[url=http://news.aol.com/article/north-korea-cyber-attacks/560750?icid=main|main|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fnews.aol.com%2Farticle%2Fnorth-korea-cyber-attacks%2F560750] What do you think?
If it IS them, this is a declaration of war. They could have severely damaged this country, and possibly even destroyed it. If I was the president, I would dedicate all resources to finding out who's behind them. If it's a rogue group, such as the terrorist organizations in the Mideast, then there's nothing we can do. If it's NK, we can wipe there country out.
I agree, I, without a doubt belive it was NK who else would hack US and SK? WHile our systems where down they could have shot missles at us. When will Obama realise they are trying to go to war with us?
It could have easily been a rogue state making it look like NK. Until we're sure without a reason of a doubt that it was NK, there is no way we can act upon it. I think we should have finished them off in Korea the first time around. Besides, we can always legitimately attack them without the UN's consent, seeing as we're already at war with them.
U just watch TMZ too much!None of this has happened!
You're not very good at reading, are you? It's AOL. Not TMZ. And TMZ has nothing to do with politics, so follow Strops instructions he left on you page, okay.
So eager to go to war, are we? We don't even know who was behind the attack, and you are so ready to nuke them. Sounds like the Bush Doctrine all over again.
If we(the US), are 100% sure it IS NK, then we should go to war. The problem is, Obama doesnt want to go to war, because he's trying to get Troops out of the Mideast. If he declares war or sends troops into NK, then it would contradict the whole thing. And since the citizens AND the government are against the US, then atleast sending SK supplies would be the right thing. If I was prez, I would send troops.
One of the magor problems, is it would be the Korean Conflict and vietnam all over again. We (the US) can only use tanks, if there are good roads, and a proper enemy to shoot at. Until the US can get a good, profound stragey against gurilla units, then it would probaly end with the US pulling out or launching a nuke.
It would be a declaration of war, if Korea supposedly hacked some of the U.S. systems. I don't know what Obama would do, but there is something fishy going on in Korea. And the only answer is: Jack Bauer. Too bad he isn't real, that would be awesome. *sigh*