Im absoulutly amazed by this culture. With their 12 major gods and 12 minor gods. And all the stories and legends that go into. And how their no heaven. Just mount olyumpus. And everybody goes to the underworld. What are your thoughts on this culture?
Well I'm not sure now (ask gounmas) (hope i spelled that right.) but i think The Greeks use that as their religion still.
I lol'd. There are still some weirdos who do, as there are still some weirdo pagan religions in the UK. The vast majority are Greek Orthodox as Pixie said.
Mythology in general is pretty interesting. The Greeks have their Olympians, The Norse have Asgard and Valhalla, the Egyptians have Seth, Orson, and Iris, and the Native Americans have their myths as well. If you take the time to read them you might find them enjoyable. My favorite is Norse, but that's just me.
In the Mediterranean area, East Orthodox is rather popular. Not to many people Believe in myths anymore. I know where I live there is a small store that caters to Egyptology. So I guessing there is a small community of Greekologists(?) in Greece.
The Age of Mythology games are pretty good. I still play them occasionally anyways... The Illiad and the Oddesy are good, but extremely long. I read shortened versions, and it was still long
98% are Greek Orthodox but I can't find who/what youa re replying to... anyway Greek Mythology and the Greek gods are are an old religion. It may still be respected but I don't think many still worship them
I am back and I will try answering you. Greece from 1500 years is a Christian country and quite fanatic, though that some persons make reunions and believe to the 12 gods, but not even the craziest of them don't say that some part is just a myth. I can't find now statistics, but I don't think hey are more than 5000. Also because the Greeks and not only them were made Christians with a violent way, some who know history support the 12 gods, though they don't really are their followers. I hope that I explained it well.