ForumsWEPR[necro]How could people believe in god?!

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Do you believe in god?! I dont believe in him!!! Please could you explain me how people could believe in god?!

  • 636 Replies
201 posts

D: i knew that you did this, people dont need a reason to believe, we had a arguement about weather god existed, and i think i may have made him do this, D:

1,455 posts

It is highly doubtful that believers that are parents will stop teaching there kids religion, but the kids will and have 'evolved' and are finding out the facts for themselves, and decide whether to believe in god for themselves after them find out for themselves first-hand.

While this may be true in some cases, I might point out that kids like to rebel against their parents. But they don't want to get in trouble, which explains the 20-35 age group. You can't get busted when you're an adult.
I'm not denying, of course, the credibility of Atheism and the ability for people to think for themselves. But I also find that I am one of the few in my age group that doesn't argue with my parents all the time, so the instinct to rebel from parental background might also be a factor.
1,310 posts

people dont need a reason to believe

Speak for yourself.

While this may be true in some cases, I might point out that kids like to rebel against their parents. But they don't want to get in trouble, which explains the 20-35 age group. You can't get busted when you're an adult.
I'm not denying, of course, the credibility of Atheism and the ability for people to think for themselves. But I also find that I am one of the few in my age group that doesn't argue with my parents all the time, so the instinct to rebel from parental background might also be a factor.

I'm inclined to agree and say childhood/adolescent/teenage rebellion has a great deal to do with people jumping on the athiest bandwagon without actually having done any of the thinking or research for themselves.
4,097 posts

Not true. My Great-Grandpa died, I felt no guilt at all. Suer I felt sad for a few weeks, but I went back to normal afterward. If you feel guilt it's all in your mind, it's not anybody else, it's just what you think, our brain is more powerful than we ever imagined.

I'm just saying that it would help some people through guilt if they have it. Belief in a God would help through many feelings someone may or may not have, but that's just one I thought of right away. I guess because a family member of mine killed himself a few years ago, and I know a lot of people felt guilty about that.

[/quote]D: i knew that you did this, people dont need a reason to believe, we had a arguement about weather god existed, and i think i may have made him do this, D:[quote]

Who are you talking to...and what are you talking about?
310 posts

I am an agnostic. I believe it's possible that God exists but I'm not entirely convinced. I have never been satisfied with the way organized religions portray God.
I can fully understand why people believe in God though. Faith in God gives people comfort and hope and a sense of purpose.

2,399 posts

I'm inclined to agree and say childhood/adolescent/teenage rebellion has a great deal to do with people jumping on the athiest bandwagon without actually having done any of the thinking or research for themselves.

True, atheist don't know all the facts. But atheism isn't a bandwagon religion. Atheism has been noticeable since the beginning of the 20th century, which is not very long when your comparing it to muslim, or christian. I am not sure why it is that atheism is a very fast growing religion, I don't want to say because they gained intelligence, but I"m sure somebody else could say that. But that as a people we have had to move on, and don't worry about your own religion, christians, catholics, muslims, it's not going to disappear completely or be wiped off the face of the earth.
928 posts

sorry I was feeling flamey, but seriously I just decided Im agnostic and that is a little offensive to some people, not to me(as I have been atheist) but others, and Christianity and The Jewish are the longest living faiths around. Catholics are a religion formed from Christianity, Atheism started when some gothic/emo/punk kid decides he doesnt want to believe in god and that when he died his black soul will return to earth as another form or just into the How Could some people so atheist to make a topic which flames and trolls religions...well in my opinion

945 posts

God was made by man, of course man will believe in his own creation. There, 'nuff said. Stop talking about it.

310 posts

True, atheist don't know all the facts. But atheism isn't a bandwagon religion. Atheism has been noticeable since the beginning of the 20th century, which is not very long when your comparing it to muslim, or christian. I am not sure why it is that atheism is a very fast growing religion,

Atheism isn't a religion at all, it's dibelief of all religions. And it's only more noticable because atheists are more able to express thier opinions without fear of persecution.

Atheism started when some gothic/emo/punk kid decides he doesnt want to believe in god and that when he died his black soul will return to earth as another form or just into the earth....

No atheism has been around as long as religion and that's way longer than "gothic/emo/punk kids".
120 posts

Why do you think parents tell their kids their are monsters under their beds. . Parents tell their kids that there is a monster under their bed, so they won't leave the bed. Same as with God. From the beginning of human life people have told others that there is a greater being out there watching your every move. They did this so that they can keep them from being trouble makers in society. If people believe they can go to heaven if they are good, then they will be good. I still believe in God but I sometimes wonder if it isn't just a way to keep us from doing things that they don't want us to do.

3,224 posts

No atheism has been around as long as religion and that's way longer than "gothic/emo/punk kids".

Not in any real sense. In most early civilisations, you would have been ostracised from the community, or worse, for being openly atheist.
310 posts

True, atheist don't know all the facts.

I forgot one thing...Atheist are usually atheist because they need facts to believe in things. If it can't be proven, making it a fact, then they won't believe it. Some people who say they are atheist haven't really put the effort into making sure that they are. What I mean by that is that they haven't examined all religions and come to the conclusion they don't believe in any of them.
310 posts

Not in any real sense. In most early civilisations, you would have been ostracised from the community, or worse, for being openly atheist.

One doesn't not have to be openly atheist to be an atheist. I know there weren't always people announcing that they didn't believe in religion but my point is that as long as there has been religion there have been non-believers. Even at times when they would hide their lack of belief out of fear.
671 posts

I don't think you can call Atheism a bandwagon. Because even if people are doing it to be popular they don't truely believe in god anyway if they throw all that away for acceptance. I mean, anybody that truely believed would see how unimportant this world is by comparison.

671 posts

popular is the word that got censored for some reason...

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