ForumsWEPRReligion-In which one do you believe and why

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662 posts

I do not believe in any religion because it is just impossible what religion tells us. If you have a different meaning please tell me!

  • 66 Replies
332 posts

And alt, I am not debating about something I do not understand. I do understand, and I wasn't trying to start an argument. I was just trying to prove a point.

Ummm...I don't really think you do. The big bang really has nothing to do with the creation of life forms, other than setting the ground work. Life forms came separately, although by some perspectives that's just as impossible as the big bang. My major problem with religion, Christianity especially, is the claim that God made the universe because nothing else can. By the same logic used to say the universe couldn't exist because it had to come from somewhere means that something like god couldn't exist, and that we couldn't exist. My only answer to this is we don't understand the universe. We may make attempts to, but its much, much more complex than we could conceive and justify based upon our own limited theory's. So in that respect, yes, I see why some people believe in religion when it explains things like that which humans can't really get their heads around, but on the other hand if you really think about it god is just as improbable and impossible as life and existence itself. Difference is, we can see life and other things around us, so we have a reason to believe in that.

90 posts

Atheist or Pastafarian (non-belief or mockery of religions)

In my opinion, you can go ahead and believe whatever the hell (no pun intended) you want to, I value people with intelligence above all else. But supposing at least one deity did exist out of the THOUSANDS man has thought-up, I would not want to follow a single one of them, because the worst crimes are carried out in their names. There were over 15 Crusades, not to mention the wars in the Middle East occuring now (religion is a major factor in those) the lists of atrocities would be longer than any bible or holy book.
If ANY form of omniscient being existed AND it was benevolent, they would have either corrected the mistake of the extremists to do such acts in their name and not a false god (if the "true creator" isn't God, but some other divine being like Odin, or something), OR would have stopped them altogether, because they do not want evil acts committed in their name. Either way, they havenât. Do we really want to believe in, trust in, and worship beings that endorse murder, genocide, corruption, rape, and theft?

10 posts

I'm LDS, that is to say, Mormon.

I believe it because I studied it. I spent a lot of my life as an atheist (agnostic at best). One of my friends challenged me to "follow the argument" in a sense, so I started studying religious philosophy, and I decided that theism was correct and eventually that the LDS faith was true. Now I study theology, with a special focus on the debate between atheism and theism.

201 posts

what is your beef with reliogen, this guy has three or four other forums, and all of them ask the same thing "how or why do you have a reliogen", Oi, do you enjoy this

671 posts

I'd count that as more of a cult than a religion, gaga. I find it hard to believe that people would worship a search engine.

For it to be a cult you have to be legally bound to give money to the cause. Like Scientology for example.
250 posts

Christianity. I read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and it opened my eyes....

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