Whom Do You Think Is The Wost & Best World Leader? And why. Examples: Josef Stalin - Soviet Union George W. Bush - America Vladimer Lenin - Soviet Union Adolf Hitler "The Futer" - Germany Winston Churchhil - Britian Hadiki Togo - Empire Of Japan Abraham Lincon - American Harry Trunan - American King George III - British Empire William Wallance - Scotish Revolution King "Longshanks" - British Empire
Anyone who thinks Bush is one of the worst leaders ever is a complete moron. I hate Bush, but it is historically irresponsible to compare him to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, or others.
Best Military Leader: William Wallace of Scotland Worst Military Leader: Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany
Best Politician: Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany Worst Politician: Hadiki Togo of the Empire Of Japan
Best Leader: Joseph Stalin of the USSR Worst Leader: Jimmy Carter of USA
Mediocre and Never Going to be Remembered Award: George Bush of USA Worst Asshole in History: Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany
Best Innovator: Vladimir Lenin Worst Innovator: Jimmy Carter of USA
Funniest Faux Paus in History: Bill Clinton of USA My Personal Favorite: Ronald Reagan Did Most for History: Abraham Lincoln Biggest Idiot in History: Jimmy Carter (You can tell I don't like him)
I would have to say Abraham Lincoln was the best leader. He did so much for the U.S., and if he hadn't been president the Confederacy probably would have won the Civil War, and we would probably still have slavery. That would be pretty bad...
You do know he killed at least 50 million people for no reason. If they were ten minuites late for work, he had them sent to the Gulags (Siberian Consitration Camps) or killed. He purged richer farmers. Nothing right about him. He almost started a purge on doctors and would have started a war with the western world. The only good thing he really did was defeated the Germans and world war two and make the Soviet Union a world superpower. Doesn't add up.
The one that killed the most people (he is not in the list, but whatever) is Mao Zedong. He killed 60 millions people. It's more than the führer that made like 45 millions of death. Mao made the worst hunger in history too. The best one is Abraham Lincon, he is the one that freed a part of the black people from racism.
You do know he killed at least 50 million people for no reason. If they were ten minuites late for work, he had them sent to the Gulags (Siberian Consitration Camps) or killed. He purged richer farmers. Nothing right about him. He almost started a purge on doctors and would have started a war with the western world. The only good thing he really did was defeated the Germans and world war two and make the Soviet Union a world superpower. Doesn't add up.
Yes, I know that. He pretty much is in the same boat as Hitler, a truly great leader but a despicable person. I don't like him but he challenged the might of America and infiltrated our nuclear program in 1942-44. He's the one who started the Cold War, I gotta give him a congrats for that. It was bad but quite historic. Most of our modern world came from the Cold War.
Lincoln's emancipation proclamation was actually primarily a political move... the slaves were all in the South, which had already seceded and didn't follow the North's laws anyway. I guess ultimately it all worked out but he wasn't quite as altruistic as people want to think...
Bush is the worst leader (at least on my mind right now) in terms of complete ineffectiveness. I'm not going to pick one for worst in the sense of being inhumane.
Every country has great leaders, so I will say only some: Pericles: influential statesman, orator, and general of Athens during the city's Golden Age August: the first emperor of the Roman Empire Constantine I: byzantine emperor Charlemagne: He expanded the Frankish kingdoms into a Frankish Empire that incorporated much of Western and Central Europe Henry IV: King of England and Lord of Ireland Louis XIV: His reign lasted seventy-two years, three months, and eighteen days, the longest documented for any European monarch to date Napoleon I of France: was a military and political leader of France whose actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century.
And I will stop here for the others is too early to talk about them.
One of the worst would probaly be Nero, Emperor of Rome. He was a seriously messed up dude. They found out that the Actually played a violin while rome burned.