We do have proof it's that some people just don't believe the proof
That's not at all a Christian opinion, the Bible and everything says that God doesn't give a proof of his existence, cause he wants that the people chooses to follow or not to by their own will.
We do have proof it's that some people just don't believe the proof.
patriotboy1 - read this entire article and do not post again on the subject of 'roof' until you have. As much as I dislike linking to wikipedia, it does get the message across.
Let me rephrase that. The truth about science is that we THINK (not know because the things we think we know or true can be refuted)we know know about things for now.
Semantics. At least science has the stones to admit it could be wrong; you're just too closed minded to even consider that you could be wrong. You're one of those people that thinks that all you have to do is yell the same thing over and over again *loud* enough, and it somehow makes you right.
You misunderstood it, I have asked lots of priest and religion teachers, God doesn't give proof, the purpose of miracles is not talking away the gift he gave to the humans of freedom.
In unexplained miracles that happen every day everywhere.
And hwo are those linked to god?
[quote]Because science thinks it can explain just about everything. And the miracles that happen goes against what science says.(Not all the time though).
Because acording to science there are no miracles.
That changes nothing. . .just because current science says something isn't real doesn't mean it's related to god. Whatever logic you used there fails.
Because science thinks it can explain just about everything. And the miracles that happen goes against what science says.(Not all the time though).
That also fails. Science, sometime, will be able to explain everything. If humanity isn't dead and gone by then, that is.
And also, what miracles? Once again, biblical miracles don't count. Those are just stories - I'll concede right now if you can give good example of miracles, and how they're linked to god and how they go against science. But you'd walk on water before being able to do that, because miracles *aren't* real.
The Bible is thousands of years old, unsupported, written by people who knew nothing about science or anything like that, and makes many outrageous claims. It's possible, but it's a slim chance.
technically, it's an old history book, written by the people of the different times. while i do admit that moses could have been just totally insane, claiming to have heard voices in his head, i doubt that. It's possible that every single one of those guys were insane...once again though, I doubt it. In reality, it's just as supported as a standard history textbook.
And if you think religion is supposed to prove science wrong and be correct, I think you're missing the point of religion altogether. It' not about correctness, it's about faith - putting faith in something and receiving comfort in return. It's NOT about being correct at all. It doesn't have to be correct - you just have to have faith. Which is why religion and science are on different levels - religion is not science,. and science is not religion. They're not comparable.
I never said it was about proving science wrong, and i thought i was basically saying that religion and science couldn't really be connected when i said,
because it takes all that people know to be scientifically true and throws it out the window
Let me tell you a story. In Alberta or Ontario there was this choir roup (there were twelve people in the choir group) that was schedueled to a practice. It just so happened that the church they were going to practice in had a gas leak (that no one knew about). Fifteen minutes after the practice was supposed to start the whole place blew up sky high. But heres the miraculous part all twelve members that were supposed to be there got held up for whatever reason (home work, work, paperwork, ect...) So no one died or got hurt. Coincedent??? I don't think so maybe it would have been a coincedent if 3 4 maybe got held up buy not all 12. (true story saw it on the history channel).
And what ablout health miracles when people are supposed to die but make a miraculous memory.
And btw HiddenDistance I read the link the only problem with my "roof is it didn't happen several times (The miracles).
Sometime science will be able to explain everything.
I won't argue with that except for this Sicence will never explain everything.
You haven't. You say 'god exists, I know he exists, the bible is the proof'. When others come at you with the claim that the bible isn't considered proof, you just return that it *is* proof, but in all-caps.
Ok I read the link. The only problem with my *proof* is that it doesn't happen repeatedly.
This is a huge issue for science though. If you're combining two separate chemicals & half the time they explode, and half the time they're inert, it suggests that you're missing some detail, some small difference for the times where it explodes & where it doesn't. It's important to have reproducible results.
Since the things that are claimed to have happened in the bible have never been recreated anywhere and at any time, it's something that doesn't make any sense, and very likely, is a work of fiction. If I claim that I can fly - and that I've done it *once*, but I can't reproduce it in front of you, you would have considerable reason to doubt me, and so you should.
I'm kind of curious too.. when you're quoting me you're... subtracting words or.. making grammatical errors. Like, you quoted me saying "You're" but in your post, "Your'e" was written. And instead of "Consider" you wrote "Conside". What's that about?
Coincedent??? I don't think so
That's great.. but I, and every person who has no attachment to a deity thinks that they just happened to be lucky. Also, providing a link to a story on a reputable websiet rather then "I saw it on the history channel" would add credence to the story. I'm not saying it's not true; but it helps in arguments.
It's a classic case of selective evalution. You chalk up the 'wins' to being miracles and god, but you don't factor in all of the times that people walk in & get blown up in a gas leak.
The Bible is a collection of outlandish illogical stories written thousands of years ago, with no support besides hearsay.
the bible is a collection of written records. if anything it may be more accurate due to the fact that it was written by people that experienced what happened, which, correct if i'm wrong, would make it a primary source.
the bible is a collection of written records. if anything it may be more accurate due to the fact that it was written by people that experienced what happened, which, correct if i'm wrong, would make it a primary source.
But it wasn't. The best estimates put the writing of the new testament at 150 AD, more then a hundred years after the death of Jesus - pretty much assuring in that day & age that all of the people who were eye witnesses were all dead.
Additionally, roman census records & judicial records do not make any note of a man by the name of Jesus Christ (this was after all a title given to jewish kings) being put to death by crucifixion. With a conflict in literature, it casts the validity of the bible into further doubt.