ForumsWEPRNorth Korea - Are they stupid?

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Today North Korea sent a message to the US, in the form of seven ballistic missiles. Obviously, they didn't hit anything, but it is still going to increase tension between the UN and North Korea.

What I'm wondering though, is why in the world they would launch missiles that they know aren't going to get close to the US. Also, North Korea isn't exactly the largest country, and if the US was to go to war with them it would be over very quickly. North Korea wouldn't be able to match the size of the army, and our own nuclear weapons could wipe them off the map if we chose to use them.

How do you feel about the situation? Will the US once again be police of the world, or will we for once make the UN deal with this on their own? Is Kim Jong Il just stupid, or is there a reason he spends millions of dollars to develop missiles, then sends them shooting into the ocean?

  • 379 Replies
755 posts

We have a winner. If you are going to war with a dictator and the people are going to stand by him they will die as well. You want to country to go back into the peoples hands so you will do what you must to rid the country of the faction(s).

didnt work in vietnam.
is not working in iraq.

you would have kill like every single citizen, because you can never know who the enemy is, unless he starts shooting.
671 posts

We have a winner. If you are going to war with a dictator and the people are going to stand by him they will die as well. You want to country to go back into the peoples hands so you will do what you must to rid the country of the faction(s).

Is there any paticulare reason you're so war hungry? Is there something you're trying to over compensate for that we should be aware of?
395 posts

[/quote]Is there any paticulare reason you're so war hungry? Is there something you're trying to over compensate for that we should be aware of?[quote]

I just think that people who threaten a country should be eliminated. Why would a person not want that?

Am I overcompensating for something?

755 posts

I just think that people who threaten a country should be eliminated. Why would a person not want that?

we all do want that. but diplomatic efforts are mostly more effective than going to war.
671 posts

Because you are so quick to suggesting wiping out civillians and all. It's just to extreme for me to take seriously considering you're only 14. If you had served in the army and were telling me this then I would be less reluctant to take it seriously.

395 posts

but diplomatic efforts are mostly more effective than going to war.[quote]

That is very true most of the time. However some people are so wacked out that they can not be dissuaded from their train of thought.

If you tried to talk to a NK extremist who had followed Jong his entire life and praised his name every day, odds are you are not going to be able to make him believe that Jong is a crazy dictator. Now emagine thousands upon thousands of people like that, except armed. Those are the people that need to be eliminated.

It's like Al Queda. They won't listen to reason. Allah says that we must die so they will do it at any cost (usually their lives).

[quote]Because you are so quick to suggesting wiping out civillians

We're not killing just any civilians here. We're killing ones that still want to old and oppressive government to stand. If we take out Jong and there are still people fighting to keep him and his corrupt government in power then they are allied with him and just as evil. If a civilian said that they were happy that Jong was out of power, there'd be no reason to hurt them.
395 posts

Lol quoting error. Just read it how you think it would go...

671 posts

We're not killing just any civilians here. We're killing ones that still want to old and oppressive government to stand. If we take out Jong and there are still people fighting to keep him and his corrupt government in power then they are allied with him and just as evil. If a civilian said that they were happy that Jong was out of power, there'd be no reason to hurt them.

What reason is there to over throw him then? They're shooting missles into the water so the world will stop collectively laughing at them. They are no threat, when they actually attack America I will revoke that statement but they haven't and so there is no reason to lose lives fighting them. Policing the world isn't the US Armies job.
755 posts

What reason is there to over throw him then? They're shooting missles into the water so the world will stop collectively laughing at them. They are no threat, when they actually attack America I will revoke that statement but they haven't and so there is no reason to lose lives fighting them. Policing the world isn't the US Armies job.

i totally agree.

what should be tried is to get this guys to reason somehow. but only putting pressure on them is not the right answer. we should try to negotiate. again and again and again
395 posts

What reason is there to over throw him then? They're shooting missles into the water so the world will stop collectively laughing at them. They are no threat, when they actually attack America I will revoke that statement but they haven't and so there is no reason to lose lives fighting them. Policing the world isn't the US Armies job.

When we were talking about that we were speculating on what would happen if worse came to worse. This isn't an actual wanted outcome.
755 posts

When we were talking about that we were speculating on what would happen if worse came to worse. This isn't an actual wanted outcome.

in the worst case possible i simply hope that there will be survivors.
and that they will at least learn that nuclear weapons are one of the worst inventions ever made by mankind
950 posts

North Koreans aren't stupid, just a aggressive. And a war with North Korea might take a little more time than you think, they have a huge army. Just because the United States is bigger it doesn't mean our army is the biggest and best.

What North Korea is doing is a shame though, they're governemnt it aweful, they're forgein policies are a joke, they're economy is a joke, they're claiming to be truely communist is a joke, but saying they're stupid simply is foolish.

950 posts

Holy poop, i used "they're" every time i should have said "Their! WOOPS! Not if North Korea did that, then I would ask if they're stupid

12 posts

dude, they would take the west coast and kick our ass, 'til the citizins rally together. also, everyother nation pretty much hates americans because we meddle too much in there affairs.

332 posts

And a war with North Korea might take a little more time than you think, they have a huge army. Just because the United States is bigger it doesn't mean our army is the biggest and best.

Actually, its kinda in reverse. Just because N.K has a massive army doesn't mean its better. Technology, Training and Tactics control who's more successful. We definitely have the upper hand in technology. Trainings a little harder to define, since many N.K citizens have been training their whole lives for the military. Tactics, we probably have the upper hand in, unless we fought on N.K soil, in which case they might have a slight advantage. Still, I can pretty safely say we have a more significant military.

dude, they would take the west coast and kick our ***, 'til the citizins rally together. also, everyother nation pretty much hates americans because we meddle too much in there affairs.

And how would they get to the West Coast? Ships? Unlikely, any naval technology they have is easily outmatched by the American and Japanese navy, who would definitely intercept a flotilla of ships, which is what it would take to transport enough people to control the full weest coast.
This isn't Red Dawn....

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