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I don't get the point of being homophobic, why hate someone because they find the same sex attractive?

  • 134 Replies
1,532 posts

I dont have a fear of gays, i dont see how anyone could. I dont like gays, i think their weird, and gay.

I dont think people are afraid of gays, but it works out like your trapped on an island, and you can have a straight or gay guy on their as well with you. who you going to choose? Its obvious, the straight guy

9,434 posts

Depends on who you are, Somers.

You're portraying it from a default straight guy point of view. People who aren't default straight guys will have a different preference (some will have the same, but probably for different reasons).

Also, if the choice was between a wilderness savvy gay guy and a nerdy/helpless little straight guy, who'd you prefer to be stranded somewhere with?

1,532 posts

Have you ever seen a gay outdoorsman? lol? I havent.

Anyways well the nerdy helpless guy would seem pretty smart...and i do know survival myself..i really dont need either of em

9,434 posts

Have you ever seen a gay outdoorsman? lol? I havent.
How many "outdoorsmen" do you know well enough to be sure of their sexual orientation? :P
Not that it matters since it was a hypothetical question.

Anyways well the nerdy helpless guy would seem pretty smart...and i do know survival myself..i really dont need either of em
Lawl. If you didn't know what their sexual orientation was, would you hesitate to bring along the (in this instance) gay guy (his lore being wildly more useful than the nerdy guy's knowledge of games and programmes)? If you had no clue either of them were anything other than straight?

Oh, and twisting it a bit. Equally qualified to survive straight girl and gay girl. Which would you rather have along? (And if you say the straight one just because you'd have someone to potentially have sex with, consider yourself punted hard. :P)
1,532 posts

hmmm you have a good point. But that discussion i brought up was based on i knowing their sexual orientation. Also, arent nerds supposed to be book smart? Also, lesbians are hot, but ive never known one enough to consider choosing her, compared to relations with straight chicks, so im gonna have to choose the straight chick. Not punted, field goal. =)

1,455 posts

If Somers and Zophia don't mind me jumping in, I might say that if I knew their sexual orientation, I would feel uncomfortable next to a gay guy stranded on an island (even if I wasn't homophobic). At some point, we'll both be sexually starved. But seeing as I have no viable options, I must ignore it. He may try swinging me a different way.
Other than that, I don't see how sexuality would have an important factor in survival skills.
For the gay or straight girl, I would choose straight just because the gay girl might feel uncomfortable with me being a hetero.

9,434 posts

Also, arent nerds supposed to be book smart?
No, it was just for the specific setting of that specific questions. Nerds can be cool. Being book-smart can also be cool.

hmmm you have a good point. But that discussion i brought up was based on i knowing their sexual orientation.
I know, I just wanted you to consider the situation twisted around a bit. If you didn't know anything about their sexual orientation, it would only make sense to pick the one with the best skills.

Also, lesbians are hot, but ive never known one enough to consider choosing her, compared to relations with straight chicks, so im gonna have to choose the straight chick. Not punted, field goal. =)
It's not like it marks such a radical personality difference, though. :P But better reason than what I would've punted you for. ^^

If Somers and Zophia don't mind me jumping in, I might say that if I knew their sexual orientation, I would feel uncomfortable next to a gay guy stranded on an island (even if I wasn't homophobic). At some point, we'll both be sexually starved. But seeing as I have no viable options, I must ignore it. He may try swinging me a different way.
This argument I can totally understand. I will however argue that it wouldn't just be in a "straight guy/gay guy" situation that it would be an issue. Completely uninterested girl (or gay girl even) with a straight dude would probably find that a problem too.
Therefore I don't think it's reasonable to say that it is because you (as a straight guy) would be uncomfortable around a gay guy, but more that whoever (as NOT interested in the other in a sex related way) would be uncomfortable with whoever who would at least eventually be interested.

Other than that, I don't see how sexuality would have an important factor in survival skills.
Nah, that was just the setting for the hypothetical question thingy. Point was just something like: Would you team up with a less skilled person just because the most skilled person is gay.
And then with the added: Would you choose a less skilled person if you knew nothing about either person's orientation. (That one should be rhetorical.)

For the gay or straight girl, I would choose straight just because the gay girl might feel uncomfortable with me being a hetero.
Sometimes I really think my shifting orientation makes me miss out on a whole spectrum of interesting awkward emotions. Neat argument, though.
945 posts

I dont think people are afraid of gays, but it works out like your trapped on an island, and you can have a straight or gay guy on their as well with you. who you going to choose? Its obvious, the straight guy

I would pick the gay guy. Some one has to cook.


I didn't mean you Zophia, you are like one of the guys. And by that I mean you like hot girls :P
1,532 posts

didn't mean you Zophia, you are like one of the guys. And by that I mean you like hot girls :P

Zophia likes megan fox?
4,097 posts

And then with the added: Would you choose a less skilled person if you knew nothing about either person's orientation. (That one should be rhetorical.)

