I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family
Ha please, I do not wish to get very heated in this arguement, but do not say it is "the right thing to do". Meat, when consumed in moderation (and prepared properly), is one of the most nutritious foods you can consume, and is crucial for increasing muscle weight, and for gaining essential vitamins and minerals.
No mega i ment autotrouphs like they make food them selves so stop trying to look smart and saying that i ment something else and dont get so p*ssy here.
And it is better than you r*dn*ck I can see your side so dont say I cant, we spread a message of loving animals, I can see that you were clearly raised very ignorantly, and you have a clearly distorted sence of what is right and wrong, so I cant exactly agree with you because I was raised to love both animals and people .
You spread a message of violence against anyone who kills or experiments on animals. First off. And second, insects aren't autotrouphs, you were right in calling them arthropods though. Arthropod literally means "jointed foot". Or something like that. I dunno, has something to do with foot... whatever. It means bugs. They're still classified under Anamalia, and while some are herbivores, others are carnivores. NONE are autotrouphs. I wasn't raised ignorantly, you were raised without a set of morals and therefore attempt to make yourself appear morally higher than everyone else by telling them how horrible they are for eating meat. If you truly loved animals, you'd understand that in nature, many, many animals eat meat. A few animals survive on both plants and meat. We are one of those animals. Yes - we are animals - classified as subspecies homo sapiens sapiens (repetition intentional)... let me break down our classification for you, actually.
Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Anamalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: H. Sapiens (Short for Homo sapiens) Subspecies: H. s. Sapiens (Short for Homo sapiens sapiens)
We're classified under this system just like any other animal. So why should we not do as we were born and bred to do, which is eat meat? Would you say that the hunter-gatherer people we came from are wrong for hunting down large animals for meat?
I Know, I Don't Wanna Eat Meat That Has Almost Been STEPPED ON! Although After Seeing That KFC Video - I Stopped Eating There. That's Just Mean... Maybe That's Why They Say There's Also ARTIFICIAL FLAVOURING... OM NOM NOM.
I Also Am Very Sad About The Cows That Got Smacked By The Polls And Stuff. T_T
Oh, And Did You Guys Ever Hear About The Japanese Dolphin Massacre? O:
I Have The Video... But It's VERY VERY VERY Graphic, Disturbing, And Sad... So Just Tell Me If You Want The Link. T_T
All you're doing is insulting me, you haven't actually said anything of any relevance. My last post was about insects, and you said they were arthropods. Then I said that they're still carnivores. Then you went back to talking about plants when I was talking about insects. I bet you'd step on a roach if it were in your house. I bet you'd spray for ants if you found them trying to get into your food. Yet they're animals. Why should they be killed but a cow be spared? Stomp on the ground near a roach and tell me it doesn't get scared and run away. So they feel fear. Also, we've proven in lab tests that flies respond to electrical shock, and will eventually stay away from whatever it is shocks them. So they feel and remember pain. What makes a ladybug different than a lady cow? They're essentially the same thing. In fact, it's made up of the same proteins as us, as is every living thing in the world... but that's getting into evolution. The point is, why should we spare one animal and not another? Just because they don't bleed doesn't mean they don't feel pain. Also, trees being autotrouphs has nothing to do with feeling pain. Until you have been a tree and a logger has cut you down, don't say they can't feel pain.
Quit insulting me and post something that makes sense. You obviously don't see both sides of it, you're totally biased by the BLATANT propaganda that pro-vegetarian groups crank out. And most of it's not even factually based, but rather just an attempt to sway people to their "cause" with lies. You've forgotten what it was like to be normal.
You probably won't live longer than me because you'll probably end up trying to do something to "save the animals" (which wouldn't end up in the animals doing anything except dying in the wild...) with your terrorist friends and end up getting shot.
You are NOT morally superior to anyone else simply because you don't eat meat. In my opinion, you're just a kid whose parents raised him without teaching him right from wrong, and you're trying to make up for that by proving to everyone you do have morals and that you're better than them because you want to save the animals, when in actuality you're only longing for a way to have what your parents never gave you.
I am a loner that has no problem killing a baby and would never hurt any animal.I haven't forgot what it is like to be normal I have never been, If I die sooner than you It is because I would be hit by a car that would be the only reason.
Okay first of all Mega and Skipper need to calm down. Both of you have been insulting each other(If one of you say he started it I will go crazy) this is a friendly debate not a fight. Secondly Skip I hope your being sarcastic about that killing a baby. Thirdly, I'm not putting down vegism, as mega said we are technaclly all animals so I see no problem in killing and eating a animal. It is a natural process. I do however have a problem with how we treat animals. So what we need to do is find a better way to kill them. Terrism does not count....
Perhaps this could be a friendly debate if certain people could read a post without taking it as a personal insult and cause to start a flame war.
So how is killing a baby (technically an animal) different from killing a calf? I don't get how killing the cow is morally worse than the baby. After all, the cow isn't sentient, it can't understand the concept of death. However, the baby, while not fully developed, has basic self-preservation instincts.
Ummm random Kichi. Mega o we really understand the concept of death though? We don't know what it's like or what will happen after it. We know why its cuased, heart-attacks and such, and how to keep us alive, eat well and such, but do we really understand it? Nothing understands death. Also as a sentient creature should we not help un-sentiant beings and I know that this brings up survival of the fittest but think about wouldn't you want to be helped if you were lesser being?