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After putting some thought into the status of our public school, and the intellectual presence of America on the world stage. I've come to realized than the majority of our problems could be solved with smarter kids and the best way to get smarter kids is to get a better public school system.

And now debate.

  • 166 Replies
1,416 posts

What a coincidence for this article to just pop up on BBC. It ranks Finland, Norway, Denmark, Canada and Sweden as the top countries for education. These countries spend about the same per student. But the difference is the universal structure. In the US, property taxes fund schools. So poor areas get screwed while rich areas prosper. In the top ranked countries, the wealth is spread out to reach every student.

Socialism wins again!

4,871 posts

Aww, you caught that?

Ha, well I'm a bit indie at time =D

My point is that parents should learn how to raise their children. When they fail actually punish them. My friend failed twice and got in several fights and his parents didn't give a shiz. Guess what? He was raised in the public schools, and added to the stereotype. He's in prison for fourteen years on attempted murder and drug charges.

I agree, I mean a lot of it comes from having no or crappy father figures, but that neither here nor there. If I may use this as an example if the government would have invested more money in him while he was at school and his parents before him they wouldn't be paying for his room and board for 14 years.
2,763 posts

How about better parents who don't let their kids get raised by the public schools.

Some people can't afford private schools and they are not nessesarly better. ( if you implied that they should go to private shoool instead if you implied something diffrent ignore this).

I don't really know how the school system is in America but in Canada it isn't that bad. Well except for english classes that don't prepare you for the future and that math taught very *painfully* slowly and suddenly is get a lot harder like in grade 12 and then in university.
5,579 posts

Actually, he's in the state prison. The Arizona taxpayers are paying for it. Rather than the schools actually pressuring parents to raise their kids.

4,871 posts

Socialism wins again!

Well again not so much but it does win :P but another problem with that is rich kids TEND to be brats, so the extra funding doesn't matter while some poorer kids actually want to learn but don't have the resources.

Actually, he's in the state prison. The Arizona taxpayers are paying for it. Rather than the schools actually pressuring parents to raise their kids.

Hear, Hear
8,051 posts

"How about better parents who don't let their kids get raised by the public schools. That would fix half our problems."

i actually implied you meant homeschooling... which is a no because you wouldn't be up to date with stuff and your parents probably went to public schools aswell

more than half of a grade is effort

4,871 posts

i actually implied you meant homeschooling... which is a no because you wouldn't be up to date with stuff and your parents probably went to public schools aswell

I think he meant that some parents just send them to school to raise them, like some kids are raised by society and others by televisio
10 posts

I agree and say that we start teaching the kids in the ghetto ACTUALLY how to do math. Oh... maybe they can't afford TI-83's?

5,579 posts

we start teaching the kids in the ghetto ACTUALLY how to do math

Most of them are quite good at it. Hence the reason they're really good drug dealers :P
4,871 posts

I agree and say that we start teaching the kids in the ghetto ACTUALLY how to do math. Oh... maybe they can't afford TI-83's?

Government funding.

Most of them are quite good at it. Hence the reason they're really good drug dealers :P

395 posts

The problem isn't that there isn't enough money, the problem is that kids are just lazy.

Back in the day when my parents were kids, they were paying half as much for each student and more were succeding. If kids just actually put forth some initiative they might make something of themselves. If they fail it's their own fault and the parents.

4,097 posts

This thread should be fun. And sorry for my epic wall of text, but oh well.

Let's start off by saying that there are public schools that aren't bad...mine for example. Sure there are the kids that don't learn, but for those of us that want to it's available.

the problem is the only people it affects directly are the ones that can't do anything about it, the kids and teenagers

He's correct. Back like 4 years ago I emailed my school once, giving a suggestion or something like that. They all emailed back saying how cute it was an such, blah blah blah, were any of my concerns brought up at the next board meeting? I would bet that they weren't. They don't care what we have to say, it's the parents that matter. If they don't please the parent, the kids won't be sent there, and that means less government funding. It's all about money in the end...

Public schools teach to the weakest link. Most teachers have a 9th grade level, and home work is no longer required because students weren't doing it.

Homework is required at my school. If you don't do it, you don't get the points. I suck at math, but I did all the homework and still got a B+. It's important. You're right that they teach to the weakest link though, it drags society down.

The school I student taught at was an amazing school. Every year they receive dozens of awards for being one of the top schools in Illinois and in the nation. Even while a 50% poverty rate, 75% of the graduating class goes to college.

What school was it? I live in Illinois and am curious.

I think it'd be great if a few of the best students from each grade could write reviews on their teachers and maybe get them fired if they're sub-par.

They'd just find it "cute" that we think we could change anything. Sorry, but it pisses me off how the students aren't taken seriously at all. We're the ones that spend all day there, everyday, we know how it runs. Parents don't.

i actually implied you meant homeschooling...

Homeschooling is bad. The kids get a better education sometimes, but then they get left out when it comes to their social life. Sure, you'll all say "that never happens!!". It does. I know a lot of people who were homsechooled, and most aren't really accepted into society like someone who goes to school. My ex-girlfriend is homeshooled, and she was 16 and hadn't taken drivers ed, or planned to. That's just not normal, most kids can't wait to drive. And you should learn once you get the chance so that you're not 30 years old and still trying to figure it out. I could rant on and on...but it messes kids up. Especially if they don't get to see other kids (like my brothers. Stuck at home, all day, every day.

395 posts

You're right that they teach to the weakest link though, it drags society down.

The term for it is called "The Dumbing Down of America" just FYI for everyone.

It sickens me. I'm a brilliant student and I'm taking AP math next year, but everything is just so SLOW. They have to teach it so that every single idiot will understand. If they don't get it after a week and a half of study time to leave them behind. Screw NCLB.
950 posts

Maybe we should just nationalize all the private schools. We could keep them an option for people who want to send their kids to more &quotrofessional" teachers, but all the tuition money could go directly in the hands of the state. That will be a heavy break on the tax payers when we decided to revamp our public schools for the better.

5,579 posts

Homeschooling is bad. The kids get a better education sometimes, but then they get left out when it comes to their social life. Sure, you'll all say "that never happens!!". It does. I know a lot of people who were homsechooled, and most aren't really accepted into society like someone who goes to school. My ex-girlfriend is homeshooled, and she was 16 and hadn't taken drivers ed, or planned to. That's just not normal, most kids can't wait to drive. And you should learn once you get the chance so that you're not 30 years old and still trying to figure it out. I could rant on and on...but it messes kids up. Especially if they don't get to see other kids (like my brothers. Stuck at home, all day, every day.

If I ever do anything related to home schooling again, you'll most likely never see me again on AG. I will hang myself.

The last year and a half of my life have been almost solitary confinement, give or take a few days.
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