Today North Korea sent a message to the US, in the form of seven ballistic missiles. Obviously, they didn't hit anything, but it is still going to increase tension between the UN and North Korea.
What I'm wondering though, is why in the world they would launch missiles that they know aren't going to get close to the US. Also, North Korea isn't exactly the largest country, and if the US was to go to war with them it would be over very quickly. North Korea wouldn't be able to match the size of the army, and our own nuclear weapons could wipe them off the map if we chose to use them.
How do you feel about the situation? Will the US once again be police of the world, or will we for once make the UN deal with this on their own? Is Kim Jong Il just stupid, or is there a reason he spends millions of dollars to develop missiles, then sends them shooting into the ocean?
Ok I guess people dont believe me about what I said above.
Let me reword it if you gave an ordinary citizen in NK an IQ test they'd get a horrible IQ.
Or if you compare them with someone we would consider average IQ they'd fall way below the guy's average. Therfore it makes them stupid. So yes I think NK's stupid. And if there uneducated that makes them stupid.
education has nothing to do with North Koreans or them being stupid, if they disagree they die, if they don't like what the president gives or takes from them, they die,
since you're so educated you will understand more about the world instead just calling everyone stupid
I'm not calling everyone stupid and I never said I did.
I'm just saying that if your not educated at all your probably stupid or if you have a very low education or a education that is inaccurate you are stupid. As I already stated "It's not their fault".
I think what the North Koreans are doing is a really bad idea. Like people have said, the U.S. will blow their country off the map. The U.S. could probably do it WITH a nuke. The MOAB (Mother of all bombs) is as powerful as a small nuke, but without the radiation. The North Koreans shouldn't be tempting the U.S. into war.
Sorry my speakers are broken. SO I cant hear it and yes I'm saying most (not all are retarded) are retarded. And people that are educated are stupid (retarded) if they dont pay attention to most or all of it.
Sorry my speakers are broken. SO I cant hear it and yes I'm saying most (not all are retarded) are retarded. And people that are educated are stupid (retarded) if they dont pay attention to most or all of it.
well whenever you get new speakers or fixed the ones you have, make sure you watch the video so you don't get my comment wrong