You can be the most capitalist person on earth and be marxist. His idea was to decrease the current type of capitalism, in which the rich profit while the poor don't (extremely simplified, but the basics of what I think I understand of it.) The most Capitalist person in the world would definitely not believe in his philosophy, since they'd likely end up losing money if they were in the typical Capitalist form of everyone for themselves
He is getting us out of the hole in the economy. The world is a lot better since he was elected. The reason the world is like it is now is because of the Bush Administration. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld should be found guilty of war crimes, lying, torture, murder, disregard to the constitution, and disregard to human rights. Even Cheney admitted that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. What about Guantánamo? Obama is finally closing the worst place on Earth. Innocent people have been tortured to death there.
His idea was to decrease the current type of capitalism, in which the rich profit while the poor don't
That would be nice and dandy, but it doesn't work like that. That will increase unemployment decrease cash flow. The poor feed off the rich, and the rich feed off the poor. If you make one richer you have to make the other one poorer by the exact ratio. Which, is quite frankly, impossible. The poor people make the rich people rich, and the rich people make the poor people be not so poor. It's simple as that. It is unfortunate, and nobody likes it (not even me), but that's life. Life is a hostile son of a bi*ch. Also, the poor are poor for a reason. Because they're either A) To lazy to try to do anything B) Do not have the proper credentials of intelligence or C) They are restricted from getting higher in the ranks (Requires Unions). Anybody can do anything, but only if they try.
*P.S. Before you start calling me uncaring or unempathetic, realize that I am amongst the 'oor' people. Or close to it. I neither come from money nor have it.*
The political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of Communism
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As you can see^^^ Epic Fail
No Epic Fail. That neither described Marxism nor had any effect on the current conversation. I did page search, and the last person to say Marxism was you.
I have a million points of views to share about the pros of obama, I just don't want to after a big debate yesterday.
Flaming isn't necessary.
totally not spam^^ yea I was being sarcastic, that is epic spams.
Our country took a turn for the worse when Obama was elected. Tell everyone what terrible things you have learned that he has done
Well maybe you should leave your well once in a while. If you noticed when Obama took office in january America was in a shi.t hole so deep many thought it would never recover. Obama had to face the devastating effects of the business cycle, however, with His fiscal policy of deficit spending and increase in taxes, not only is our GDP rising, but also we are leaving that rut behind [url=] for those of you how are smarter, you will know what the dow jones industrial is... if you zoom it out you will see that the economy is rising, even though at the expense of increased unemployment.
Hey, you leave Reagan out of this he was the best dam prez the U.S. ever had. That's saying a lot when it comes from a Brit.
Are you joking? Reagan began the demise of Unions. He fired all the air traffic controllers when they were on strike, and replaced them with untrained, unexperienced people jeopardizing air safety.
Obama=win. So what cant he go golf once in a while, thats like saying he have to stay in his office work all day be perfect or America and the world will be pissed.
I think Bush did a lot worse. Obama has only gained power, he needs a breaking in period to grasps everything. everyone makes mistakes, we just automatically judge him due to the power, but it's simple miscalculations. i think he could do a lot of good.
People *cough Republicans cough* want change instantly. Seriously, shut your fucking mouths. He hasn't even been in office for year. That's not a lot of time.
Everything that has happened in the decline of this country was brought on by the last president.
People *cough Republicans cough* want change instantly. Seriously, shut your ****ing mouths. He hasn't even been in office for year. That's not a lot of time.