I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family
wow well um im all for that veg stuff gung ho man (though i love eating meat) but everyone is their own person
but i dissagree animals are different than humans we have a higher thinking e.g. we can build a car but ya killing animals is wrong and humans can be stupid so we have to deal with them in our own way
animals and humans are COMPLETELY different humans have a free will and animals do not. Animals act purely on instinct, Humans do not, they think for themselves. Humans have a personality, animals do not.
Where did you hear that animals are killed to keep the population down? i have never heard that...
Your choice of topic name is inflammatory. You live in a glass house, insulated from reality and nature. One might suggest that you spend a bit of time studying how animals used for meat production are killed, then some time studying how animals die in the wild. Have you ever seen a pack of carnivores take down their prey? It's gory, messy, and time consuming with very few clean kills.
Also, yes there are times when animals in the wild are killed in order to control their numbers. Deer are a prime example, and I'll tell you why.
Years ago we removed most predatory species. As a result the prey species flourished and overpopulated. Their food supplies were soon diminished to the point that many animals were dying from starvation and our own crops (that vegetarians have to have to survive) were ravaged as well.
So it was either bring back the predators that are a threat to humans in order to control populations, or do the job ourselves.
You have to look at the big picture. Everything is cause and effect.
I thinks its cruel when it comes to places like KFC, thats why i thought i would become a vegitarian. Then i realized i just dont eat anything made by them. I don't eat fastfood, my parents are kinda rich so we eat food from restraunts 27 days out of the month ( iguess 24 for Feb. )
and steevo15, humans are mammals, and some animals are mammals.(just thought i would prove you wrong) And we also evolved from apes to cavemen to humans(cavemen aren't humans but close! yay!)
Aww, super sad. Humans didn't evolve from apes, but we did have a common ancestor. I don't think your argument works anyway, though, madgamer. Steevo was talking about (I assume) the mental faculties of people and humans, not so much their biological makeup. However, it's a pretty bold claim to say that animals act purely out of instinct. I certainly don't want to attribute human faculties to animals just because they exhibit certain behaviors, but decision making and problem solving both seem like the require some amount of reasoning capability - I don't think it's just instinct alone.
Yes but look at us humans i think that there are now 6 BILLION of us and each one comsumed i there own needs. Look at Argintina the worlds biggest country (in the size of the humans) they comsume more that one fist of meat a day (one fist is the recomended size for one serving of meat) plus have you seen the slaughter house videos? we kill TONS of animals with out knowing it for example you know those gummy worms your eating those contain animals you know the salad the you had that containd animals you know the peporonie pizza you had last night that contains animals you are taking the intestince out of a liveing animal and eating them
But...but...the adrenaline and endorphins make the meat so tasty..
The way I see it, man was designed over the years to eat and enjoy both animals and plants. Keeping a healty balance between the two is crucial. And so far as the slaughtering today I think it is a little better than, oh say, beat the animals with blunt rocks or semi-sharp sticks until they die. But that is just me.
On the other side of the coin, the crops that would have to be grown in order for us to all become vegetarian require pesticides and other measures of protection. Even more poison spread about to slaughter billions upon billions of insects, ruining the ground water in the process.
Take whatever stand you like, but know your facts when you do so. There are pros and cons to everything.
I could even make a connection between reducing animal husbandry and abortion. Want to reduce animal usage? Stop having kids.
Yes but then again the USA wastes 60% of its grain to feed the animals we could end world hunger sve the lives of millions of animals a day. The price of gas would drop by at least $1.50 per gallon most of the gasoline used in the USA are used by truckers transporting meat related objects. All of the illegale imagrints woring in there ( it is said that 9 out of 10 workers in slaughter house are us citizens) would be deported ( illeage mexicans account for more than half the USA prison population) wich would show the rest of the illeage mexicans that they might be no more jobs here for them and some will stop comming and the prisions population would decrease and the taxdollars would go down.