ForumsWEPRTeaching Evolution in High Schools ~ The Age Old Debate

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102 posts

What do you believe? Do you think teaching evolution in Biology classes in high school is acceptible? Discuss the topic and your opinion, but please keep it clean.

At my high school we're taught evolution alongside the belief that the Earth was created by a diety. So I'm ok with evolution being taught in high schools.

Please don't turn this into a big argument about whether evolution is real or not. Thanks!

  • 175 Replies
3,025 posts

Believe it or not we share 98% of our genes with monkeys, and knowing this we should respect the possibility of of evolution as a plausable idea.

Thanks Timothy, and sorry for the double post, but this explains too much that itself can possibly contradict Religion, 98% of OUR Genes is that of a MONKEYS, this explains my earlier arguement, in which I didn't keep on about, so I will now - Monkeys and Dinosaurs are us relative-wise, Timothy, your greatx1000-grand-mother could've been a Dinosaur, it was probably more than 1000 lol, but she couldn't been, my greatx200-grand-father could've been a human, but his greatx1200-grand-mothers greatx1200-grand-niece could've been that parrot, if you don't understand then try to by reading it over again, because it's important to know, I only hope that you choose what I think is the right one

P.S (Again) I am against Religion, but if I do die and I go into Heaven / Hell, I would believe not beleive in God unless I saw him, or any other Entity for that matter, even though I doubt it, it's quite nice to know that I've been wrong for the right reasons, but you been right for the wrong reasons (Faith is the worst thing you should do for the Entity thing, I would say Logic is the best, but if you see it, and you KNOW it's there, then you only need that.), take that home with ya again please.

- H
3,025 posts

I believe we should be teaching our children all possible theories. There's no reason to exclude some knowledge from a children's education just because a group of people don't believe in it.

I know Razaki been over this but there is definately no chance that could happen, you proved your point Razaki but I want to make it worse if that happened, take Mythology, something I'm good at, if an earthquake happened they'd say the Titan God was displeased, because he had held the earth up, sounds annoying but true in Mythology, if a Volcano erupted they'd say that the Olympian Gods were displeased, imagine saying that when there's such a logical and scientific explaination for these happenings, you'd set us back to the Archaic Age in Logical Terms! And I know I triple Posted, so sorry, I keep forgetting to check others >.< - One sec, I'll check now.

ChristianPatriot you are OUT OF LINE! You liar! The Bible says nothing that would compromise that Evolution is right, and for the heck of it you lied! I thought you believed the ten commandments, you broke one of them.... You're not real Christian, if anyone has any questions on Religion / GLobal Warming / Evolution go to me, I'll give you the basis inside out and in again, not a freakin' liar like ChristianPatriot...

- H
1,434 posts

Allow ChillzMaster to cool you guys off.

The bible has Christians believe that Adam was created by God, and Eve was born from his rib.

Come on. "born from a rib"....that's slightly impossible, and also induces the belief of alchemy, crafting something from a similar thing.

I am a slight atheist, but I am drifting back to protestantism for this exact topic.

God must have crafted the first species with the ability to be able to become better, to change. We see that muscular males get plenty of females, and their sperm gets passed on potentially numerous numbers of times. The same goes for other animals.

The only difference between humans and other animals, is a large brain. Brawn cannot stop it, and speed cannot. Who wins, a five-foot spear, or a claw?

Who wins, guns, or teeth?

We as humans evolved even as recently as thousands of years ago! Humans are also based into species, and dont insult me for this.

But Blacks are internally the same, but physically and mentally different, the same with Asians, Europeans, Native Americans, Caucasians, we're all different species, like Cobras, rattlesnakes, and boas under Snakes.

As we moved, our skin tones changed, our bodies evolved, and before "modern" shelter, our foreheads stuck out as makeshift umbrellas. Two thousand years later, taht went away due to us building our own shelters! We are surpreme, only because of our minds. One day, another trait may defeat our motor-skills and problem-solving skills, but i doubt it will.

263 posts

But Blacks are internally the same, but physically and mentally different, the same with Asians, Europeans, Native Americans, Caucasians, we're all different species, like Cobras, rattlesnakes, and boas under Snakes.

No, no we're not. At all. That's a very disgusting understanding of taxonomy and evolution.

Although "species" as a definition is a bit controversial and in flux, I can assure you that "race" and "species" are just...NOT the same thing.

Cobras and Rattlesnakes are different, yes, but "rattlesnake" is not a species. There are 27 different species that are considered rattlesnakes.

As we moved, our skin tones changed, our bodies evolved, and before "modern" shelter, our foreheads stuck out as makeshift umbrellas. Two thousand years later, taht went away due to us building our own shelters! We are surpreme, only because of our minds. One day, another trait may defeat our motor-skills and problem-solving skills, but i doubt it will.

If the other things didn't, this makes me think this post is some sort of trolling joke, but...

