First off, I already know there is thread like this out there, but this one is different.
There is so much destruction and sorrow in this world, and if we could just set aside our differences, we could grow and prosper as a big... uhhhh... worldwide community-thing.
So if you could stop all the fighting, would you? Why or why not?
There really never could be such a thing as world peace, because there would be no balance. Peace cannot exist without conflict, because conflict is what allows peace to exist. Everything has it's counterpart, and without one, the other could not exist, because there would be no defining line separating them.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Are you stupid?! There will never be "World Peace" as long as we have fist, we kill. We are intellegent enough to kill, there will never be "World Peace" And anyone who thinks it's possible has a very large imagination. Nobody can live under one currency, one language, the only way there could be "World Peace" is if we got rid of emotions, we could never live in a world that never got angry, the human race would be an Empty Shell. Somebody would crack that Shell, we prosper and succeed with violence. So stop having a extremely wild imagination.
Yeah, I would. I think the human race could accomplish some pretty cool things in my lifetime if they weren't squabbling all the time. I mean, it will anyways, but one of the thoughts that always crossed my mind is all of the achievements and all of the interesting discoveries and technology that I'll never have a chance to experience or see.
I'm all for peace, but competition really seems to drive technological developments. If everyone just sort of unified into one big group, while it would help bring down armed conflict, I think it might also bring down constructive conflicts of ideas that drive us to learn more...
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Are you stupid?! There will never be "World Peace" as long as we have fist, we kill. We are intellegent enough to kill, there will never be "World Peace" And anyone who thinks it's possible has a very large imagination. Nobody can live under one currency, one language, the only way there could be "World Peace" is if we got rid of emotions, we could never live in a world that never got angry, the human race would be an Empty Shell. Somebody would crack that Shell, we prosper and succeed with violence. So stop having a extremely wild imagination.
WHOA MAN!!! CALM DOWN!! The question was about if you COULD, would you? Please keep this debate clean and don't insult other people based on their views! >.<
And also, who ever said anything about one language and one currency? When I say world peace, I mean no war between countries. The countries would still exist, and they would all keep their languages and currency. Why change that?
World peace also does not mean having no emotion. It IS emotion! It is having compassion for everyone without hate. Like starting with a clean slate and forgiving about past arguments!
Complete world peace would throw a wrench in our progress, but if this world peace is interspersed with rare wars, then we could still advance comfortably.
You know...if some alien species were to invade I'm sure all humans would come together to defend against the new threat....we just need some outside enemy for everyone to come together... not that it's happening anytime soon ! =P