ForumsWEPRNorth Korea - Are they stupid?

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4,097 posts

Today North Korea sent a message to the US, in the form of seven ballistic missiles. Obviously, they didn't hit anything, but it is still going to increase tension between the UN and North Korea.

What I'm wondering though, is why in the world they would launch missiles that they know aren't going to get close to the US. Also, North Korea isn't exactly the largest country, and if the US was to go to war with them it would be over very quickly. North Korea wouldn't be able to match the size of the army, and our own nuclear weapons could wipe them off the map if we chose to use them.

How do you feel about the situation? Will the US once again be police of the world, or will we for once make the UN deal with this on their own? Is Kim Jong Il just stupid, or is there a reason he spends millions of dollars to develop missiles, then sends them shooting into the ocean?

  • 379 Replies
281 posts

yes north korea is an effing retarded country. the government not the ppl.

281 posts

yes north korea is an effing retarded country. the government not the ppl.

4,206 posts

Very simple. If they continue to launch missles then we wipe them off the face of the Earth.

wow thats violent! Thats probebly why U.S.A has such a bad reputation.
(No offence for the people in U.S.A thinking about piece)

653 posts

The United States will not attack N. Korea anytime soon. Kim Jong Il knows this and is gonna harass us to make himself look like he's besting the US. If we attack N. Korea, China will probably declare on us and it will just turn into a big retarded mess.

84 posts

North Korea is in the United Nations, and they are violating almost all of there banns and treaties. E.g. "Nucular Testing Bann". There really pissing of there 'allies' like Russia and China. If they were to attack any nation like, the US, China, Russia, S. Korea or anyone else, there would soon be a war. If we entered it, Russia and China would be in right there.

The UN will soon take action with Korea-since they are part of the UN. They are violating sevral of the violations and banns. As I said before. They are pushing the limits. The only bad thing the President of the United States wants to still try to escape this, they will hit us soon. There just too small, if a war was to break out, it will add most the world. China and Russia will mostlikly be in before us. There just to small to withstand that...

84 posts

No, Deth. North Korea is really pissing them off, China would not declair war on us. There just pushing the bounderies.

333 posts

North Korea won't stop the nuclear testing and creating them no matter what, only war can sort out the threat but millions will die

North Korea could be Rich as South Korea if they used their minds for good instead of war

4,097 posts

It will not be world war three it would be over in 3 hours NK is just pissing off the world.

That's what they've said about other wars. It would be over quick, and then we'd go back to normal. Pretty sure that's what they said about WWII? Not sure...

North Korea is in the United Nations

No they're not.

There really pissing of there 'allies' like Russia and China.

Ehh...I don't really think Russia likes them at all anymore. China sort of.

If we entered it, Russia and China would be in right there.

I could only see Russia joining in so that they could take out the US. That wouldn't happen now, but if it happens at a time when there's more tension. I really doubt China cares enough about them to fight the US.

they will hit us soon

If by us you mean the US, then they can't even get close. Well, they could hit Hawaii and parts of Alaska, but that's it. They missiles would be taken out anyway.
104 posts

"North Korea is in the United Nations"
No they're not.

uh... Yes they are.

"they will hit us soon"

If by us you mean the US, then they can't even get close. Well, they could hit Hawaii and parts of Alaska, but that's it. They missiles would be taken out anyway.

The reason they've been doing all this missile testing is partly to see if they can get one to the west coast of the US, though I'm not fond of the whole paranoid "we're going to be attacked!" thing.
310 posts

What I want to know is if they want to be left alone so bad then why don't they leave others alone? Why do they want to attack the U.S. so bad, we're not the only country in the UN and as far as I know we've pretty much left them alone since the Korean War ended (I could be wrong there so if anyone wants throw out some info that corrects me feel free, I'd be interested to know). Is it that Kim Jong Il really dislikes western culture? Or is it a dislike of American culture? Or are they still upset about the event of the Korean War? Or are they mad because the UN is preventing them from annexing South Korea? Is Kim Jong Il just trying to prevoke the U.S. into attacking to make us look bad?

