ForumsWEPRArmorgames re-does the world news and public news.

47 6556
677 posts

Ok I decided to make a thread involving the world news and public news that different people from armorgames will be covering here is a list of those people and the spots that are still avalible.

1.U.S-Bretttrumpour (1 Spot left)
3.Politics Left-(2 spots left)
7.Travel-Samy(1 spot left)
8.Sports-goumas13(1 spot needed)
9.Crime-(1 spot left)
11.politics right-TSL3_needed'(full)
13.Music-Frylock19(1 spot left)

Ok when you post your thread plz put a source with it unless you wrote it and post what section it is thx

  • 47 Replies
755 posts

this is world news:
IRAN: Gholam-Rhesa Akasadeh, chief of the iranian nuclear programm stepped back from his position. rumours say that his dimmision letter was known to the iranina presidents office for the last three weeks, but his dimision became official yesterday, thursday july 16th. He also resigned from his position as the vicepresident of iran.
There are rumours that say that his dimission is based, because Akasadeh is said to be close to the opposition leader Mussawi. Akasadeh worked for 4 iranina presidents over the last two decades. first as oil minister and then as chief of the nuclear programm.

Akasadehs succesor is Ali Akhbar Salehi. He is known as a quiet and reserved.
According to former IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency) chief Pierre Goldschmidt Salehis promotion is a good sign for the western world. Salehi was the iranina delegee at the IAEA in Vienna and knows Goldschmidt quite well. Goldschmidt describes Salehi as a man of dialogue and points out that during Salehis term at the IAEA iran signed a protocoll that allowed much wider controlls of nuclear inspectors in iran than it is possible today.

Iran posseses about 1.4tons of enriched uranium and in the nuclear facility in Natan are 7000 centrifuges installed.

the western world still fears, that iran is planning to build nuclear warheads. when this be possible is still an argumentative topic for the experts.

its mostly written by me but i found the story on the link above. thats how i will work with all my articles

755 posts

another piece of world news:
Wood - Squire


Hundreds of thousand oposition members in Teheran gathered near th university to take part in the friday prayer held by Ali Akbar Haschemi Rafsandschani, who is a cleric with an critical attitude towards the governement. To stop the supporters of presidency canditate and opposition leader Mussawi, police forces and civil militia closed down an area 3kilometres from the university. Eye witnesses report about massive tear gas usements and a lot of demonstrants were arrested.
Only a couple of thousands made it to the university entrence where Ali Akbar Haschemi Rafsandschani held his prayer. The prayer started with an appeal to Mussawis supporters not to disturb the religous and peaceful atmosphere with hateful slogans. Afterwards he adressed the police forces to realse all political prisoners.

the first part of the prayer is a religous ritual with readings from the koran.
the second part is dominated by political and social topics.
Ali Akbar Haschemi Rafsandschani wants the people in iran to focus to solve problems and built a better future for the iran. Hea also wants an open debate about the recent elections where Ahmadinedschad won against Mussawi. The opposition claims that the elecion has been manipulated.
Rafsandschani says that there is an crisis in iran and he demands the governement to show more tolarence towards the iranina people and the iranina tv stations to show what really was happening in the last weeks and not to play down the demonstrations and street fight that have been happening in the major cities in iran over the last couple of weeks


4,097 posts

plz put a source with it unless you wrote it

To add to that, please post a source telling where you got your information as well. So we know that it's legit.

Tech. - Friday, July 17. - Article #1

As you may know, the fortieth anniversary of the very first lunar landing is approaching. The first shuttle that reached its destination of the moon was Apollo 11, and it was manned by three astronauts. Neil Alden Armstrong, Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins. Of these three astronauts, Neil Armstrong is the best known for being the very first man to walk on the moon.

However, some have questioned whether or not man really has landed on the moon. Their question can now be answered: Yes, man did land on the moon. A lunar orbitor has recently sent back images of the landing site of Apollo 11, and other Apollo flights. These pictures show the lander, scientific instruments used, and in the Apollo 14 picture, footprints. NASA is eagerly awaiting pictures of the Apollo 12 landing site, which are due to arrive within the next few days.


In related news, the shuttle Endeavor was launched on Wednesday after weeks of delay. It spent two days catching up with the international space station, and will dock later this afternoon after performing a back-flip to allow the crew to photograph the surface of the space station. Worth noting, is that during launch the shuttle's engine leaked an unusual amount of foam, and minor damage to tiles was observed.

677 posts

U.S news-Jet makes landing with football size hole.

There were no injuries aboard the Boeing 737, which was traveling at about 34,000 feet when the problem occurred, Southwest spokeswoman Marilee McInnis told CNN.

The sudden drop in cabin pressure caused the jet's oxygen masks to deploy.

Southwest Flight 2294 was en route from Nashville, Tennessee, to Baltimore, Maryland, with 126 passengers and a crew of five aboard, McInnis said.

