ForumsWEPRTeaching Evolution in High Schools ~ The Age Old Debate

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102 posts

What do you believe? Do you think teaching evolution in Biology classes in high school is acceptible? Discuss the topic and your opinion, but please keep it clean.

At my high school we're taught evolution alongside the belief that the Earth was created by a diety. So I'm ok with evolution being taught in high schools.

Please don't turn this into a big argument about whether evolution is real or not. Thanks!

  • 175 Replies
259 posts

Again, I ask my question again to you, communist09: the fact that a certain sect of people believes that god did something means that we can't teach a scientific theory that says otherwise?

I would support that idea, just not in the taxpayer funded public schools.
4,871 posts

To clarify, then, unless creationism is absolutely proven completely wrong, you will hold it on equal scientific standing to evolution, despite the overwhelming evidence?

It will always be in the same area at least. I'm of the belief that both do have quite a bit of evidence for them evolution just has more. I think if an equal amount of time and resources and money were spent on both the evidence would be just about par.
263 posts

I would support that idea, just not in the taxpayer funded public schools.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying that evolution should be taught in the taxpayer-funded, while private schools should be able to teach whatever?

It will always be in the same area at least. I'm of the belief that both do have quite a bit of evidence for them evolution just has more. I think if an equal amount of time and resources and money were spent on both the evidence would be just about par.

Regardless of what evidence you think creationism might have, if the current evidence is any the favor of evolution, you almost have to side with evolution then - or at least not put it equal with a less-supported theory. Kinda a truism, really.
259 posts

I'm saying, Evolution should NOT be taught in PUBLIC schools. I don't really understand how private schools work, so I don't really have a say in that matter

1,455 posts

I'm saying, Evolution should NOT be taught in PUBLIC schools. I don't really understand how private schools work, so I don't really have a say in that matter

They teach evolution is science class for private schools. In religion class they teach creationism. They don't really contradict each other, as all the evolution teachers say that "God created people WITH evolution". Creavolutionism. Kind of catchy
259 posts

"God created people WITH evolution". Creavolutionism. Kind of catchy

Yep, I've heard of that a couple of times before. That used to be my original belief, but then I stopped believing in god completely.
263 posts

They teach evolution is science class for private schools. In religion class they teach creationism. They don't really contradict each other, as all the evolution teachers say that "God created people WITH evolution". Creavolutionism. Kind of catchy

It really depends on the private school. I attended a Christian school - two different Christian schools, actually, and both of them taught solely Creationism in their science classes. Non-religious private schools may be completely different however, as I have no experience with them.
3,025 posts

Creationism will never be proven wrong, though, because it is theoretically impossible to completely prove anything like it wrong. Similarly, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will never be proven wrong - but that does not mean it is in any way reasonable to believe in its validity.

I beg to differ on God my friend - I won't go to Hell, at least I think, I am nearly all-evolutionist, but until I die and find out the road I'm headed for I'm staying on the edge...

"God created people WITH evolution".

Y-You're joking right? No, you're wrong, it's a choice between the two never a combination, the natural Evolution Tree supports that our closest relatives on the Tree is Apes, we literally broke off, we didn't go into natura development, we simply broke off like any other thing would, like Lionardo Da Vinci broke off the Steam Engine, he saved us around 400 years getting to the Industrial Age, he was a 1-off, the main thing is that Religion has no proof, Science does, any Science theory has atleast some proof, with everything going and sinking in easier than lego, Religion I'd say is a bunch of parables and bed-time stories 2000 years back, nothing more, we have them now, Sand Man, Humpty Back Lepricorn, Humpty Dumpty, Tooth Fairy, Santa, it's all the same, think about it that way, and the flying Spaghetti Monster? Rubbish, if I see it I'll believe it but I doubt it can fly, that's a form of magic, oh and even though I wish it was real it most probably isn't...

- H
3,224 posts

No, you're wrong, it's a choice between the two never a combination,

Purely for the sake of argument, could God not have engineered evolution? The slow miracle, not the fast one?
259 posts

No, you're wrong, it's a choice between the two never a combination,

It doesn't have to be that way. Only for the christians that follow the bible and believe in organized religion and such. but there are independent christian movements wich intepret the bible diferent than most, or just simply don't follow the bible.
1,455 posts

It really depends on the private school. I attended a Christian school - two different Christian schools, actually, and both of them taught solely Creationism in their science classes. Non-religious private schools may be completely different however, as I have no experience with them.

I go to Catholic private school. I've never really seen a problem with religion and evolution. I know many people would beg to differ, but from my own interpretation, evolution doesn't contradict religion.
310 posts

I just wanted to say that I don't think religion should be brought into schools in anything but a purely educational perspective. I went to a school where we were not required to stand and say the pledge of alligence because it went against the religions of some of the student body. We learned a little bit about a lot of religions but no one evers said "this is what's right and this is what's wrong". It was straight facts, how different religions started, what the basic belief systems of some of them are, and that kind of thing. That's the way I think it should be, based in history and unbiased.

1,633 posts

I want to comment that scientists should stay out of churches, and priests should stay outside of the classroom. Evolution is based off logical,proven, science but it is not required to accept in class.
you can score a perfect on the evolution exam and believe in it. Besides you can not shelter your children for the rest of their lives. They are going to hear about some point or another.

1,633 posts

i mean Not believe in it sorry about that.

310 posts

I go to Catholic private school. I've never really seen a problem with religion and evolution. I know many people would beg to differ, but from my own interpretation, evolution doesn't contradict religion.

I was raised with a basic Christain ethic but I was also allowed to make the major decisions about my choice of faith myself. The fact is that I really have yet to make a concrete decision. I am an agnostic. I believe in the possiblity of a god but I don't know for sure. Part of this means that I believe you could have both evolution and God. I also believe that if you take what is in the Bible word for word then evolution becomes nearly impossible to believe in. I guess I grew up with a little more scientific view of things. The way I see it there are far too many religions out there for any one of them to be completely correct about everything. Many religions tell you to be tolerant and accepting of others when they also expect you to believe that they are the one true faith and everyone else is wrong. Personal I think that the Universe is far to big for us, as humans, to think we know enough about it to make judgements as to its origins or our own.

Wow that was long I'm going to shut up now.
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