
"Whats This?" Shiln asked himself
"I dunno." He said, mocking his mothers voice
As he touched he felt a powerful blast and got blow to smithereens the end.
"Cough Cough." (Staff)
Oh right, he was blown to smithereens all over the country and was reassembled in New York 2013, and never could fit in, he was ested in science for years that damaged and scared his entire life. Now he lives in fear for the rest fo his life, which sadly ended when he reached for another shiny object and got blow to smithereens in 2015. The End.

"Clap. Clap" (Staff)
"Oh shut up!" (Narrorater/me)

2,399 posts

Speeling error here

S'osed to be Grandpa another here
S'osd to be Grandpa. Another here...
shiny hammer surrounded my lighting sparks...
S'osed to be 'shiny hammer surrounded by lighting sparks.

And that's all I can find.
316 posts

I am also going to give a story..

316 posts

The Battle For The Conquer of The World

Once there were two mages, one knew Black magic named Slitherin who wanted a locket which could help him capture the world and the other was a mage sent by heaven named Christopher who wore the locket.

Both of them were building up their forces as a war which would decide the existence of the world was about to happen<..>

The war was about to begin...

They both faced each other...

Slitherin- Return or die!!!

Christopher- We are from heaven and we will give our lives for the Holy God.

Slitherin- We also don't fear as we are from Darkland and we preach and worship Darklord.

The war began. Slitherin had many goblins, ogres, Raiders etc.

Christopher had many Paladins, flying knights etc.

The army of Slitherin was not ending as he was raising the undead again and again.

Then after a long time the war ended and the army of Christopher had fallen.

But when Slitherin saw the neck of Christopher he saw that there was no locket in his neck....

Then what? Christopher had not died but he had sent his army to distract Slitherin and the body was of another man...

Then as soon as Slitherin could realize it Christopher came with his army including God also.

God- Don't harm mankind!!

Slitherin- I am not scared from any God except Darklord.

God- Willisphus stranter!!!!

With this only attack Slitherin fell to the ground and died..

As it always happens- Nothing is better and powerful than good......

4,206 posts

Really really religious...i didn't really like it.

4,871 posts

I really have a good idea but 'm trying to think of a way to put it into short story form..hmm.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Whee~ Well guys, just try, it won't hurt!

Deadline is 9th August take note!

316 posts

@loloynage- It was just a magic story as a story should have emotions, adventures, and a little bit of goodness....

4,871 posts

But there wasn't really a plot..

Showing 181-195 of 359