These workers try to take the easy way out! It would only be fair if they earned no more for their work! Only that of which is equal to the commodities they produced.
Yeah.. the 'easy' way out. You say it's fair if they don't earn any more for their work... who are you to make that call? As for what is equal to the commodities they produced - in our free market system, that price is established *by* the market. If people are paying that price for it, then that's what it's worth, and that's what the company gets. Do you know anything about economics?
That comes to about 50% / 50%! And I'm really not using real numbers here.
Well, if you're not using real numbers, then it doesn't mean anything, you're just making it up.
No one controls the internet and it has no rules.
Maybe not yet - but the software that you are torrenting off of the internet does have a license agreement & rules as to how and in what manner it gets used. So, if you're using the software, you are privy to legal action if you are in violation of the license agreement.
Why feel sad for them because they did not earn as much profit as possible?
As explained before, they do not deserve it
Actually, you didn't explain - at least, not very well. Why should I feel sorry for pirates being arrested, thrown in jail or forced to pay fees? As you said - downloading the stuff is very easy (and you're right there) so that means a pirate does absolutely no work to acquire someone else's (or a group of people's) creative work, be it the latest game, piece of music, or even photoshop.
Here drugs would be what encourages me.
Now your post is starting to make sense.
But I cant change the laws of physics here, and the developer shouldn't be able to either.
Laws of physics? What are you talking about?
But they usually go across the line and go to the point where they sell millions more then they need to for a profit. Hell, they shouldnt even be making a profit.
This is just crazy talk now. So you think that no business anywhere should be making more money then the bottom line? Should people working in jobs *only* receive food and shelter, and nothing more in terms of pay?
The music companies make a ****load. Pirating levels this out
So what? Successful companies wind up making a lot of money and being successful. What problem do you have with these people? That through hard work they shouldn't be part of a successful company and make money?
Please don't talk in all-caps. Now to address it. *ahem*. Maybe if people are '
oor' they shouldn't be wasting money on things that aren't a necessity in the first place.
And you're *so* right.
Rich people are just evil.If you have 500 bannaas, and you make a copy and you give it to someone. Its not stealing, therefore piracy is awesome.
Tell that to the banana farmers who depend on them to make a living.