Ok, for one i did some research on google and socialism is very close to communism. It is based of a state of ownership where money is distributed equally to all peopel and not having one class where everone is equal.
It's on the road to Communism. Not really 'close' to pure Communism- at all. But that's another argument for another day. And all socialism is is a dictatorship of the proletariat (this is interpreted in many different ways) and common ownership of the means of production. The other policies are just common in socialism- and calling him socialist is therefore VERY inaccurate, be it syntactically, economically, or philosophically.
but obama does want to try to make everyone "equal", such as, correct me if im wrong, tax the rich people more and give money to those less fortunate, or the ones just sitting on their A** waiting for their tax money to come rolling in, and taking away the US dollar and change it to a international currency
Lol ok, sorry! i guess i had my views a bit mixed up
OK. Also, another thin g is that the American Socailist Party and the American Communist Party are complaining of him being too capitalist, lol. Even some of the the mild-to-moderate ones. Just don't misuse terms like that. It creates misinformation, which perpetuates itslef and etc. etc.
Good night, people. I got to go to bed, even though I'm wide awake. :/
Just to throw it out here, just because some people dont like obama, doesnt mean their racist. Maybe they just dont like his views! I personally love any race! Do it make you racist to white people if you didnt like a past president if you were a race besides white??? I think its kinda cruel to be throwing the racist card at people!
your ideas are basically stupid. Thats right. It is. Seriously.
You don't know anything about Obama. The reason why Obama is taking taxes is because the government is using it so it can stimulate the economy, creating more inflow to the government AND the people. With America's spending multiplier at 1.08 (for every dollar you receive, you spend 1 dollar and 8 cents (borrowed, or from savings)) Sure, Obama gives the wealth to poor people, but you dont get it! Poor people stay poor, and will spend the money on booze or whatever, this money goes back into the circular flow diagram and back to firms who in turn pay the hardworking employees more money (thats how rich people make money, they work hard) and the company presidents will only get a certain amount of money from bonuses (wall street ppl too). Sure this dissuades people from wanting to become company presidents and such because it pays a bit lower than before, but you must remember that many of them still make over 13M a year without bonuses...
The reason why Obama is taking taxes is because the government is using it so it can stimulate the economy, creating more inflow to the government AND the people.
I'd use the idea of the multiplier effect, not the circular flow of income. Taxing people more and increasing fiscal spenind will create no net difference. Only if the government reinvests it in things there is a demand for will growth be stimulated.
This entire thread is completely ridiculous. To say that the country has take a turn for the worse since he became president is so stupid. We've been heading downhill for a while, and any leading econmist will tell you that the downturn has actually slowed since he became president. Thank you to the few voices of reason who realize that he has done nothing wrong to harm our country.
The f-22 are developed sufficiently that there is no need to keep dumping money into the research. I believe that it is the only jet that can stall in mid-place, which is cool and all... but it isn't really important right now.
'd use the idea of the multiplier effect, not the circular flow of income
um the circular flow diagram is the picture or "metaphire" for the spending multiplier.
um the circular flow diagram is the picture or "metaphire" for the spending multiplier.
Not necessarily. The spending multiplier is fiscal policy. The circular flow of income is just a way of showing the capital flow in and out of an economy with regards to producers and consumers.
Not necessarily. The spending multiplier is fiscal policy. The circular flow of income is just a way of showing the capital flow in and out of an economy with regards to producers and consumers.
yes, I know but the showing of where the money goes out and how much stays in the system contributes to the construction of certain spending multipliers. I believe you can find out how much bang for you buck you get if you take the government injection and multiply by the multiplier or something. (complex spending multiplier). This shows the government roughly how much of Gross Product they will get from an initial investment.
"How qualified are you to make a comment like NoBama?"
Never have.
Once again, listen to Dan and firefly. They're actually informed about economics, unlike all of you NoBombers who never support your reasoning. . . . *gets off soap-box*
DDX: Basically what I was trying to say that in essence, you were describing the multiplier effect., The circular flow of income is a way of portraying that, but on its own does not necessarily include it.