ForumsWEPRHow Barrack Obama Spent His Memorial Day

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922 posts

Ok, well our president Barrack Obama decided to play golf on Memorial Day. Instead of going to some prayer for a soliders who died, he played golf. The reason you probably haven't heard this is because he told the media not to cover it. Somehow somebody published a paper about it, and it got out. This realy pisses me off, how about you?

  • 79 Replies
1,532 posts

Really? Have you even researched or done anything to prove he was involved? it was some dud in the White House, NOT HIM OBAMA, who didn't call it in

You talking about the plane thing? if so, i dont think anyone who didnt have permisiion from the president would do such a thing
1,101 posts

Ok, well our president Barrack Obama decided to play golf on Memorial Day. Instead of going to some prayer for a soliders who died, he played golf. The reason you probably haven't heard this is because he told the media not to cover it. Somehow somebody published a paper about it, and it got out. This realy pisses me off, how about you?

Its kinda funny how you can get so pissed off about your president taking a day off and playing golf... I mean memorial day is a holiday. I'm pretty sure u didn't go to some Church thing for 24 hours, so stop being such a hipocrit... I understand honoring those who have fallen, and im pretty sure he did more than you, by actually going to a celebration for the dead.
If i was president im pretty sure I'd be doing the same thing. If your gonna get ur panties in a bunch over a game of golf u have some serious problems... Obama has already done wonders for your country, and has almost reagained all the respect of the world that was lost under Bush's administration (what a horrible president) but you red neck conservatives are to involved in your own views to realize this...

1,532 posts
Nomad i can see where people are coming from

Its a holiday he deserves a day off

He shouldnt be playing golf

Well, hes just an average guy like you and me, and everyone deserves a day to themselves. He went to memorial services, said some speeches, and was done. What else could he do? Yeah hes the president. do you expect more out of him? I would love to hear of what some other average joes did. Me, i hung a flag, visited some of my ancestors graves, and called it good.

4,682 posts

That is stupid. You guys are nagging on him about playing gold when Bush killed millions of innocent people. You make me sick.

3,176 posts

Lesse here... Communist and Dudeguy get added to the list of people who didn't read the
posts that solved this thread. He DID honor the soldiers, he DID NOT organize the Manhattan
incident, and he DOES in fact deserve to have a relaxing time during a HOLIDAY. So for those that
don't wish to be added to the list, slandering him for false accusations, understand
this earlier post and learn something:

He didn't know about this, as it was organized by the director of the White House Military office. The mayors office WAS notified before the incident, as well as the police. However, they're was the slight problem that they weren't allowed to notified the public, which was a mistake.

obama on CNN presenting the wreath for the tomb of the Unknown soldier

He honored our soldiers who fell in battle and he was NOT involved directly with the Manhattan
incident, so can we all just drop the "attack the president" arguments? Or are there
going to be more people who didn't read to try and start this again?
259 posts

Lesse here... Communist and Dudeguy get added to the list of people who didn't read the
posts that solved this thread. He DID honor the soldiers, he DID NOT organize the Manhattan
incident, and he DOES in fact deserve to have a relaxing time during a HOLIDAY. So for those that
don't wish to be added to the list, slandering him for false accusations, understand
this earlier post and learn something:

First, I never said anything about the plane incident. Second I said:

But other than that, Obama was an idiot by doing that (if he did).

Keyword: IF HE DID, meaning I wasn't sure if he did or didn't, but he would have been stupid to have done that( if he did), and expect the American public and Obama Haters not to react

And I actually looked up the plane thing, and I did see that it wasn't his fault, but I never said about it anyway.
922 posts

That is stupid. You guys are nagging on him about playing gold when Bush killed millions of innocent people. You make me sick.

No, you are making everyone here sick. Forget about Bush, he is GONE! Forget about it. He didn't kill millions of innocent people you're just trying to find something to nag on Bush about because we are nagging on Barrack Obama. Barrack Obama said that we need to remember our soliders, and he scheduled a moment of silence for them at 12:00 P.M, but at that time was playing golf, and told the media not the cover it. IF BUSH EVER DID THE SAME THING, PEOPLE LIKE YOU WOULD NEVER LET HIM LIVE IT DOWN.
338 posts

Dont forget that before 9/11 Bush spent most of his time at his ranch. I wish that was how it works in the real world, you get a job and then dont even have to really show up.

259 posts

He didn't kill millions of innocent people

Yes he did, his War on "Terror" *cough* Oil *cough* killed got many American men and woman killed, also including the Middle Eastern civilians.

And you want to nag on Obama, but when we nag on Bush, you get all defensive and say we shouldn't be doing that.
259 posts

killed got many American men and woman killed

Lol, My mistake
223 posts

The paper that published it was probably one of those bull shit ones. "Cats found living on Mars, Bush suicidal". Grow up, you don't have to believe everything fake papers tell you.

922 posts

American men and woman killed

If your talking about soliders, then your just messed up. Thats what happens in war, people die. It wasn't his fault. I suppose you would call any of the other guys who were presidents during a war, a bad president.
259 posts

If your talking about soliders, then your just messed up. Thats what happens in war, people die. It wasn't his fault. I suppose you would call any of the other guys who were presidents during a war, a bad president.

Difference is other presidents had a reason for the war (depending which war), and the reason Iraq war was started was for Oil, but was disguised as a war to defend America.
2,053 posts

Really guys, stop bashing Obama. Just cause he wanted to play golf on Memorial Day doesn't mean he's a bad president. I'm sure there's not even that many people that sit in their house all day and remember the dead, because it's not imperative that we do so. I know I didn't. Does that make me a bad person? No. So please, just cut the crap.

1,101 posts

No, you are making everyone here sick. Forget about Bush, he is GONE! Forget about it. He didn't kill millions of innocent people you're just trying to find something to nag on Bush about because we are nagging on Barrack Obama. Barrack Obama said that we need to remember our soliders, and he scheduled a moment of silence for them at 12:00 P.M, but at that time was playing golf, and told the media not the cover it. IF BUSH EVER DID THE SAME THING, PEOPLE LIKE YOU WOULD NEVER LET HIM LIVE IT DOWN.

well i kinda find this funny, as its making you seem like u got a serious fetish with obama playing golf.... give it a rest, and chill out guy. And btw, Bush sat at his ranch all the time and no one cared... so obviously no one cared... Its stupid racists like urself who make this world such a bad place... give it up, and stop acting like such a nazi towards sumone playing golf..

If your talking about soliders, then your just messed up. Thats what happens in war, people die. It wasn't his fault. I suppose you would call any of the other guys who were presidents during a war, a bad president.
Well actually it was completely his fault. He decided to be greedy, arrogant, and lie to the whole world just for some oil... Of course in his process of tyranny he decided that american lives weren't worth much, and didn't care really about killing them... Sorry guy, but most of us hate those nazi conservitives who hate presidents because they are black, or more a little bit more liberal..
So please, just cut the crap.

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