It landed at 5:10 p.m. after the crew reported a football-sized hole in the middle of the cabin near the top of the aircraft, McInnis said.

What caused the damage to the jet had not been determined, she said. Both the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the incident, FAA spokeswoman Holly Baker said.

"There is no responsible way to speculate as to a cause at this point," Southwest said in a statement Monday night. Watch as passenger describes watching the hole form »

"We have safety procedures in place, and they were followed in this instance to get all passengers and crew safely on the ground," the airline said. "Reports we have are that our passengers were calm and that our pilots and flight attendants did a great job getting the aircraft on the ground safely."

755 posts

as always news from around the world:

Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Dimitrij Medwedew held a meeting in Munich.
Many important topics concerning both countries were discussed.
One of the main topics was the strategic planning of the takeover of the GM daughter Opel by the canadian-austrian car parts producer Magna and the russian bank Sberband. Merkel said the concept is solid but there a still details to be discussed.
Also there have been talks about a German-Russian anti-coruption commission which is suppossed to be one reaction to the financial crisis.
The biggest success of the day was the creation of the German-Russian Energy Agency, which tasks will be to secure oil deliveries from Russia. Also the agency wants to make energy use more efficient and cut oil usage by 2025 by 40% which will make the russian oil ressources more effective and secoure the delieveries and energy situation of the whole region.
The Agency will start working later that year.

Also next year it is planned to develop an german-russian history textbook.
The point of which is to show people from both countries different views of history and create a bigger understandment for each other in germany and in russia.

Merkel said that the Russian-German relation had been more intense since Putin is no longer president. She was satisfied with the outcome of the meeting and said, that it is important to start more practical projects.

input from written by donpiet

677 posts

teh adminz have news bout the pirate bay
for many dog years, troll and honest user alike have undermined EVIL COMMUNIST CORPORATIONS with teh pirate bay. but now the admins wanna fix taht leak. noob mods. this new mod, rosso, wants ta buy teh bay for over 9000!!!!! 1.7million dolla!!!!
den, teh moneys stolen from CHURCHGOING, HELPFUL CIVILIANS will be used to pay our CORPoRATE OVERLORDS. price unkonwn, more yeaux share, less ye pay.
the noobs wanna pay ISPs too. psshhht, i mean srsly paying their enemies.
of course, these noobs fail to realize taht no one wants to party with em.
thar hope blows! the noobs gotta pay 3.4 intarnets (7.8 million america[YEAH AMERICA] moneys) to steel the bays.

Mind not spamming on my topic.
677 posts

Health news-

Before Washington takes another step on health care reform, Hilda Sarkisyan wants the politicians to hear her story.

"If we don't change this now, my story is going to be their story," she says.

Sarkisyan's 17-year-old cancer-stricken daughter Nataline made national headlines when Cigna, the family's health insurance company, denied coverage for a liver transplant in late 2007.

The Sarkisyan family made repeated appeals at news conferences. Cigna initially declined to cover the operation, then reversed its decision. Nataline Sarkisyan died hours after the company's reversal.

Sarkisyan was brought to Washington by Democratic activists pushing for a reform bill that would give Americans the option of joining a government-run plan to compete with private insurers.

The option, activists say, will keep the industry honest.

"And this is my message to everyone: The insurance companies are not going to decide who is going to live and who is going to die," Sarkisyan said. Watch a report on Sarkisyan and the fight over reform »

Don't Miss
'Blue Dog' Democrats may block health care bill
Health care overhaul clears divided Senate committee
Commentary: Health care can't wait
But she will have to win over an army of skeptics: Republicans who are nervous about the plan's price tag.

"They're spending too much, they're taxing too much to get us there, and they're writing legislation that is totally partisan that isn't gonna work," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah.

Even some Democrats are up in arms over a recently unveiled health care reform bill in the House.

A leader of the conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats told CNN on Wednesday that he and other group members may vote to block the House Democrats' health care bill from passing a key committee if they don't get some of the changes they want.

"We remain opposed to the current bill, and we continue to meet several times a day to decide how we're going to proceed and what amendments we will be offering as Blue Dogs on the committees," said Rep. Mike Ross, D-Arkansas.

Ross said the bill unveiled Tuesday by House Democratic leaders did not address concerns he and other conservative Democrats outlined in a letter late last week to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The conservative Democrats don't believe the legislation contains sufficient reforms to control costs in the health care system and believe additional savings can be found.

Asked whether the Blue Dogs on the Energy and Commerce Committee are considering voting as a group against the bill if it remains unchanged, Ross replied, "absolutely."

Special interest groups are also affected.

Beverage companies are running a TV ad opposing one congressional proposal that would pay for reform, in part, with a soft-drink tax.

