Here's the list of best and worst tourists. The French came in dead last. The top 10 tourists were: Japan, Britain, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Australia, Sweden, USA, Denmark.
I live in the US and I worked at a restaurant for a few months. The British seemed to be really nice, along with Indians and Arabs. There were a lot of Polish, Lithuanians, and Bosnians. Most of them were nice, but there were a few bad ones. I never dealt with a French tourist, but I have heard some horror stories with them.
So why is it that the French are the worst? Anyone ever deal with them?
Osama Bin Laden might as well be the Che Guevara of the Middle East.
you always behave better when being in your own country. when you are abroad most people just want to relax and stop caring about anything than themselves
It doesn't surprise me at all, I was just giving my two cents about American tourists, who apparently behave the same way in the US as they do overseas.
Ahh, ok. My town doesn't really have tourists...nothing to see.
MY sity is really small and let we still get tourists from all of the USA. They come for one reason, Trains. Thats right they come from all of the USA to watch trains go through the railroad diamond, Im not even sure if there is a bathroom near it! all there is is a gazebo like thig where people can sit and watch trains go by! Also the German tourists I've seen seem pretty nice.
Chinese tourists tend to reserve to themselves, but complain inwardly and privately. However, they do tend to wander out where they're not supposed to go or do things they're not supposed to do, I've noticed.
As for other tourists, I haven't met any Frenchies, but I've met Germans, Brits, and Italians, and they were nice.
The only tourists I've had direct contact with were Germans. They tend to be very serious and quiet at times. Also were surprised at the size of everything in America. Generally nice people though.