What do you believe? Do you think teaching evolution in Biology classes in high school is acceptible? Discuss the topic and your opinion, but please keep it clean.
At my high school we're taught evolution alongside the belief that the Earth was created by a diety. So I'm ok with evolution being taught in high schools.
Please don't turn this into a big argument about whether evolution is real or not. Thanks!
Haha, there's no reason you should know who I am, probably.
I used to be very active on these forums. Devoidless wasn't a mod, at the time, I believe, and we had many conversations in lots of topics in the forums. I disappeared for a bit, and I came back. That's the story.
1. Evolution has absolutely no scientific basis 2. The Bible proves creationism right, and evolution wrong 3. Darwin himself wrote in his memoirs that most everything he said was wrong
This statement is either meant to be inflammatory or is simply meant to try to straw man the evolutionist. Either way, it's obviously without question completely absurd to say something like this.
2. The Bible proves creationism right, and evolution wrong
Again, this is simply ridiculous to even say. Why bother posting anything at all?
3. Darwin himself wrote in his memoirs that most everything he said was wrong
This was a complete lie propagated by Christian leaders in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. If you would just take like 2 minutes to hit the ol' Googler, you would have figured that out. Spreading misinformation like this, while a Christian specialty, is exactly why an issue like evolution even needs to be debated.
Please don't spam guys. This isn't a debate about evolution. Please take it somewhere else, like your comments. Or the actual evolution forum. This is saying if you think it should be taught in high schools or not. Thanks!
Please don't spam guys. This isn't a debate about evolution. Please take it somewhere else, like your comments. Or the actual evolution forum. This is saying if you think it should be taught in high schools or not. Thanks!
I'm not sure how you can even attempt to debate the credibility of teaching evolution without discussing whether or not it's true.
After all, if you were attempt to debate whether or not you should teach Astrology in high school, the entire debate centers around whether or not astrology is, in fact, credible enough to be taught.
If you don't want people to debate the truthfulness of evolution, Morrighan, then please, explain to me how else you can approach the argument?
I believe we should be teaching our children all possible theories. There's no reason to exclude some knowledge from a children's education just because a group of people don't believe in it.
In my Biology class, we weren't allowed to be taught anything regarding a deity. But we side-stepped this rule by having a class debate. It was a very fulfilling experience. Once everyone decided who would debate which side, the argument was swapped and evolutionists had to debate creationism and vice versa.
I believe we should be teaching our children all possible theories. There's no reason to exclude some knowledge from a children's education just because a group of people don't believe in it.
Are...are you serious?
Do you understand what can of worms that opens?
So, in other words, you would like to teach alchemy, phrenology, astrology, the idea that the earth is flat, and every single creation myth out there JUST because someone believes it?
In my Biology class, we weren't allowed to be taught anything regarding a deity. But we side-stepped this rule by having a class debate. It was a very fulfilling experience. Once everyone decided who would debate which side, the argument was swapped and evolutionists had to debate creationism and vice versa.
That isn't Biology, though. Biology is not debate class, nor is it a religious studies class, nor is it an environment that should be spent arguing over what SHOULD be taught. Biology is a class that is meant to impart the scientific knowledge that the science community at large deems necessary and important for a high school student to learn.
And please don't take my post out of context, that's a child's argument. I don't see anything wrong with teaching children both evolution and creationism. Children are taught that at one point the earth was believed to be flat, so your statement really does nothing to refute mine.
Evolution is a Theory that has as much to do with religion as an old shoe sitting on the side walk. Creationism is incompatable with many many things, and based off this it should be acceptable to teach both in schools. Worshop is a seprate issue and I personally believe that worshop doesn't belong in public schools. Creationism and Evolution aren't in complete contrast as is popular belief by some people blined by their inability to see anything they are not told to. The ability and the willingness to question is what makes us human and should as such be excercised to its fullest extent in every aspect that it proves necessary. No our school systems aren't perfect this is an ageold debate with no propper reason for existing in the first place. I personally would lean tward evolution if i had to choose, but as I said the two aren't in complete contrats. Believe it or not we share 98% of our genes with monkeys, and knowing this we should respect the possibility of of evolution as a plausable idea.
And please don't take my post out of context, that's a child's argument. I don't see anything wrong with teaching children both evolution and creationism. Children are taught that at one point the earth was believed to be flat, so your statement really does nothing to refute mine.
If I at any point took your quote out of context, I apologize, but at this point I fail to see where I did such a thing. Please let me know, and I'll correct what I said.
Children are taught that at one point the earth was thought to be flat, yes, and then they are taught that it was a WRONG idea because of the evidences that we have that the earth is obviously roundish. Creationism can be mentioned as something that science once believed, as it was, but never taught as a viable theory, because it is fundamentally unscientific, if only for the reason that it is unfalsifiable.
I fail to see how that doesn't refute you.
Creationism is incompatable with many many things, and based off this it should be acceptable to teach both in schools.
The ability and the willingness to question is what makes us human and should as such be excercised to its fullest extent in every aspect that it proves necessary. No our school systems aren't perfect this is an ageold debate with no propper reason for existing in the first place.
People always throw around this idea that if you teach both theories, you're somehow teaching children to think "critically" and to exercise analytic thinking. You're not. You're teaching them a blatantly unscientific theory in a science class. You're lying to them, just as if you were to teach them both the flat-earth and round-earth models in geology class, with equal weight on both.
Just because two theories compete does not make them equally valid, nor equally qualified to be taught in a school.
Coorect me if I'm wrong, but your bottem line is to teach them both subjects, with all proof that goes to both (which no offense I don't see any that Religion has.) and if you do find out which one, which I do not mind which one is right, because that makes it true, but whichever one is right with no pushbacks to their proof should be taught, of course I would think that logically thinking people would choose Evolution, purely for the fact that it has alot of statistics that work with eachother, alot of proof and explains why other natures haven't developed such a society like humans - We torn off the Evolution Tree, but monkeys and other apes are actually learning quite well, anyway my point is that the logic and proof points towards Evolution, and I don't know why Religion was made up (if it was, so sorry if that offends you!) if it was of course, but I don't think it was a mad man bent on world domination. I just hope this helps, good luck, good night, may this go with you.
P.S I don't believe in Luck, my terminology of it is that a small small tiny amount of chance actually goes your way, just so you know