I'm contemplating over whether or not I want to spend money on the Twilight books and start reading them. Some people tell me they are absolutely the best books ever, while others say they are abolutely horrible books. So I want as many peoples opinions as possible.
And make sure you justify why you like or hate the Twilight books. Thanks!
Dude . . . I was in your shoes about 2 months ago. One day I just started reading them for the heck of it. I really like them now. My advice is: don't buy them, because depending on how you are, you might just want to read them once. I like them because they have action, but also thematic elements. Warning: the beginnings are slow, but you have to commit to it.
See... I like books that have a deep meaning and go in-depth into the storyline, but that also contains lots of action at the same time. Are the Twilight books like that?
I hate twilight, mainly because they destroy the concept of a vampire. Sure, they can go ahead and look like normal people, but sparkles in sunlight? COME THE F*CK ON! Your supposed to DIE! I mean, they at least have to have a limit on how much they sparkle? NO!!! They DONT!
Ending statement;If your basing your look of a vampire off of Blade, he was only half vampire, gaining all strength, but no weaknesses. They have all full vampires in twilight. Oh, and Drake was the invulnerable vampire, but he was ugly as shit. as shown here;
Hey don't be like that. It's a good series. If you don't like it then don't post here plz.
I'm pretty sure that deathgate said he wanted different opinions, so don't YOU be like that.
Back on topic, I don't like them at all, it's mainly the way that they are written, which is about 5% literary skill, 95% sparkling vampires. Wait, SPARKLING?! What in the hell? Might as well have called them Fagpires.
Hey don't be like that. It's a good series. If you don't like it then don't post here plz.
So, the people who didn't like the book and are going to tell him to not read it, just don't comment? Learn to respect others opinions, regardless of how harsh they may be. It's only a book.
With that being said....
No, I strongly advise you not to. I read the first book, and it sucked. This is only my opinion, but still, people like to say that the storyline is great. My response to them: Nope. It's too ridiculous, even for a fiction novel. Vampires that can go out during day and not die? And they have super strength? That's just dumb. And the human that falls in love with the vampire wants to become one? Plus, that exact vampire has been alive in different time settings before and he is in high school? That's even more dumb. Tell me, was Stephanie Meyers trippin' on acid when she wrote this or was she dropped on the head too many times when she was a kid? If that offended you, sorry, but I like to my point across in a rant.
And of you're considering watching the movie, let me warn you:
The acting is horibble, it has a crappily written script, and it cut s lot that was in the book from the movie. I bet the person who wrote the script was like "Well, the book sucked, so should the movie. We all know the other three novels aren't worth reading because they are quick cash-in's, and the only reason people *coughs* I meant girls *coughs* are going to see this movie is because Robert Pattinson is in it."
1. Use your local library. I'm positive any library will have the Twilight series. That way you don't have to spend money. 2. It depends. I have a few questions. A. Are you a girly girl? If so, then you'll probably like Twilight. If not, you'll hate it. B. Do you like romance? If so, you'll probably love Twilight. If not, you'll hate it. C. Do you like fantasy novels? If so, you might like Twilight. If not, you won't enjoy.