ForumsArt, Music, and WritingShort Story Contest: Fear (Page 35)

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14,990 posts
Grand Duke

The green light has been given! After weeks of preparation, the Contest can be launched!

This has been brewing in many users' mind for awhile. Enter the Official Writing Contest!

General Rules

1)Submissions for the context must specify the word count implemented.
2)It must adhere to the period's theme as the main idea, or at least have some connection.
3)It must be submitted by the deadline. (The deadline will be according to AG time so that people will not be confused by the timeframe/exploit difference in time zones.)
4)A winner cannot win twice in a row, though he or she can submit an entry the next week.
5)Winners get a merit.

What not to include

1)No excessive inappropriate language, such as vulgarities, swearing. This includes slandering anyone in the AG community.
2)No slandering of race, religion, culture, language of people.
3)No sexual references or innuendoes, though romantic scenes such as kissing can be included.

Actions that lead to disqualification

1)No plagiarism. If it has been discovered that the story has been copied, e.g. the plot has been copied, the user will be disqualified with immediate action. However, elements of inspiration can be allowed.
2)Only one submission is allowed for each user. So please do not create multiple accounts for multiple entries. If it has been discovered that a user has submitted many entries due to this method, he or she will be disqualified.
3)If someone's username is used as a character's name or mentioned in the story, ask for permission first. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

Judge: Me, though I will appoint someone else if I want to take part.

Current Theme: Fire. Fiery start eh?

Deadline: 31st May (Two weeks)

Without further ado, let it begin!

*Note: Everything is subjected to change!

  • 359 Replies
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Oh dang, I'm really sorry. For reasons I will not disclose....oh bull who am I kidding, vile depression, massive school work, bad prioritazation, and the lack of will, the judging was delayed. But it's nothing to do with lack of entusiasm just to clarify. In the meantime, the next topic will be Magic, so go and write something if you wish first. Judging will be tomorrow, when I get back home from school. Promise. And I'm really sorry, it's mainly because because of my wretched feelings. Feel free to label me with anything you want.

3,550 posts

Ohh, ok. It be alright. Hmmm, magic. And Ideas already roll in my mind.

5,838 posts

Feel free to label me with anything you want.

I wish I had one of those pricing guns they have in shops.... <makes a label with Nicho on> My logic is if I put it in a bottle anmd then in a sea it should wash up on your doorstep >.>

Magic? There was a fuggle called Garry Fotter...
14,990 posts
Grand Duke


As I'm sneaking on the Internet now, I'll still judge, albeit with shorter comments. I'll post the full length one hopefully by the end of the week.

Third Place goes to....


I felt that the story was quite well played out, especially with the dialogue that was realistic. However, the initial paragraphs were slightly clumsy in description.

Second Place goes to...DarkArgen.

Essentially, the story was rather morbid in terms of plot and the emotions were well developed. However, I see only a slight connection between the two portions, pulling down the overall feel.

First Place goes to...Alt.

To put it, it was the most exquisitely described and written; it didn't contain much clumsy phrases, or unrealistic and flimsy third person structures that bug me. The right amount of punch. And go ask Strop for your merit.

Honourable mention

Nerdius. A nice attempt at blending the future and past, though it turned out a little flat. It would have been much better if you wrote more, and gave more time to describing the scenes, instead of hopping from era to era fast.

That doesn't mean the rest of the stories were bad; I had a hard time judging. Keep up the good work!


Next theme: Magic

Deadline: Undecided, I'll post one later.

Happy writing.

1,044 posts

We fathom over destiny!

***The beginning***

In a cold winter night, there is a small village containing 30 people. Their brown homes lit with only candles and fire. The roofs, the trees, and the ground, are lightly covered in snow. A young boy, while traveling to his house, plays with his breath that is shown by the cold. But in the smallest house of all, made up of just 2 rooms, lie a even younger boy and his grandpa sitting by the fire on his favorite rocking chair. The old man is reading to the child, a fairy tale full of adventure, honesty, and most other good virtues. But most of all it had heroes and dragons, and magic. Yes, that world was filled with magic. But little does anyone know that that world was ours long ago.


(To be continued)

5,579 posts

I thought my story would have gotten better. . . Hm.

Magic. . . . I'll think of something later.

4,536 posts

I could give this a shot...

Magic, magic tricks, card tricks, card games, poker, poker, fireplace poker, fire place, Santa Claus, Chirstmas, the magic of Christmas!

Wow, I can't believe I actually came upon a topic through all of that. =/

4,682 posts

Hmm.. I love magic. I could give this one a shot also.

9,821 posts

"Your name?"

"Franklin Silveroth."

"You here to apply?"

"Maybe. I have some questions though. Why is this place so elitist?"

"Is it elitism? No."

"Bu-but why isn't everyone allowed in?"

"Simple. Because many can't handle it. This isn't stable matter, and it isn't stable energy. Only a select few can handle magic, and there are many broad filters that determine whether one can or not. It's not elitism if you're going by fact."

"What are these filters, exactly?"

"Intellect is the main one. You must be intelligent, to predict what form it will take or how to channel it's energy. Also, you need dexterity. To shape the matter."

