Title says it all. Is it possible to be a christian, and support abortion? I think their was a thread on christian political views, and someone did mention this, but i wanted to focus on this one topic.
questions to have in mind: Does it go against my christian ethics? is it my choice to choose life or death? What does my religion say about abortion?
Hm... I thought about that, but the reason I phrased my statement like that was to hope that someone like yourself could correct it
You did well!
Anyway I believe that if you can be Christian and still accept gay people, you can probably be Christian and still support/accept abortion. I mean really it isn't your life. It's someone elses. Plus that doctor only gave abortions if it would compromise the health of the mother.
Anyway I believe that if you can be Christian and still accept gay people, you can probably be Christian and still support/accept abortion.
If that's the case, those abortions I believe are okay. Birth control abortions shouldn't be supported by Christians that understand their faith.
Anyway I believe that if you can be Christian and still accept gay people, you can probably be Christian and still support/accept abortion.
Well, that's a little bit different. Christians believe that the fetus has a soul and is an innocent life, worthy of the right to life over the mother's right to abort. In cases like rape, incest, or child problems, I can see a Christian reasoning one way or the other. With gay people, they ONLY affect each other, nobody else. So there's really no right to stop them from dong what they will. Hopefully that's a good explanation.
Plus that doctor only gave abortions if it would compromise the health of the mother.
I started writing the last part first, then I saw the end of your post. I had the one copied, and I accidently hit SHIFT+C instead of CTRL+C to copy the other.
Yes you can be a Christian and support abortion... But Abortion is wrong. Mudering a man is wrong, but sucking the life out of a baby in the womb isnt? Seriously, how can someone think that is right? Ripping the limbs off babies, Stabbing them in the back of the Neck with Scissors. Google image search abortion. The Pictures are terrible. What did the baby do for it to lose its life? Think about it. The people who are pro-choice dont let the baby choose yet there pro "choice". 40 million Americans alone have been killed by abortion.
Yes you can be a Christian and support abortion... But Abortion is wrong. Mudering a man is wrong, but sucking the life out of a baby in the womb isnt? Seriously, how can someone think that is right? Ripping the limbs off babies, Stabbing them in the back of the Neck with Scissors. Google image search abortion. The Pictures are terrible. What did the baby do for it to lose its life? Think about it. The people who are pro-choice dont let the baby choose yet there pro "choice". 40 million Americans alone have been killed by abortion.
Emotional appeals are looked down on. . .post your pro-life stuff in the abortion thread.
Anyway I believe that if you can be Christian and still accept gay people, you can probably be Christian and still support/accept abortion.
There's a difference between accepting homosexuals and accepting homosexuality. Hate the sin, love the sinner, as they say. Moreover, you are equating two nonidentical issues, so the conclusion is a logical fallacy.
Emotional appeals are looked down on. . .post your pro-life stuff in the abortion thread.
Actually, this is probably the right place for emotional appeals, since it questions whether a Christian can support abortion, not a person who doesn't believe the fetus has a soul.
I got to say something else here. Yes a Christian CAN support abortion. People CAN support what ever they want. Whether or not a Christian SHOULD is another question entirely. Believing the Bible means you SHOULDN'T not that you COULDN'T.
Yes a Christian CAN support abortion. People CAN support what ever they want. Whether or not a Christian SHOULD is another question entirely. Believing the Bible means you SHOULDN'T not that you COULDN'T.
I think that's the question, though. Probably just a misuse of the word. When I ask, "Can I go to the bathroom?" I know I can. While in this case the appropriate word is "May", it still follows the same kind of thing.
No BigP08 it was not a joke. My believes are that forgiveness is forgiveness once you are forgiven once, God no longer can see any of your future sins. Going to heaven is not based on how good you are or how bad you are but if you choose to ask for forgiveness. Sorry if my comment of Hitler offended.
No BigP08 it was not a joke. My believes are that forgiveness is forgiveness once you are forgiven once, God no longer can see any of your future sins. Going to heaven is not based on how good you are or how bad you are but if you choose to ask for forgiveness. Sorry if my comment of Hitler offended.
No problem. I was more or less defending what you were saying, and then everyone else decided to jump in. I think we've gotten way off topic.