Unfortunately for many people it's not. Some would just be scared of the homosexual person (homophobia, what this thread is about) and others would just be unnerved by the fact that he or she is homosexual. So obviously they would choose the less skilled person regardless of orientation. Then there's the people who think that just because the person is homosexual somehow they don't really have the skills that they showed. They must have cheated...or something.

Society really needs to stop caring so much about sexual orientation. I was about to say that someday homosexuals will receive less rights because of it if we don't stop now, but then I remembered that they already don't. It's ridiculous. The constitutional arguments (saying the constitution doesn't approve of it) and biblical arguments are all just covers for the fact that these people don't like homosexuals. Most the people who argue those wouldn't accept them even if God came down and said that he loves them just the same or if the constitution never defined marriage.
1,455 posts

Therefore I don't think it's reasonable to say that it is because you (as a straight guy) would be uncomfortable around a gay guy, but more that whoever (as NOT interested in the other in a sex related way) would be uncomfortable with whoever who would at least eventually be interested.

Yeah, you're right about that. I just meant that after isolation, people might ignoer minor details in such a scenario. I hope I didn't imply that gay people are always horny.
Nah, that was just the setting for the hypothetical question thingy. Point was just something like: Would you team up with a less skilled person just because the most skilled person is gay.

Oops, my apologies. I thought it was a scenario where each person had equal abilities. Survival would come first, so I would always choose the more skilled. If both were equally skilled, I would move onto to these more personal issues. Sorry for confusing you. :P
9,434 posts

I didn't mean you Zophia, you are like one of the guys. And by that I mean you like hot girls :P

I would pick the gay guy. Some one has to cook.
Stereotyping. Not all gays can cook. :P

Zophia likes megan fox?
Not so much. Too skinny and too "default beauty" look there. Tastes vary~

Unfortunately for many people it's not. Some would just be scared of the homosexual person
You missed the point of the question: If you DIDN'T know either person's sexual orientation (really didn't know, and for this question both might even be straight), would you hesitate to pick the more qualified one? If you would, you'd be weird.
Threw that question out to compare it with the one where you'd know ...

Some would just be scared of the homosexual person (homophobia, what this thread is about) and others would just be unnerved by the fact that he or she is homosexual. So obviously they would choose the less skilled person regardless of orientation.

... which is exactly where this sort of thing happens. Which is a good example of where homophobia or strong discomfort can be ridiculous.
Say this wasn't a "you'll be stranded on an island for who knows how long" scenario, but a "you must survive through this desert" scenario. Sex would be rather unlikely due to the whole need to go somewhere and save up your energy for that (plus, the gay would probably not be interested in you anyway). If you'd still be too freaked out by having a gay guy along (assuming "you" are male) rather then a much less skilled straight guy, maybe you should try to be a little more relaxed.

I also find it funny how these questions could be twisted to be about another minority. White/black people? Some religion/wome other religion (I dunno where there's strong prejudice between religions)?

Then there's the people who think that just because the person is homosexual somehow they don't really have the skills that they showed. They must have cheated...or something.
There's people who think like that? *headdesk* Sigh.

Society really needs to stop caring so much about sexual orientation.

Yeah, you're right about that. I just meant that after isolation, people might ignoer minor details in such a scenario. I hope I didn't imply that gay people are always horny.
Lol, no. XD Some are probably, but hey, so are some straight people.

I thought it was a scenario where each person had equal abilities. Survival would come first, so I would always choose the more skilled. If both were equally skilled, I would move onto to these more personal issues.
Which is completely fair, btw, because obviously person A and person B's ability to cooperate would be important too. It's just the "nooo, I don't wanna take him along no matter how good he is at this task we have ahead, 'cause he's gay" attitude that needs reviewing.
950 posts

People please! Lend me your ears! There is only on menace that attracts attention and channels it so that the people will live under a dogma...the media! They tell you what to eat, what to drive, what to look like, how to smell, how to talk, and now they are exploiting sexual orientation! i am not saying we should burn down the media in a violent socialistic revolution . I am simply implying that the people need to think for themselves! It is every person's responsibility to think for themselves and question what they see. I'm afraid, however, that too many of us do the exact opposite. As a socialist, i for one will not act differently to someone only because they'd rather go out with a guy instead of a girl or vis versa. What ever happened to this big old American saying "All men ( and women I sure hope ) are created equal"? Why doesn't anyone follow that if they claim to be such patriotic Americans? People are people! I think that a gay person is capable of everything a straight person is capable of doing!

I am rather disgusted at western culture for turning the term "gay" into a derogatory remark! How is doing something stupid or "uncool" making someone a homosexual all of the sudden? Stop using the term just because you thought it was funny on South Park!

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