The man turned over the magic matter in his hands. It wasn't liquid nor solid - it reacted to the movements of his fingers, being reshaped and kept in line. Sparks emanated from the mass - excess energy. It was cradled by his palm, so it never fell to the floor, but it seemed to be close to slipping every second.

"It's a unique substance, magic is. It has to be handled with care and expertise. At this academy, you learn how to do so. You learn the properties of its states, its versatility, its uses. No other place can teach you that. Vareth just shows you how to use a staff with some of this stuff embedded - that limits the potential of magic. Zane just gives you a basic understanding of how to make it not kill you if you hold it. We give you all that, and more."

"How much more?"

He took the magic matter, flattened it, and tossed it like a frisbee. It gave off sparks - red, blue, pink, orange - before it spun into a small whirlwind.

"Everything. Not just in staves - manually. See what I just did? After years of training, I was able to take the most unstable substance in the world, mold it how I wanted, predict what would happen if I would release it from my grasp, and acted upon that. In seconds. I went to this academy. And in years, you could be as proficient as I am."

"Hmmmm. . .that is impressive. You have me sold. I guess I'll apply."
"Guess?? Haha, you're a modest one. Guess I'll give you the graduation test, skip the lessons. You don't seem to think you need 'em, anyway."

"Wait, wha-"

"Now, I need you to hit the center of the target on the wall with a WA-Level Prismic Blast. You have 30 seconds. Gather the matter in your hand by focusing hard. GO!"

He looked around. The explanation from the man went straight over his head, and to be succinct, he had no idea how the hell to do that stuff.

To be continued. . .still writing the story. . . .

9,821 posts

I'm not really happy with this entry. . . .

"Your name?"

"Franklin Silveroth."

"You here to apply?"

"Maybe. I have some questions though. Why is this place so elitist?"

"Is it elitism? No."

"Bu-but why isn't everyone allowed in?"

"Simple. Because many can't handle it. This isn't stable matter, and it isn't stable energy. Only a select few can handle magic, and there are many broad filters that determine whether one can or not. It's not elitism if you're going by fact."

"What are these filters, exactly?"

"Intellect is the main one. You must be intelligent, to predict what form it will take or how to channel it's energy. Also, you need dexterity. To shape the matter."

The man turned over the magic matter in his hands. It wasn't liquid nor solid - it reacted to the movements of his fingers, being reshaped and kept in line. Sparks emanated from the mass - excess energy. It was cradled by his palm, so it never fell to the floor, but it seemed to be close to slipping every second.

"It's a unique substance, magic is. It has to be handled with care and expertise. At this academy, you learn how to do so. You learn the properties of its states, its versatility, its uses. No other place can teach you that. Vareth just shows you how to use a staff with some of this stuff embedded - that limits the potential of magic. Zane just gives you a basic understanding of how to make it not kill you if you hold it. We give you all that, and more."

"How much more?"

He took the magic matter, flattened it, and tossed it like a frisbee. It gave off sparks - red, blue, pink, orange - before it spun into a small whirlwind.

"Everything. Not just in staves - manually. See what I just did? After years of training, I was able to take the most unstable substance in the world, mold it how I wanted, predict what would happen if I would release it from my grasp, and acted upon that. In seconds. I went to this academy. And in years, you could be as proficient as I am."

"Hmmmm. . .that is impressive. You have me sold. I guess I'll apply."
"Guess?? Haha, you're a modest one. Guess I'll give you the graduation test, skip the lessons. You don't seem to think you need 'em, anyway."

"Wait, wha-"

"Now, I need you to hit the center of the target on the wall with a WA-Level Prismic Blast. You have 30 seconds. Gather the matter in your hand by focusing hard. GO!"

He looked around. The explanation from the man went straight over his head, and to be succinct, he had no idea how the hell to do that stuff.

"Well, are you going to do anything?"

"I don't know how!"

"Case and point, kid. Watch."

The man froze, lost in concentration. Magic matter began to collect in his hand, forming a sphereesque mass. He flexed his four fingers, turning it a deep azure, before snapping his fingers and tossing the matter. It hit the target on the bullseye, exploding into a burst of water.

"What was that?"

"A high-level manipulation of magic matter. You'll learn it in the Academy."

"Ummmm. . .okay. . .I'll apply then!"

"Good, good. Here's your schedule."

"Wait. . .I'm starting NOW?"

"You seemed eager before."

"Well. . .I am. . .but. . . ."

"Don't worry."

Franklin looked at his schedule.

First Period: Elemental Study 10:000-11:00 AM
Second Period: Open Practice 11:05-12:05 PM
Third Period: Uses of Magic 12:10-1:10 PM
Fourth Period: Physical Education/Study Hall 1:15-2:15 PM
Lunch 2:25-3:05 PM
Fifth Period: Molding 3:15-4:15 PM

"Ummmm. . .looks okay. . .I'll start tomorrow!"

"Good then. Off you go now, have a nice day."


The man slumped back in his chair, content.

"Finally, we've filled the classes. . . ."

