Since I have joined Armorgams . . .I see a lot of Atheists and their threads about why people believe in God etc . . . I wanted to start a thread about the bible and christianity.
The purpose of this thread is to debate a different book of the bible each week. We will discuss lessons, morals, and different stories.
We will have friendly debates. Please . . . if you are atheist or of other beliefs . . . you may discuss in this thread, just PLEASE no fighting, flaming, spamming, trolling . . . etc
This week we will begin from the beginning . . . .Genesis
The story of creation . . . for me, is kind of confusing. I always thought it happened in the seven days until I found out that this period was most likely spread across millions of years. I also always wondered how Adam and Eve coexisted with the dinosaurs . . . but that also pertains to the spread out millions of years.
Truthfully, I dont believe in debates dealing with God and God's will. But like reality, it happens. I believe the moral of the story of Adam and Eve, is God knows best. If you think about it, in the end, Adam and Eve aren't happy. This is because they didnt follow God's will. If they had, our world would (I think) be sinless. Im not saying it's THEIR fault, humankind is just bound to sin, its in our nature. That's why we need God to rely on. And to trust. Which Adam and Eve didnt. This story pretty much tells us that we ARE sinners and we [b]NEED God in our life, to protect us from evil's (Devil/Satin/Snake in the tree) clutches. Thank you for listening.
Genesis is the most unlikely story. Haven't read it but trust me, I think Lucifer would come in a much more imposing form that a snake. And they lived with dinosaurs? That's new.
Well that's an excellent interpretation Devin. It is true that we need God and without him we would be nothing. I think it is funny how Adam tried to blame God for the sin they comitted by saying, "You gave her to me." Even then after he knew they disobeyed, he still had the nerve to blame the one who created him.
No TSL3 . . .they didn't live with dinosaurs. God created animals/ creatures before he created man and woman. Since there was spans of millions of years . . . the dinosaurs were already extinct. That's what I have been taught. Also, in Genesis, it explains why snakes slither today. They used to have 2 arms and 2 legs. They used to walk until Satin used the snake to do his bidding. Genesis 3:14 . . ."So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life."
Which is why we associate snakes with evil. Untrue. And that's quite interesting. What's funny is that snakes once did have legs. They just grew out of them. I'm not very good at debating this book for some reason : /
It's okay TSL3 . . . yes it is true that some people associate the snake with evil, but it is not true. They were just a vessel used by the evil one to do his deeds. We all have done things that are not pleasing to God, but he always forgives us.
This is a good idea of a thread snazzy777. I dont know where but somewhere it says that one second to God is a million years to us and one penny to God is a billion dollars to us.