I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family
...u just commented to a person who is no longer here... who made that comment 2 years ago. I hope you understand that you're not going to get an answer
Unfortunately we are a meat eating society and animal flesh is a big part of our every day diet. Animals should be humanely killed,not tortured as in some slaughter houses. Its about supply and demand. When the demand is high less consideration is given to the animal.
Humans evolved from primates many millions of years ago. We were unique, we didn't have the general stupidity of the herbivores, nor the crazed desire to eat like the carnivores. We found the middle ground, and coupled with an oversized brain, we found we could adapt, we could survive, we could dominate.
Humans eating meat goes beyond the "slaughter of animals", it's a millennia-old tradition that highlights where we came from, just as someone can't just eat meat, they'll be missing half the experience of what it took for us to rise from our caves, pick up those first spears, and prove ourselves as Omnipotent.
Well said. If we were completely herbivore then I believe we would not be as strong or as smart as we are now. Meat gives us protein and much of what we need daily. I am not saying we should be blood-thirsty carnivores, but we need meat.
I disagree with the vegetables all the time man.. I love eatin meat.. especially dear jerky... Without animals we meat eaters wouldnt be able to live on all the vegetables u eat... I eat veggies too.. but not all the time like u do. :P
animals like a lion slaughter other animals to get food. humans make the same, but we dont know when to stop. animals eat only to be not hungry and stop then eating while humans throw food in the trash.
One of the most common arguments I hear in favour of a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle is that the animals that are slaughtered are quite often mistreated and lead pretty miserable lives until their death. Now, you're supposed to get from that circumstance to the conclusion that it's unethical to eat meat. Does this conclusion seem right based on the premise? Let's just grant that animals suffer and die to produce the meat we eat. I can see getting the conclusion that it's wrong to mistreat animals. But I'm not mistreating them, I'm eating them. Is this still unethical?
One of the most common arguments I hear in favour of a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle is that the animals that are slaughtered are quite often mistreated and lead pretty miserable lives until their death. Now, you're supposed to get from that circumstance to the conclusion that it's unethical to eat meat. Does this conclusion seem right based on the premise? Let's just grant that animals suffer and die to produce the meat we eat. I can see getting the conclusion that it's wrong to mistreat animals. But I'm not mistreating them, I'm eating them. Is this still unethical?
The only way i can see this argument working is if you hold the belief that If you're not part of the cure, you're part of the disease. I see there being a middle ground, while you're not condoning it, you clearly aren't protesting it if you're reaping benefit from it. Also, this argument from a vegetarian is probably not completely well thought out, because if they use any product from Apple, Microsoft, Motorola, ect, chances are it was made at Foxconn, and the treatment of the employees there is beyond terrible, but I'm sure there are very few of them that are going to stop using these products. Using you're statement, humans suffer to produce the electronics we use, but we're not mistreating them, we're just using what they've made.
Does this conclusion seem right based on the premise? Let's just grant that animals suffer and die to produce the meat we eat. I can see getting the conclusion that it's wrong to mistreat animals. But I'm not mistreating them, I'm eating them. Is this still unethical?
Simply eating meat is not unethical, but the argument goes that by eating meat, you support potentially unethical animal treatment, which makes it unethical in the big view. But I think even in the case that every animal that produces meat is tortured, there's still a difference. Torturing animals, either by miserable conditions due to greed/saving on expenses, or by hitting and kicking animals before/during slaughter, is a gratuitious act; it could be prevented, but isn't due to money/psychological issues. Eating meat however, while being a choice, is already biased by the fact we need the proteins and other agents found in meat. So even if people would care about animal treatment, they couldn't possibly eat meat ethically if every animal is mistreated, making it much less gratuitious/condemnable than torture.
Long text short message, if you want to prevent animal torture, fight those who torture the animals (d'uh), not those who eat meat. Surely eating less meat and only the one coming from ethically treated animals is a sensible thing to do, or anything else that enforces an industry that is not based purely on consumption. Completely banning meat however is simply stupid since it creates more trouble than it solves.
Didn't Nazi collaborators use that argument as well?
Prolly not, seeing as how they aren't the same thing at all. Nazis commonly used the argument that everyone else was doing it, so they were pressured into doing it themselves, but this isn't the same thing.