5,838 posts

<sigh> I hate Harry Potter. Good versus Evil is such a simple plan for a story, well done you have overcome unsurpassable odds to defeat Voldemort but that isn't magic it's fiction. I'm magic. I'm powerful. I had a choice myself a long time ago; my own battle between good and evil which one to be. The love and adoration of good. Or the ultimate power of evil. Can you guess which I went for?

The first death was an accident... I promise. I was screwing around with some spells and... well... he got in the way. His expression, twisted and haunted, still brings a rye smile to my face. It was the abyssusitum incantation that did it. I had been practising it, growing stronger and more comfortable with my powers. Oh but I cried at first then I laughed. Then I went for more. "I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die" I love that song so that is precisely what I did. His demise, his expression, the look of being locked into himself set me free. Remarque said "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic." and that is how I have learnt to hide myself. The more I kill the less they care. The more I kill the more magic I have, the more energy, the more power. I almost feel like I rely on them, those poor little people. Though they rely on me much more. They can't stop me but I can stop them. I once almost did. I could... I could.... crush them; I could. I swear I don't need them. My magic is my power not theirs. I'm unique, I'm pure, I'm alone. And there is no one out there, just the dark, the never ending darkness. 1 billion people are left, too fight me, too submit to me.

They did it, all one billion people; all of them. They worked out the trick, my magic. All it took was 6 billion deaths and they finally got the motivation to make the jump. To my side. bot evil but magic. And now they understand. That burning inside. Of course some are good, the minority, most saw my power and wanted it. The few that didn't saw the suffering and the death and ran away to help and to be kind. A waste I fear. But they shall be stopped. Good never triumphs over evil. This isn't a comic book or a story or film. This is my world and they shall regret every moment of their decision...

They started without me. My allies, disciples; barely a few hundred thousand were still fighting against us when I approached. They had been battling for hourse before I arrived and I pitied them all, their weakness. If an end is what they wanted then an end is what I shall give them. A swoop, a mere flick of my wrist is all I need to get rid of this nuisance. Abyssusitum is best for this, no longer the careless causer of one death it can now kill thousands.

Only evil is here now with me as the leader a God or a demon perhaps. Regardless of my title the fact remains I'm in charge, I'm the most powerful and no ones magic is stronger. There are a few triators and they can here me. Don't try it, don't think about trying it because I can hear you and I will crush you...

586 words ok nicho? Another upbeat short story for you to peruse at your leisure

1,707 posts

Well since my AG character is magic i guess i could sub,it the back story for Gametesta:

Alec was walking home from his job when he took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end and was confronted by a big industrial warehouse. A man in a long purple robe walked out. He told Alec to come inside so he did. But when he inside he was hit on the back of head with a piece of wood..........................................
He awoke several hours later with no idea of who he was. Only the man in the purple robe. He got to his feet. The lights turned on immediately.When he realized that his hands were long swords. And he was nt on the ground he was slightly suspended in the air. He then realized he had wings. And a Necklace around his neck. He touched and it covered him in a blue aruoa. Just as quick as it came it left. Since Alec had no idea who was he looks at the back of the necklace with the inscription: "Gametesta". He assumes it his names. He searches the warehouse and it's empty but on the top floor cash was everywhere. He then decided he would travel the world and find he man that did this to him.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Though I am really bad at zeh writing thingy thing I will make a story.
Alvaro and the Wizard
A boy was born in Paraguay has family was very poor, so the small boy had o work from the age of four. At the beginning of his life he helped his father who was a wood chopper by caring his tools. One day they the boy and his father went to the woods as always, there something happened. While they were eating a sandwich during their brake a huge wolf came and took Alvaro away. His father tried to follow the wolf but the animal disappeared in a magical way.
The next morning the boy woke up in a cave there was no sign of the wolf. He started looking and touching everything, cause he was curious as every other kid of his age, but when he touched a strange stone, something made a strange sound. Alvaro was terrified, so he tried to leave that odd place.
While he was trying to find the exit a beautiful woman came and told him that the wolf was an evil werewolf/wizard which used children for his cruel experiments, she also told him that he was the only one that could win him. The boy of course asked how, but the woman did not reply.
Alvaro did not know what to do, but he decided that he could not win him and that he should run away from that evil place.
After hours of wandering he managed to get out, but after only some steps, the wolf came. He looked him with his small red eyes, he seemed that it was ready to kill him. The wolf was very scary, but the boy did not look scared. So the animal changed shape, he was now a wise old man. He told him kindly to come back in the cave, cause the wood s are an extremely dangerous place. Alvaro continued ignoring him. The man did not know what else to do, he told him that he would kill him, that he would buy him presents, but nothing, Alvaro did not move. They continued looking to each other for hours, until the wizard fell asleep. The boy saw the opportunity and killed the evil creature using a stone he found.
After that the woman appeared again and brought Alvaro to his father, the boy continued his life and did not had again any kind of magical trouble and they lived happily ever after.
The end.

4,206 posts

Looks like a interesting theme. I am working on mine, i think i finished 1/4 of the story...

677 posts

I'm also going to participate i'll submit mine soon.

Showing 166-180 of 359