I could go on and on listing questions about this. The whole thing really confuses me. I really dislike the fact that a lot of the world has a negative view of the U.S. because our government pokes it's nose in every other countries business all the time. We are not the police of the planet and I'm pretty sure a lot of America agrees with me there (not everyone of course). If N. Korea continues to attack us I think the only thing we can really do is defend ourselves, and I don't mean by going over there and bombing them, I mean by defending. None of that "the best defense is a good offense" stuff, I think the actual defense is the part that we should focus on.

1,310 posts

-That`s what I think about the USA.
You would be a very good country if you used your minds for good instead for bombing and killing every single living thing.

That's not an obscene exaggeration at all.
1,310 posts

Well if USA says that they are 100% safe from any attack because of their defence then there is no need to attack N.Korea.

So, what your saying is that if a country is not directly threatened by an attack from another country, they should stick to a strictly isolationist policy?
1,310 posts

-So what you are saying is that USA should bomb and kill all people including little babies, little kids and their mothers, their fathers, their families just to make you feel better and to say justice has been done and USA saved the world again from another deadly, poweful, fearless, big and strong country like N.Korea then you are very stupid.(and I was being sarcastic about describing N.Korea).

What are you babbling about? Umm.. No.

I stated that you were exaggerating the claim that the U.S.A. is a terrible country, because they only use their minds for "bombing and killing every single living thing."

Why would it make me feel better? I live in Canada. Get a grip. Maybe you shouldn't freak out at the slightest criticism of your overblown & inaccurate descriptions of countries *you* don't even live in.
1,310 posts

-I haven`t finished that, if N.Korea did something stupid and USA knows that they are 100% safe then there is no need to attack them.

You might understand the words, but I don't think you get the message.

Should the USA have kept to themselves during WW2 if the Japanese didn't attack them? Should they disband the UN because warlords in Africa slaughtering and enslaving their own people isn't a threat to countries abroad? Your scope of moral action is tiny and insulting. My *point* that you have failed to comprehend, is that just because the USA is safe from North Korean attack, does not mean that every country is safe from North Korean attack; especially if they launch a ballistic nuclear missle. Now, do you really think that if the USA has a chance to stop a nuclear conflict from occuring, that they might get involved to seize that chance? I'm not just talking about bombing or military action but *diplomacy*, or should they just say "Whatever, we don't care - kill whoever you want."

And I hope that they will stop responding to every single provocation with wars, that`s why USA is not on very good words around the world.

Are you making that statement purely on one war - IRAQ? If you don't think they had a good reason to go into Afghanistan, you are beyond all hope.

-And by your thoughts you shouldn`t even be here because you can`t judge N.Korea because you don`t live there.

Have you seen me comment on North Korea yet? Fancy that, I haven't. I'm simply correcting your incredibly dumbfoundingly inaccurate appraisal of the American people & their politics; which, before you claim I don't live there, I'm right on the border, I spend a lot of time in the states, I've travelled through them, met & interacted with the people, and have local friends that are immigrants from south of the border.

Or is this whole thing just you whining about NATO forces bombing (then) Yugoslavia? Why not whine about the Germans too? The Luftwaffe saw some action then if I recall. You have a hell of a chip on your shoulder, and your ignorant remarks about countries you know little about are unwelcome.
1,310 posts

-Haha you are very blind because like USA as a country and it`s good to live there, but I guess that Obama wont make wars like the people before him.

This is barely a sentence. What are you trying to say?

-Why should I whine about Germany, they are one of my favorite countries in the world.

Luftwaffe. Familiar with the term (or pay attention to it in my last post)? They're the German airforce; they also flew NATO bombing missions along with the U.S.A.

-Very cool wars indeed right man, both of my grandparents were bombed and killed then, very cool, and instability of the our countries were so weak that gangs in Bosnia could freely walk the streets and kill everyone like they killed my brother.

'Very cool'? Your words, not mine. I'm just point out the possibility that all of this United States of America hatred that you seem to have going on has nothing to do with their interaction with North Korea and everything to do with that. In other words, don't pick up your personal vendetta and present it as meaningful content to a thread that has nothing to do with Serbia.
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