Wierd Al yankovic is making supposedly his last album and is releasing new songs on Youtube, but do you think this will be his last and be as good as his earlier work?
Weird Al is the most prolific satirist of all-time,as he's sold about 15,000,000 albums. (Somebody could look that up for me,cuz I didn't research that,but I know I'm close.)
Lonely Island is pretty good. I think they're both the same. Although Weird Al has been around longer, so he has a lot more great material.
These are nowheres near the same. Weird Al makes parodies of songs, and uses the same rhythm and so on, and The Lonely Island writes their own songs, with their own comic genius, and is pretty with the times, and if Weird Al comes out with another album, it'll sound like my grandfather trying to be cool... isn't Weird Al like, 45? or older?
Wow, way to attack me for my opinion. I'm saying that I like them about the same. Weird Al does write his own songs though. Virus Alert, Skipper Dan, Craiglists, Cable TV, Christmas at Ground Zero, Genius in France, Hardware Store, the list goes on and on...
and if Weird Al comes out with another album, it'll sound like my grandfather trying to be cool...
I think it's funny. And the songs that do sound like that, are supposed to be.
Weird Al said himself that the reason for that song was he wanted to make a song that was utterly annoying,but catchy and rythmic at the same time. It's a classic in my mind.
I have a question:Which of Weird Al's albums do you think is the best? My top 5: 1. Straight Outta Lynwood (2006) 2. Off The Deep End (1993) 3. Even Worse (1988) 4. Poodle Hat (2003) 5. Alapalooza (1994)