ForumsWEPRAnimal Slaughter

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324 posts

I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family

  • 588 Replies
324 posts

This is NOT a covorsation about "god" so if you want tot talk about that dumb stuff of yours go to another thread. Plus we eat thesame as you for veggie mass so I am sorry but It is probaly cheaper for me to eat than for you and turret what does Go Vps yay aya mean?

902 posts

Don't you tell me what I can and cannot use as my argument. You're claiming that we shouldn't hurt animals, I'm claiming that by that logic, you shouldn't eat plants since they're just as much alive. Don't tell me what I can and can't bring into the discussion, since it's all about ethics anyways and religion ties HEAVILY into ethics.

You think it's cheaper for you to eat? You're making stuff up without looking at the facts - in order to get all the amino acids you're missing in meat, you have to eat a larger variety of vegetables. You only need about 12 oz of meat a day (that's 4oz with each meal), whereas you need to eat an estimated 24 oz of vegetable mass to get the same amino acids since vegetables do not contain complete proteins and you have to supplement them. In short, I can eat less than a pound of cheap, low-quality meat and get the same protein content you get from about double what I'm eating. If you want to eat the least amount and still get the full nutritional value, a balance of vegetables and meat is required.

Also, meat is DELICIOUS. I see no reason to stop eating it if it's available... I mean, beef is my favorite, but pork, lamb, and venison... Nothing's quite the same as eating something that you brought down with your own hand.

1,482 posts

Refrain? No. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. He belongs to all of humanity - whether or not you choose to accept Him does NOT change the fact that He died on the cross for your sins and came back 3 days later

To you, Its a fact that this happened. To me, he was a prophet, to others, he was non-existance, so don't try to put religions down our throats.

The Biblical Referance makes a difference, as Jesus said don't care about what animals are "Clean" or "Unclean", since I can't eat pig. So, Not for everyone, again.

Were inclined to eat meat the way were built, you can barely live off of water soup and scrap and trust me you'll survive. So it doesn't matter if veggies keep you alive, you know you'll be betterer off with them.

Also, It is cheaper. Meats expensed per pound, It is cheaper, just not better, against our will, and theres no point to it.

I don't CARE if the ethics of eating an animal or plant is wrong, I want to know what the point is of NOT eating eithers?
As Spiritually connected everything is, you can't feel for a plant the way you do an animal which has more connectability, more resemblance to a human. I cut a vine with a sissor I wouldn't think of it as the same as a man slowly stabbing a poor animal to death. I'd think of it as a green stick split in half.

Reasonably, I see no reason why not to eat meat, Its AWESOMELY Delicious. xD

I'd go with.. Chicken, Goat, Cow [Goat and Cow are usually the younger ones] and Lamb [Sometimes] Turkey tastes good, but I usually eat it when its for sale during Thanksgiving, Its cheap then, and its at my school where I can easily buy it [As I don't do thankx givin].

PAF! From your responding Armed_Blade Operaters.
This company does charge a 30$ Fee if you read what it writes. xP [Lol, Joking]

Also, I found a Jar of some weird stuff inside it at a store, I flip it over and on the BOTTOM it says "Do not turn over" XD

54 posts

Animal slaughter is wrong and cruel its not like they did anything to harm us

325 posts

Great point Megamickel, vegetarians always say "Animals are alive", but plants are just as much alive as animals; we just do not connect with plants on the same level because, well, they don't really have the lovely characteristics we see in cats/dogs/etc.

1,482 posts

Heh, Save the ___ [Tree's, Or animals? DUN DUN DUN]

So, Intrinsically, Plants are denoted on value before Animals.

[The INtrinsic word I got from Strop. :P]

1,628 posts

yeah im all for VPs and all but now were ever you go its like MEAT COME GET YOUR MEAT HERE!!!

324 posts

IS that even relvent to this topic?

902 posts

Just because it doesn't scream doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. When I lived in El Paso, I once saw a boy get held down and pummeled all over the body, and he didn't make a sound. He was afraid that if he screamed they'd hurt him more. They probably would have killed (or hospitalized) him if I hadn't yelled. Plants don't scream because they don't have vocal chords. That doesn't mean they aren't alive. They're just as much alive as any animal. Saying it's wrong to eat animals because they're alive and feel pain means, by the very nature of what you're saying, it's wrong to eat anything that's alive and feels pain. Have you ever been a tree? Do you know they don't feel pain?

Also, I'll bring whatever I want into the discussion and there's nothing you can do to tell me otherwise. I have very strong (if unorthodox) religious beliefs, and it insults me that you would rebuke them as "irrelevant" when they apply directly to what's being talked about. I believe everything is alive and connected in spirit, so why should I differentiate in what I eat?
Vegetarianism is simply a lack of morals and an attempt to make up for it by supporting a cause that really doesn't help anyone.

1,628 posts

wow go into detial mush anyway i do think plants are alive but not blood alive ok if a plant has blood i will think otherwise

902 posts

Lack of blood does not mean not alive. Some insects lack a circulatory system, and yet they'd be considered animals under classification.

That's another instance of double standard - you say save the animals, yet you'd kill a bug you didn't like. And they feel pain and fear just like any other animal.

324 posts

plants dont feel pain Mega sorry to burst your bubbe they are autothrophs fyi

62 posts

Very controversal topic, this is. Personally, I believe a vegetarian not eating meat for his own personal reasons (conscience, guilt, etc) is perfectly fine. However, it is a different subject when one starts to turn radical.

For instance, not consuming meat/meat products and acting as though you are some sort of 'saint'. Yes, animals are abused and killed viciously all around the world, but just eating a simple hamburger does not mean you are supporting those companies that cause such abuse.

Also, I would not make such bold claims Skipper, as that plants do not feel pain. Where do yo get this idea? Because they do not make noise when you rip them from the ground? Technically, one can not prove/disprove that plants feel pain... at least I have never heard of an experiment that can prove either one of these cases.

324 posts

Well i said that because there have been no studies proving other wise along with that no eating a hamburger will help a tiny bit belive it or not, trust me I am no saint but not eating animals is like helping the kids with aids in africa, it is the right thing to do

902 posts

You're not very smart, are you? Arthropods are part of the animal kingdom, under modern nomenclature.

Doing what you're doing is the wrong thing to do.It's attempting to force your propaganda on others by telling them the way they live their lives is wrong.
A good 90% of what I've posted is satire aimed at making you realize how stupid your views look to the rest of the world, however I didn't realize that you must have been pretty dim in the first place to blindly follow that crap. Look past the lies and propaganda and you'll see that vegetarianism is, in itself, a failed concept. It's the idea of being "morally superior" through diet. As if eating nothing but plants means that you have better ideals than someone else. But morality is subjective; what you see as right, I see as idiotic. You can't change my views, and I can see now that you're too stupid to even see my side. I can see where you're coming from, wanting to save animals. But being a radical and trying to tell everyone else they're wrong to eat meat is worse than the Jehova's witnesses. At least they spread a message of peace and love. You spread a message of violence and oppression.

Showing 361-375 of 588