Specifically, The adorable baby face on gastly (spelled right?).
Yup, spelled right~
And that face is so out of character for a Gastly. X)
Nice collection. :O I have about three, all of which I got from the boxes the movie cassettes came in... mewtwo, unown, and, ah... Jirachi? I think?
Oh sweet, I think I have the Mewtwo, but not the other two.
I used to have pokeman cardz... Liek 300 I think. Never actually used them. I'm more of a Magic guy.
I used to collect them just because I wuved the critters. :3 Played a little bit with my mom, but mostly I just collected them. Then I stopped, because the cards for some reason no longer got sold where I used to get mine. A few years later, I found another place where they sell 'em and began hanging out there (they had other cool stuff too). And thus, I eventually got introduced to the local POP (Pokemon Organized Play) League, and ... that's actually the beginning of how I met all my friends. Kinda funny, really.
Played in the league and kept a deck fit for tournament play for some years, actually got in 4th in a City Championship once. Never placed well in any of the National Championships, though. But I did win their drawing competition three years in a row~
I stopped playing after the first prerelease for the 4th gen series. Not because of the 4th gen, though.
Well sorry zoph for turning your thread into a poke discussion one, I just like the nostalgia feeling I get.
As the above may make apparent, I very much don't mind. X)
I remember how they gave them out at the movies, I remember being pissed when I missed out on ancient mew lol
I had that one, I think, awesomeeeeeeee card!
One more story lol, I remember the 2 rare cards from the only 2 packs I ever bought, Moltrex (legendary fire bird if I miss spelled it that bad), and a Mewtwo
That was pretty lucky. o.O (I think, anyway. Not sure which series they were, so not sure how rare.) I have rarer cards than that, but I've also bought a lot more booster packs...