Since I have joined Armorgams . . .I see a lot of Atheists and their threads about why people believe in God etc . . . I wanted to start a thread about the bible and christianity.
The purpose of this thread is to debate a different book of the bible each week. We will discuss lessons, morals, and different stories.
We will have friendly debates. Please . . . if you are atheist or of other beliefs . . . you may discuss in this thread, just PLEASE no fighting, flaming, spamming, trolling . . . etc
This week we will begin from the beginning . . . .Genesis
Wanna know why? Agnostics always win because due to logic AND thinking with an open mind, there is no way to disprove a theory about a god and there is no way to disprove a theory that there is.
Agnostics never "win" an argument; they simply become more certain of their uncertainty.
Then I am A Cristian gnostic. Not trying to be an idiot, or make someone else look like one, I [unfortunately] hear and see spirits that no one else does. And yes I thought I was crazy when I was younger but I have learned to accept it and know now that there is something after this life. Peace.
I would like to know that is it possible to empirically find evidence of god or is it all based on speculation from people who have conformed to certain systems of religion. I would like to bring up that at one point in time humans believed in absurd ideas such as the Earth being the center of the universe, the sun as a deity, sky is heaven and beneath the earth lies hell yet we now all these things to be false based on some form of evidence and if you don't know the evidence maybe you should question why they teach millions of children this in public education...another reason behind all this arguing is that its the masses persecuting an individual's belief. If you believe everything you are told then why think.
Agnostics never "win" an argument; they simply become more certain of their uncertainty.
Winning an argument and adjusting your beliefs are very different things.
I'm kinda agnostic, but I don't think I'm uncertain. My mentality is more like 'whatever, we can't know so we shouldn't make assumptions?' than 'I have no idea! Am I religious or afheist? Oh geezers, I just don't know!!1'
Then I am A Cristian gnostic. Not trying to be an idiot, or make someone else look like one, I [unfortunately] hear and see spirits that no one else does. And yes I thought I was crazy when I was younger but I have learned to accept it and know now that there is something after this life. Peace.
Can you really be so sure?
We have seen many different things that can effect our perceptions on reality. For instance electromagnetic fields have been proven to be able to cause hallucination in humans among other effect commonly associated with ghostly activity. So you don't have to be cray to see things that aren't there.
Another less likely possibility is comes from some of the possibilities in quantum mechanics. Some theories suggest there are alternate realities. What is being seen could be these alternate realities bleeding in to ours. This would have nothing to do with an afterlife. Of course this is far more speculative and thus less likely then the above.
the Earth being the center of the universe, the sun as a deity, sky is heaven and beneath the earth lies hell yet we now all these things to be false based on some form of evidence and if you don't know the evidence maybe you should question why they teach millions of children this in public education.
[Conspiracy! Conspiracy! Conspiracy!] Why this is just those darn scientists trying to eliminate the one true christian faith and indoctrinate our youth into a godless atheistic life [/Conspiracy! Conspiracy! Conspiracy!]
Dreams are the result of the brain reflecting and 'housecleaning' after a day of being awake. Your subconscious also sometimes manifests subconscious thoughts through dreams.
Most scientists agree that dreams happen as a stress relief, especially if you're worried about something. So no, but I guess MAYBE they could if you were "special" when it comes to stuff like that.
Well a history book maybe? Encyclopedias are most of the time reliable.
But not a book written by incredibly biased men claiming to be the word of "God" that states there were talking snakes, a senior citizen building an ark and evading a world wide flood, and woman was made from a man's rib and some dirt.