ForumsWEPRWhat do you believe? Why do you believe in what you believe?

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1,081 posts

This was a thought that occurred to me in the debate about God thread. I just didn't want to bring up there because it's kinda off track. So...
What do you believe in?
Why do you believe in that?

I don't a religious believer saying something stupid that we've all heard before like, "I believe in God because there's a book about him."(you would be amazed how many times i've heard this)
I don't want a non-religious believer saying something stupid like "I believe in nothing."(once again, I've heard this before waaaaaay too many times)

I want to hear good, well thought out statements.
avoid flaming.

  • 69 Replies
9,821 posts

It's impossible to know what death is while we're alive. I view death as something that happens to everyone, and it's just a passing unto something unknown.

1,081 posts

I kind of think God created science and evolution... Gave him a lighter workload.

hmmmm. so what do you think when it comes to the creation of the universe?

It's impossible to know what death is while we're alive. I view death as something that happens to everyone, and it's just a passing unto something unknown.

ok. I can understand that.
4,206 posts

No but I believe in God that he was here from the beginning.

Why would god be the beggining, and not the Big Bang? Maybe somebody created god...

ok, expand. Why? what values does science hold to you that make you choose it over everything else?

Sorry i didn't felt like typping a lot :P

Well because science make more sence thaen god. People say: "god created everything!". Thats all. There is no logic in too that. I have more to say, but i won't say it right now...just u wait.
3,550 posts

The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy says the anser to life the universe and everything is 42. Adn I've been thinking about it for awhile. Lols at google.

I think that this guy explains it very well that the answer is Christ. You'll see what I mean.

4,206 posts

Wow. I hope no one actually believe in this.
The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy is a comic science fiction book. Not a scientific discovery. And how is 42 the awnser?

69 posts

I believe strongly in God, but I am also a very logical/scientific person. From a scientific standpoint, there is no proof... and yet, I still believe. I believe because I have faith, and that is pretty much it.

And btw, I am not a crazy jesus-freak kind of person. I don't want anyone getting that feel from what I just said lol. :P

4,206 posts

And btw, I am not a crazy jesus-freak kind of person. I don't want anyone getting that feel from what I just said lol. :P

k i won't
1,081 posts

I have more to say, but i won't say it right now...just u wait.

1,562 posts

I am a Catholic, and I believe in God.

My reasoning for this all comes down to origins. Scientists come up with all these proofs that God doesn't exist, but then you have to think, what are the origins of those proofs? And what are the origins for the reasons behind those proofs.

Simply put: Everything MUST have an origin.

Even if the Big Bang was the cause of this earth, how did the Big Bang come to be? Some accident? I think not. Even if it was some colossal accident, what sparked the accident? There has to be a beginning to it all.

So my answer for all of the origins is God. What else could it be?

755 posts

scientists come up with all these proofs that God doesn't exist,

scientists do not try to disprove god. mostly its atheists who use the achievements of science to disprove god.

i believe that god and science can coexist perfectly.

science mostly answers to the question how things to work. it never explains why things do other things. and that is were gods perfect plan and creation comes into the game.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I believe that the people make the difference and not supernatural beings of any kind. We have to be good not because someone will rewards after life, but because we have to respect and help the others.

1,310 posts

I believe in friends and family. I believe in logic and reason.


Well, my family because they are people who will stick with em through anything... same with my friends. I don't have a whole lot, but of the few that I have are a close few.

Why do I believe in logic & reason? Because they assist me with.. pretty much everything that I do. Games, strategy, debate, love, interaction, determination of cause & effect, consequences, my line of work, education... there's nothing I do in life where they aren't absolutely invaluable. So, I believe that they are the key to success & being happy.

238 posts

Well because science makes more sence thaen god.

This is a little off topic. Lol out of the three posts I'be been in. Two posts I misspelled a little and people get all mad and on my back about it. But look at this guy he says sence (It's spelled sense) he also said thaen (You spell it like this *than*). And no ones said anything about it like really people.
1,081 posts

So my answer for all of the origins is God. What else could it be?

So what do you believe the origin of God to be if everything must have an origin?

I believe that the people make the difference and not supernatural beings of any kind. We have to be good not because someone will rewards after life, but because we have to respect and help the others.

I respect that, I take you don't believe that a God created us and the do you think that all came to be?

Well, my family because they are people who will stick with em through anything... same with my friends. I don't have a whole lot, but of the few that I have are a close few.

that's nice.

Why do I believe in logic & reason? Because they assist me with.. pretty much everything that I do. Games, strategy, debate, love, interaction, determination of cause & effect, consequences, my line of work, education... there's nothing I do in life where they aren't absolutely invaluable. So, I believe that they are the key to success & being happy.

so you are 100% satisfied with logic and reasoning?

This is a little off topic. Lol out of the three posts I'be been in. Two posts I misspelled a little and people get all mad and on my back about it. But look at this guy he says sence (It's spelled sense) he also said thaen (You spell it like this *than*). And no ones said anything about it like really people.

THIS IS NOT A DEBATING THREAD THIS IS AN EXPLAIN WHAT YOU BELIEVE THREAD. and i don't really mind grammar mistakes as lon as i can read it. if anyone ever really gets on to you for making a small grammar mistake, unless you're a writing, don't worry about it. the guy correcting you is probably adork that will still live with their mom when they're 30.

OK! back on topic!
3,224 posts

I'm functionally atheist, because I don't go to church or pray, etc., but I say I'm agnostic because it just seems silly to completely discount the existence of a God, even if I don't 'believe' in it. 'Nontheism' probably covers it. It really doesn't affect my life either way.

As for why I believe this, it's because after a Christian upbringing, that my beliefs did not mesh well with the rational world I wanted to be a part of. From a purely empirical standpoint, religion doesn't work for me.

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