ForumsWEPRCan you be Christian, and still support abortion?

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1,532 posts

Title says it all. Is it possible to be a christian, and support abortion? I think their was a thread on christian political views, and someone did mention this, but i wanted to focus on this one topic.

questions to have in mind:
Does it go against my christian ethics?
is it my choice to choose life or death?
What does my religion say about abortion?

  • 57 Replies
645 posts

yes but if u like abortion ur retarded

1,633 posts

How am I retard for being in favor of abortion. Please explain yourself. Also you sound like an idiot 4 talkin like dis. Please talk in English.

3,176 posts

Bgerm, that was uncalled for. Just because he views things differently doesn't give you the right
to call him retarded, because 1. he's not, and 2. because his points make sense.

You have to think about the kinds of states or conditions the mothers or families have to be in
to consider abortion. Since the current word is censored, I will say, since the "father" has
committed fornication-of-an-individual-without-consent against the person, she had to live with
a baby she was illegally given. What do you think the sort of position she was given, such
as the options? She could choose to keep the baby, or choose to abort it, since the baby was
the given embodiment of the crime the father had committed.

What if the mother was a Christian? Does that mean she's religiously-bound to the rule
that she must never have an abortion, so long as she lives? And if she does, does that mean
that she's retarded, according to YOUR views, bgerm? IMO, she's a smart woman. She doesn't have
to have that child, as it's just going to cause her pain and constant reminiscing of her
horrible event that happened.

This could be looked at from different ways as well. If a couple wanted to have sex just
to have sex but wants to have an abortion because all they wanted was to have sex without
having a baby and that's it, then THAT'S retarded. If the baby was forced upon you without
your consent, then you have full rights to have an abortion, if that's what you want.

1,633 posts

Thank You ShintetsuWA supporting my point. Bgrem I am still waiting for your reply. Are calling me a retard just because it think differently than you? How arrogant and self-centered you are. I am entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. I want to hear your response soon. I have to study for finals soon.

1,455 posts

What if you accidentally knocked up your girlfriend.

You would not knock up your girlfriend because Christians that follow the commandments aren't supposed to have sex outside marriage.
I made a point earlier on the page that birth control abortion would not be supported by commited Christians. Abortion for medical reasons, the mother's life is at stake, so that's different. Rape, incest, and child problems, I don't agree with them, but it's not hard to see why a commited Christian would come to that conclusion.
By the way, you made good points, so I'm not calling you a retard or anything. Just a friendly debate. Good luck with finals.
What bothers me is that some (not all) Christian groups are against any form of birth control.

I understand, but keep in mind that they are against birth control because of the lack of procreative intent. If there is NO intent to procreate anyway, it's not the birth control itself that is the sin. Anyway, as I generally don't force my views on anyone, I have no problem if people use birth control. However, it is the abortion that involves someone else.
541 posts

yes, but you would be a confused christian.

1,633 posts

So Christians can't abortions huh? I will respect your opinion on the matter, but why force your ideals on to other people. Take the doctor or who got shot because he performed abortions. The man who shot him was a true Christian.

1,455 posts

So Christians can't abortions huh? I will respect your opinion on the matter, but why force your ideals on to other people. Take the doctor or who got shot because he performed abortions. The man who shot him was a true Christian.

Christians are not supposed to. I'm not forcing MY ideals on other people, but Christian ideals onto Christians. You arne't supposed to abort for purposes of BIRTH CONTROL. If you're talking about medical reasons, makes sense. If you mean other reasons besides these two, that's debateable for Christians.
Anyway, not going to turn this into an actual abortion thread as we already have one.
The man who shot him was a true Christian.

He was not. Most of the pro-life people, at least on here, support non-violent ways to try to resolve the abortion issue. Otherwise we wouldn't be on the computer debating about it. Plus, you didn't say this, but I'm making a point for any who think this; you cannot judge Christians or pro-lifers based on what one pro-life Christian did, or what some pro-life Christians did. It just doesn't work.
1,633 posts

I was being sarcastic about the whole true Christian thing. But any way I think I made my point. I got to study for AP Chem. =(

1,455 posts

Okay, just wasn't sure. As you've probably noticed, a lot of misunderstandings occur on AG, so I wanted to confront it just in case. Good luck :P

1,101 posts

hmmm im just waiting for another aethiest to come along and trash these views and support there own...

3,826 posts

What makes someone a Christian? Simply believing that Jesus of Nazareth was the son of a god? Whatever the qualifications for being a Christian are, can't one be a bad Christian but still be a Christian nonetheless?
Perhaps abortion is a sin in Christianity, perhaps not. Christians are allowed to sin. Unless you're a Catholic who's been excommunicated by the pope, you're still a Christian (you're arguably still a Christian even if the Pope excommunicates you).
My point is that a) supporting abortion isn't the same thing as having an abortion. I can theoretically support something even though I don't personally agree with it. And b) even if I had an abortion, it's a sin. Maybe a mortal one, but isn't the Christian god a god of forgiveness? Even if god is a super mad at you and you're going to hell, aren't you still a Christian?

1,455 posts

Perhaps abortion is a sin in Christianity, perhaps not. Christians are allowed to sin.

You make a valid point, but Christians aren't supposed to support sin, intend to sin, or be proud of sin.
My point is that a) supporting abortion isn't the same thing as having an abortion. I can theoretically support something even though I don't personally agree with it.

In most cases of religious views, this makes sense. I apply this to the gay argument, since Christianity is supposedly against gay marriage. They only affect themselves, so it shouldn't be up to me to dictate their life. HOWEVER, for abortion, Christians believe that a fetus has a soul during an abortion, and thus an innocent life is lost during one by that logic. Therefore, we are obliged to intercede for the sake of an innocent life.
Whatever the qualifications for being a Christian are, can't one be a bad Christian but still be a Christian nonetheless?

In this I fully agree. Often times on here I've said the same. Although I usually say uncommited Christian.

For those wondering, I only believe this in case of birth control abortions. Abortions to protect the mother's health, there's not much debate against that, because the mother acts in self defense. For, incest (which to me is a much dirtier word than, and child problems, that's debateable, but I disagree. Christians can logically come to that conclusion while still believing the ideals I've put above.
aren't you still a Christian?

That, my friend, is a point I think no one can refute. Christian does mean one who believes in Christ.
22 posts

If you are Chalotic then it goes against then Pope and you are not supposed to support it.

112 posts

you shouldn't support abortion if your a Christian o

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