
51 7225
671 posts

In the threads about homosexual marriage all the bigots of this forum keep dodging th emost important question there is to do with this issue and that is why.

Please, only post in this thread if you are against homosexual marriage and you're argument isn't
God says so
or, personally I find it wrong/wierd/gross etc.

Also, the whoel voting majority thing isn't relevant because I'm not talking about specific places that either do or don't have it. But why should it be an issue that is even worthy of voting for from a specifically legal (ya know, the only one tha matters in this case) point of view

  • 51 Replies
332 posts

If y'all are getting upset (especially you Moegreche) over that one message saying gays don't contribute anything to the population. Then you can suck it. It was a joke and y'all need to grow some "sense of humor" trees.

If its a joke like that, that's nothing to do with a sense of humor. Its just disgusting, even if it was meant to be funny. Your fucking "sense of humor" trees need to have their branches cut down

9,821 posts

If y'all are getting upset (especially you Moegreche) over that one message saying gays don't contribute anything to the population. Then you can suck it. It was a joke and y'all need to grow some "sense of humor" trees.

I'll bet you your sense of humor would find racist jokes funny too > >
D'ya think Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore are funny?
Would you crack up if I made a racist joke, namely one involving African Americans and watermelon?
Your sense of humor is -not- a good one. A lot of it is just disgusting and insensitive.
3,826 posts

Okay, we're getting way of topic now. The point of this thread must be maintained for it to remain open. We have a problem with several outcomes:
The problem:
No one seems to be able to come up with a secular argument against gay marriage.
The consequences:
What do we assume? That there is no basis for an argument against gay marriage that isn't religious, or are we just not clever enough to produce such an argument?
If there is no secular argument against gay marriage, what does that imply? Does that mean that gay marriage is not immoral? Just because we can't give an argument against it doesn't necessarily mean it's not bad... or does it?

1,310 posts

If there is no secular argument against gay marriage, what does that imply? Does that mean that gay marriage is not immoral? Just because we can't give an argument against it doesn't necessarily mean it's not bad... or does it?

Well, if there's no secular arguments for it, then I would say it implies that in secular countries (with no state sponsored religions) that there really isn't any reason to ban gay marriage.

I would say that it means gay marriage is not immoral. It goes back to the idea of 'harm' in that, it doesn't hurt anyone. Generally things that humans universally consider immoral (r.ape, murder, theft, destruction of property) people are being hurt by the actions, whereas with gay marriage, nobody is on the receiving end of any kind of physical or emotional damage.

I would say that because we can't come up with an argument against it *does* mean it's not bad. And it's not just Armor games & the level of intellect of the people posting on this forum - there are some sharp people here, and you hear the same kinds of arguments being touted on major television news networks, newspapers, and forums with intellectual debate.

If there isn't a reason to believe that something is true, it's irrational to believe that it must be true; and rationality is a key to a successful future.
1,455 posts

If there isn't a reason to believe that something is true, it's irrational to believe that it must be true; and rationality is a key to a successful future.

That pretty much sums up this whole topic. Until anyone has a reason that gay marriage should be illegal, it shall remain legal. But don't even start to think that'll stop the gay-haters
Would you crack up if I made a racist joke, namely one involving African Americans and watermelon?

At first when I read this, I thought you said:
Would you crack up if I made a racist joke, namely one involving African Americans?
Anyway, we should probably leave that dude alone before he makes another joke.
9,821 posts

Anyway, we should probably leave that dude alone before he makes another joke.

Definitely. The scary thing is that he probably would laugh if I made such an awful joke. . . .
I have a headache, so what HiddenDistance said. :P
5,642 posts

God wanted it that way.

Why? Because god's a Caucasian redneck in a robe. Or at least that's how most &quotopular" religions describe him. Hahaha, I'm just fooling with ya, it's only christianity. As far as I've checked at least.

But really this thread is just stupid, the main reason why anyone would say that gay marriage is wrong, is because of god saying it shouldn't be that way, or because they think it's "immoral", because god said so. If someone can say to me why they think gay marriage is immoral, and wrong, and not hint a single SPECK of religion, I'll say that gays shouldn't get married. Scratch that, if they can give a GOOD reason without them relating it to god, or any deity for that matter.

Personally, for all you people who say that gay marriage is wrong due to god not wanting it, or because you think it's immoral, think of it as this:

1, Straight marriage has made more immoral things than gay marriage. Seductive blondes that marry purely so they can milk the money out of old people, and sometimes kill their partner so they can get their money faster and not be expected to screw him. There's been rushed marriages that were a "it seemed like a good idea at the time" deals where they turned out to hate each other, and didn't want to deal with divorces, so they tried to kill each other. There's also been accounts where they've caused so much grief for each other that they'd kill themselves. However, gay marriage it generally takes someone to really love another, because people are so much against it. You'd need some REALLY, REALLY strong feelings in order to go against so many different people.

2, Marriage in general is nothing sacred, it's just someone putting a ring on another person's finger. If it wasn't for a bunch of legal, money BS, we wouldn't have as much trouble with mariage as is. Personally, I think that all marriage is wrong. It's fail, simply put, it's fail. I'm not against gay marriage in particular, I'm just against marriage because I find nothing to be beneficial about it other than you buy each other an obscenely expensive ring.

9,821 posts

But really this thread is just stupid,

The point of it was to figure out if the anti-homosexuals had any nonreligious basis for their argument. It proves the point that they don't.
3,562 posts

Because god's a Caucasian redneck in a rob

well he has a beard... and probably a shotgun... I dunno, you sure make a convincing argument.
1,455 posts

I'd say a machinegun. I personally think it's better just for more than one guy, you know?
Anyway, back on topic, if you need proof that there are no non-religious anti-homosexual threads, there's a thread called "Why?" where you can see for yourself.
Right here. You can click on the link, or just stay on this page, and it'll take you there.

9,821 posts

I'd say a machinegun. I personally think it's better just for more than one guy, you know?
Anyway, back on topic, if you need proof that there are no non-religious anti-homosexual threads, there's a thread called "Why?" where you can see for yourself.
Right here. You can click on the link, or just stay on this page, and it'll take you there.

I actualy have my money on the holy hand grenade of Antioch.

This IS the 'why?' thread. . . .
> >
< <
> >
3,224 posts

Why? Because god's a Caucasian redneck in a robe. Or at least that's how most &quotopular" religions describe him. Hahaha, I'm just fooling with ya, it's only christianity. As far as I've checked at least.

Ironically Jesus probably looked like what most modern day American rednecks would think of as a terrorist.
671 posts

Ironically Jesus probably looked like what most modern day American rednecks would think of as a terrorist.

LOL! So true!

So here we have it. Homophobes have been proven wrong with an oppinion, who would of thought...
501 posts

May I ask, huh? How does this prove homophobes wrong?

9,821 posts

May I ask, huh? How does this prove homophobes wrong?

It does until an anti-homosexual marriage guy shows up with a good nonreligious argument against gay marriage. Religious arguments are worthless in this debate overall.
Showing 31-45 of 51