Wierd Al yankovic is making supposedly his last album and is releasing new songs on Youtube, but do you think this will be his last and be as good as his earlier work?
Weird Al's polkas are epic. Everyone should have the chance to check them out. Each one is like a time capsule of the best and most popular songs and styles of the time period.
Some people think if you like Weird Al,then you don't like real music. That is 100% not true. I love classic rock. In fact if you go to my page or my brother's,you'll see we're holding a classic rock contest. So you can like serious music and Weird Al at the same time. I think it's a good combo.
I agree with you guys,Angry White Boy Polka is the best one. My other four top polkas are The Alternative Polka,Polkas on 45,Bohemian Polka,and The Hot Rocks Polka. Weird Al must be really good friends with Mick Jagger...