ForumsWEPRWhy do people hate death?

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5,642 posts

Well really, why do people think death is so bad?! I mean really, we're all just filthy, disease ridden unholy animals, so why wouldn't this be any more different from losing a mouse? Why do we allow ourselves to be attached to people, friends, and pets so... CLOSELY!? As far as I can tell, if you're able to be devastated by a guy/girl/pet if they have to go for a month, or die, then you have to detach a little from them.

Personally, I don't hate death, it's an acquaintance of mine, I mean, we're not super close but we say hi when we see each other.

Seriously though, why do people demonize death all the time? It's a natural part of life, in fact, without death, there wouldn't really be life.

  • 45 Replies
671 posts

Talk is cheap, especially with something like dying. You wont even know how you really feel about death until you're going to die.

Anyway, it's instinctive to protect you and your own. Even animals only resort to cannibalism in the worst circumstances. Being of the same specices brings a biological instinct to protect eachother to continue the species. And with that protection comes attachment. If you weren't attached then you would care enough to protect.

51 posts

well death can be kind of surprising but I think people learn how cope with it eventually but staying in topic I can't believe people make such a big deal about celebrities or some one related to a celebrity (i.e. John Trovolta's son) the media went on about that forever and if they're going to make a big deal about him make a big deal about my neighbors' grandparents.

5,642 posts

You're being very rude, Xavier. Either way I don't really care if I die. I mean, it's just death for inexistent god's sake.

Yeah, that's true, but when it's inevitable, why do we fear it so much? I'm not saying "oh we should all die because death is great weeee I'm so emoooo~~~!!!" I'm saying why do we demonize it? Also I protect what I want if it's important to me. if my friend was with me and he was goign to die, I wouldn't try and protect him unless he could protect me in return. I would protect my cat if he was of use to me (of which he pretty much is, keeps me more company than ever), doesn't mean I'll throw him into a lava pit to save my own tail :P

Nya, tired debating is tired ><

4,682 posts

Well if someone dies when they are young it is really sad. But if someone dies when they are like 85 then I am happy they are going to a better place.

671 posts

You're being very rude, Xavier. Either way I don't really care if I die. I mean, it's just death for inexistent god's sake.

When was I being rude?
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

People hates death, because they fear either that this is the end of their existence or either because they believe in life after death and they think that they will be punished, because of some actions they did.

4,682 posts

and they think that they will be punished, because of some actions they did.

So they would go to hell.
1,310 posts

Well really, why do people think death is so bad?!

Because when truly awesome people that used to be a part of your life disappear *forever* and you know you'll never see or speak to them again, that really tends to suck.

Yes, it's natural. Yes, it happens to everyone; but TB is natural too, but I'm not a huge fan of that either.

if you're able to be devastated by a guy/girl/pet if they have to go for a month, or die, then you have to detach a little from them.

Right. Instead I should isolate myself from others, detatch myself from people that are really important to me; not spend time with them and enjoy their company so that when they inevitably die, I won't be broken up by it. It's a nice solution if you don't want to hurt so much emotionally, on the other hand though it doesn't sound like a life worth living if you keep everything at arms length.
653 posts

When someone you love dies you feel like you have a hole in your heart and it hurts everyday for the rest of your life. That's why i personally hate death. I don't fear my death, i fear hurting the people that love me when i die.

3,224 posts

^ Seconded.

âAlthough the time of death is approaching me, I am not afraid of dying and going to Hell or (what would be considerably worse) going to the popularized version of Heaven. I expect death to be nothingness and, for removing me from all possible fears of death, I am thankful to atheism.â

â"Isaac Asimov

5,579 posts

Death is an inevitable part of life. When people die, there tends to be greiving (which I don't understand) and the feeling that they abandoned you. I myself am not afraid of death and death has always been with me, whether by my own hand or not. So I guess some people get hardened to death and think of it as nothing more than another part of life. I've killed everything from rats to 600 pound bulls. I've lost everything from my pet ant in the first grade to several of my friends and family. It's just another part of life.

4,536 posts

the concept of a completely natural and well-timed death doesn't scare me in the least. Yes, it saddens me to lose a family member, or even a pet, but I'm happy for them. Old age is, let's face it, somewhat miserable... your joints hurt, you're more prone to disease, your mind goes... this doesn't apply to everyone. some elderly people continue to live rich, fulfilling lives, but for the most part, it's fairly painful. So, I was sad that my Grandfather passed away, but he was a vegetable when he left- he had just had a stroke and was now dying of pneumonia- and I felt so happy for him not having to endure that pain anymore, may he rest in peace.

All I really fear is being killed before it's my time.

45 posts

I dont think Christians care if they die or not because they know they are going to Heaven.

575 posts

because they stop living?

338 posts

Yeah, that's true, but when it's inevitable, why do we fear it so much?

That is one of the reasons we all fear it.

People fear death because we were programmed/designed that way. I mean if we all didnt fear death then why would we try so hard to survive?
If we didnt fear dieing we prully wouldnt be such a successful species.

And thoad you dont really know if you fear death until you have been close to it. I mean I say that I hope I dont live to long so people will have to change my diaper and what not but I prully wont think that when i am that old.
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