"This is no time for Congress to be adding a tax to the simple pleasures we all enjoy ... like juice drinks and soda," the announcer in the TV ad says. "Taxes never made anyone healthy."

But Obama is ready to play hardball.

"We can't kick the can down the road any longer," Obama said at a Wednesday afternoon news conference at the White House. "Deferring reform is nothing more than defending the status quo."

He added: "Those who would oppose our efforts should take a hard look at just what it is they're defending." Watch more of Obama's push for health care reform »

Obama also reassured Americans who are happy with private insurance and oppose a government option.

"If you like your doctor or health care provider, you can keep them. If you like your health care plan, you can keep that, too. ... You will save money [under the plan] ... "

The Democratic Party also has a new ad out aimed at its own senators who are wavering on reform.

The 30-second TV commercial will run for two weeks in eight states: Arkansas, Indiana, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, North Dakota, Nebraska and Ohio, according to a preview of the ad provided to CNN by Obama's Organizing for America, or OFA.

The commercial, which features five people discussing health care problems, will also run on national cable television, in Washington, D.C., and online, according to OFA, which is now housed at the Democratic National Committee.

The ad running in the eight states does not mention the senators by name, but it does ask viewers to call Capitol Hill and provides the telephone number for the U.S. Capitol switchboard.

Two of the states, Arkansas and North Dakota, are represented by a pair of Democratic senators, while the six remaining states are represented by centrist Democrats and Republicans. The commercial that is running nationally follows the same script, but it does not ask people to call their senators.

Officials say the people in the commercial "were among hundreds of thousands of people who shared their stories with OFA."

In the message war over health care, Hilda Sarkisyan vows that she will not surrender.

"I know I'm going to face Congress. And I know I'm going to meet the president eye to eye," she says. "He got the responsibility to become the president, and we're proud of that. We need something in return."

The president says he wants the House and Senate to wrap up their work on health care reform before lawmakers take their long August break.

The halls of Congress may get crowded as supporters of reform plan to flood the halls with more people like Hilda Sarkisyan.

4,871 posts


National Parks: The Great Smokey Mountains

The Smokey Mountains National Park is located in both Tennessee and North Carolina. It's home to extremely diverse plant and animal life and to many species that can be found no where else in the world. The Smokey Mountains are the most visited National park in the country.

With over 800 miles of trails the Smokey Mountains are truly a hikers paradise. Yet hiking isn't the only reason to visit the National park, with extensive auto trails, fishing, and picnicking spots the Park is a great way to relax in the great outdoors. One of the more visited of the auto trails is Cades Cove, ands it no wonder housing spectacular views of the mountains, and extensive wildlife The Cove is truly a beautiful place.

One of the parks main attractions are the cabins atop Mt. LeConte. The cabins are only accessible by hiking up the mountain on your choice of five trails the shortest of which is 5.6 miles long. However it's well worth it from the spectacular views you get from high top, to the roughing it with no electricity the cabins are truly a marvelous place.

However if being outside isn't your forte, the are around the Smokey mountains is well worth the visit. The two cities closest to the park on the Tennesse side are Pigeonforge and Gatlinburg and both have many perks about them. Pigeonforge is more of an old Tennesse type of city infused with the modern day, from Cafe's to the famous Applewood barn restaurant, to indoor skydiving, you'l never be bored (or hungry!) when your there. Gatlinburg however is more of a tourist trap than anything but with hundreds of stores and attractions you'l never want to go home.

755 posts

Kim Jong Il is making a biography about himself.
The first episode of the documentary: "I will lead Korea to Glory" has just been finished.
The films will cover the life of Kim Jong Il from his birth until the present day.
The South Korean governement thinks that this biography might be a sign that Kims health is worsening.
There are unconfirmed rumours say that the NK leader has pancreascancer which is a lifethreatning disease.
On his last tv appearances Kim seemed to have lost a lot of weight and moved as if he felt very fragile.

On the 4th of July NK increased the tension in the region by launching another nuke test series.
The UN reacted by hanging new snactions on the country.
5 NK companies and 2 military products were added to the list of sanctions.

input:,1518,636626,00.html translation and writting: donpiet

4,871 posts
5,838 posts

sorry but can you explain what this is please? I'm confused though from what I can guess at it seems interesting. And can I do sports with goumas please (provisionally)

677 posts

Thats another thing I want someone to do and is to make a news logo and post it on photo bucket cuz I want people to post it with there topics so I dont get confussed on who is helping and who is just posting random articles.

4,871 posts

Hey guys just as a thought why don't we each do ONE article a day and maybe try and make something that resembles a newspaper, because this is getting a bit cluttered up.

755 posts

@pixie: see the newspaper idea topic to get your answer

238 posts

bretttrumpour I'll do your crime subject (if it's not taken yet) answer me back in my profile?

Showing 1-15 of 47