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After putting some thought into the status of our public school, and the intellectual presence of America on the world stage. I've come to realized than the majority of our problems could be solved with smarter kids and the best way to get smarter kids is to get a better public school system.

And now debate.

  • 166 Replies
950 posts

If people love what they do then that's really great for them. In my experience though most people who take their work home with them could not be described as loving thier work. I suppose I was a bit harsh to say that those who take their work home with them are "morons", but some people need to learn to separate themselves from thier work now and then. If a person really loves their work enough that it never feels like work, then good for them but they shouldn't let it consume their attention to the exclusion of everthing else in life.

I don't really think it's a case as to whether or not they chose to bring their work home with them it's whether or not they have to. When my Dad broke his legs a while back he still had to do some work on his laptop regarding what he does for a living. Some people do it because it could mean they'd earn more money that they would be able to spend. If they don't like their job they should consider going back college and learn something they're passionate about.

Also, there are no bad kids only incompetent parents. Almost every A student I know says that their parents put pressure on them or forces them to get good grades. Almost every C and D student I know says that their parents don't even see their report card.
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