It's not even worth replying. Wow is all I can say.
3,025 posts

ChillzMaster, plz don't make me start on Religion, not a threat, but I don't wanna spend 10 minutes of my time typing why it most PROBABLY isn't real, no proof, no game

Razaki, people from different areas are different, if you realise in cold areas where Dwarves would live, they're small and 'fat' for a reason, the skin overlapping them makes them warmer for the cold seasons, Black people that are in the hottest areas are tall and skinny to get the heat out A.S.A.P, and they're Black for this Scientific Reason - Look it up

Race and Species are in no way the same thing, they are in one way or another, different races have different traits, depending on their ancestors and how they were brought up, think about it - The Hundred Years war affected more than 3 generations, that is a MAJOR difference, it probably makes a fair bit of War-Fitness today, all I'm saying is that we adapt, I said earlier we broke off the Evolution Tree - Yes we did, but that has actually made something so much better, in a way, because now we adapt and understand so much!
Let's say we over millions of years go back into an ape-like creature, we would know some of the most basic things, writing for example, we'll learn how to coordinate proper writing with our hands - We can learn how to do it better and better, even though that's obvious you would never see an Ape try so hard to get something like that, it's a feat that usually Humans would do only....
Now, a few more million years later we're back to humans, IQ and intelligence Levels went sky-rocketing, more than ever, we after 22 years know how to build a tent extremely well - Why, we've done this about 1000 years ago! More actually, it goes way back!

All I'm saying is that Evolution has so much things that are right, 98% of our genes are from Apes, true, very true, go with it my friend, it has the proof, the evidence, the theories but not the will to be followed, because people are hooked onto religion because it was made longer ago, it's probably a lie, I'm not saying it is, but I doubt that a higher Entity would come to me when I die, the best thing about evolution is that it supports curiosity, I love the fact I don't know what happens when I die, I am looking forward to dying, which seems mental-asylum-y to alot of you, I know I've got alot to look forward to, but death is an amazing thing, sounds unorthodox lol.... Someone can continue this or ask me to later lol.... You know what I mean now - I hope, cya!

- H

3,224 posts

Razaki, people from different areas are different, if you realise in cold areas where Dwarves would live, they're small and 'fat' for a reason, the skin overlapping them makes them warmer for the cold seasons, Black people that are in the hottest areas are tall and skinny to get the heat out A.S.A.P, and they're Black for this Scientific Reason - Look it up

Genetic traits and phenotypical traits rarely match up.

The Hundred Years war affected more than 3 generations, that is a MAJOR difference, it probably makes a fair bit of War-Fitness today, all I'm saying is that we adapt

3 generations is not nearly long enough to affect the evolution of humans. In addition, humans have been fighting each other as long as they have existed, to outcompete for more resources. The Hundred Years War is not exactly a unique event.

All I'm saying is that Evolution has so much things that are right, 98% of our genes are from Apes,

40% of human genes are identical to those of a lettuce.
3,562 posts

40% of human genes are identical to those of a lettuce.

and 50% to that of a banana, So does that mean I'll wake up one day and find myself half of a banana? no, probably not.
3,562 posts

Who wins, guns, or teeth?

Bullet catch

teeth win.
3,025 posts

Firefly, fair arguement, but I'm not talking about today or tomorrow, over millions of years it will switch what happened because of the Hundred years War, think about the Grandfather Paradox, if you went back in time and killed your own Grandfather your own Father wouldn't have been born - Your dead, worlds entirely changed, same with this, war didn't happen - Joan of Arc is unknown - France didn't need to regenerate - Resources would've flew in - Merceneries wouldn't have been needed

Those few makes a difference now, not even on the Evolution Tree - It's how it works, now some of the genes from the War Effort will affect us over time

50% Ape 50% Human
10% Banana 50% Ape 50% Human
20% Banana 30% Tamato 50% Ape 50% Human

Obviously this is wrong, but it works like that in my opinion, they stack and not replace - I might be wrong, if so tell me, but this tells alot of what happened (Or what might've happened)

Anyway, I need to get going, goodbye!

- H

3,224 posts

Firefly, fair arguement, but I'm not talking about today or tomorrow, over millions of years it will switch what happened because of the Hundred years War,

No, not really. Evolutionary changes do not occur because of isolated conflicts. 100 years in the grand scheme of things isnegligible anyway.

think about the Grandfather Paradox, if you went back in time and killed your own Grandfather your own Father wouldn't have been born - Your dead, worlds entirely changed, same with this, war didn't happen - Joan of Arc is unknown - France didn't need to regenerate - Resources would've flew in - Merceneries wouldn't have been needed

I fail to see how any of that would change how humans would evolve. The course of history may change, but not the phenotypical and genetic traits of the human species.
501 posts

I'm not getting into details or I will write another wall of text... Simply put, teach the evidence behind both evolution and creation. You could have them in separate classes, just have both.

If you don't believe there is evidence to support religion, see my post in the one about the debate...

501 posts

But Blacks are internally the same, but physically and mentally different, the same with Asians, Europeans, Native Americans, Caucasians, we're all different species, like Cobras, rattlesnakes, and boas under Snakes.

My answer to this, we are indeed the same. You want to know the difference? Black people have and extra tendon in their heels, have greater bone density, and look different. We are in fact, Homo sapiens sapiens. If you don't know what that means, it means that we are of the same genus, species and even the same subspecies.
Think of a dog. They are all dogs, but some are big and some are small. Some are white and some are black. They are all dogs though... Same principle applies here...
9,821 posts

Think of a dog. They are all dogs, but some are big and some are small. Some are white and some are black. They are all dogs though... Same principle applies here...

There are different species of dogs. Dogs are just all in the same genus and phylum, if I'm thinking correctly.
102 posts

O.o o.O I don't check on here for a couple days and this plays gets all these long posts that I'm to lazy to read... ^.^

Maybe I should hand this forum over to someone else now... It's getting to be to much for me to handle. I've never had one this big before...

9,821 posts

Maybe I should hand this forum over to someone else now... It's getting to be to much for me to handle. I've never had one this big before...

This is actually a very small thread.
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