Today North Korea sent a message to the US, in the form of seven ballistic missiles. Obviously, they didn't hit anything, but it is still going to increase tension between the UN and North Korea.
What I'm wondering though, is why in the world they would launch missiles that they know aren't going to get close to the US. Also, North Korea isn't exactly the largest country, and if the US was to go to war with them it would be over very quickly. North Korea wouldn't be able to match the size of the army, and our own nuclear weapons could wipe them off the map if we chose to use them.
How do you feel about the situation? Will the US once again be police of the world, or will we for once make the UN deal with this on their own? Is Kim Jong Il just stupid, or is there a reason he spends millions of dollars to develop missiles, then sends them shooting into the ocean?
I think Nuclear war heads are illegal care to bring a link to that? (serious I want the proof I'm not totally sure if they are. But I think they are illegal).
That law makes no sense, who could possibly enforce that?
But even if they are illegal I'm sure it wouldn't matter. I mean, biowarfare is illegal and Douglas McArthur still let Shiro Ishi free of all charges in exchange for the info he did on live people at the end of WW2. So yeah, those laws don't really matter to anybody, assuming of course that the law on nukes even exsists.
If the future existence of your country hung in the balance wouldn't you want to use them?
no i wouldnt there are way better ways to solve conflicts. throwing nukes is like the worst solution ever. you kill million of innocent people and risk youre enemy or someone else throwing warheads too. welcome to apocalypse
No I'm saying I'm almost certain he's going to try something with nukes.
the only thing he is going to try with it is to make more pressure on the democratic world, in order to get stuff he wants. he may try to conquer SK, but i do not thing he is going to try to destroy the world
he's testing long range nuclear warheads so he can target his enemies when war starts, he will try to win South Korea for sure and make Korea 1 country
he's testing long range nuclear warheads so he can target his enemies when war starts, he will try to win South Korea for sure and make Korea 1 country
If his intentions were to unite both countries, I doubt he'd use nukes. Actually, unless he is totally insane, he wouldn't use nukes at such a close distance anyway. It would end up affecting his country as well, with the radioactive dust that spreads through the wind.
North Korea isn't exactly stupid considering the fact they have made nuclear war heads, and green is ryt if he nukes SK it would probably wipe out most if not all of NK from Radiation and just the impact of the blast its self. Jong makes his people believe he is godlike and keeps them shadowed from the real world and events. Most Koreans have no idea about any events around the world what so ever. North Korea is'nt stupid, most of them are trapped in their own little worlds by Jong, but he has to be somewaht smart to control a whole country...
North Korea isn't exactly stupid considering the fact they have made nuclear war heads
But Iran is stupid and they are working on nukes...
And the people there are pretty stupid still. You'd figure somebody would say "Really? Nuh-uh!" and ask some questions. Of course those people probably get shot, but that's beside the point. The point is that the people should live in the bliss that is ignorance.
But Iran is stupid and they are working on nukes... And the people there are pretty stupid still. You'd figure somebody would say "Really? Nuh-uh!" and ask some questions. Of course those people probably get shot, but that's beside the point. The point is that the people should live in the bliss that is ignorance
That is so beyond sterotypical and rascist I don't know wat to say. Dude Iran has been teaching people from birth how to live and die honorably(suicide bombers etc.) and they have never been taught differently so they can't be to blame they honestly believe they are doing right. And Korea is seriously kept shutout from the outside world and have no idea about the real world and if they do, well guess what they do get shot or worse. Btw Ignorance is Bliss totaly defeats the purpose of your korean statement...
NK would NOT nuke SK, they would invade, if they did manage to win they'd have a barginingship with the US, we have your ally hostage, you give us weapons.
NK does not want to invade SK because of american weapons but becuase of the fact that they are the legitimate owner of the whole korean penninsula. it is also the primary goal of NK to become the leaders of this peninsula. and it is not their goal to get some ransom weapons from other countries