They by weapons, not only for making wars, but also for political and economic reasons, the weapon industry produces lots of weapons and they know important people so they can have huge profit from that.
True. All the money required and spent for these wars could be used for a better benefit.
It's like ethical questions on space exploration. Should we really be spending billions of dollars on this? Even though the money could be used to feed the people dying of starvation everyday? Common questions.
War is so deep in our society and culture, that it's not going to be easy to get rid of. Does it make sense? No. But it's become the way for a country to deal with their problems. Violence is very deep rooted in the world.
There shouldn't be Rich, and Poor people. Every person in the World must be Balanced! It isn't fair if the Rich guy spents money in Night Clubs, and the poor Guy beggs for piece of bread...
It isn't fair if the Rich guy spents money in Night Clubs, and the poor Guy beggs for piece of bread...
And life isn't fair. That simple.
Why do we buy bombs? Why do we make war? Simple questions with complex answers. However, 80% of the bombs we buy or should I say upgrade, cost about $26,000. An M16 costs about $2,000. We're not really spending a lot on the war itself, but new ways to kill the people we're fighting against. In every war, mankind finds a new way to destroy itself, and that's where we spend most of our money.
Um, i think that only about 200 or so people die every minute. Plus even more people are born every minute anyway
War is just natural animals go to war and kill each other and we are just animals with tools.
You cant just spend money and the food will magically appear. Plus if you do grow the food people need they could end up just dieing from a disease so then you have to create vaccines or anti-toxins or a cure. And then if you do that these people end up having kids and then you end up having to feed the kids and give them vaccines and shit which just makes it tougher. These people are dieing because they cant be supported were they are, in the long run its better if they die, sorry, because then the pop will go down and there will be less people to feed so people wont go hungry.
Theres always been war, and there always will be. It will just keep going down hill.
Ever see the original Day the Earth Stood Still? The movie said that the universe had to have peace, and any race that is not peaceful, will be destroyed. So one day, humanity will be wiped out, and there will be peace.
i think human have a nature for sin and the most nowen sin is killing so the drive to kill is for sin or religons many a war has started becase but i dont se why killing people wont bring them to your religon so rilegons that kill and hate will eventaley selve destruct
Poor people keep prices down. If everybody had money, prices would go up, and the government would print more money due to rising cost, and then our economy is just like Germanany in the '30s.
If super-power countries didnt have weapons, they wouldnt be super powers any more. Nukes are the greatest weapon, not because they can destroy a city half way across the world, but because its always the what-if? Its an intimidation thing. On a smaller scale, a women carring a fire arm is less likely to get robbed. People would always find a way to harm eachother. If we didnt have guns, it'd be swords, no swords, rocks. No rocks, fist. No fist, then nobody can do anything, so everybody starves because handless people cant pick up food. And then people would hurt other people with words.
This goes along with a few other threads, but I'll let it live for a little longer.
The thing is, the government and economy doesn't need to help other people that don't necessarily help us. Bombs, guns, etc, however, protect our country so we don't become those starving kids in Africa.
Ever see the original Day the Earth Stood Still? The movie said that the universe had to have peace, and any race that is not peaceful, will be destroyed. So one day, humanity will be wiped out, and there will be peace