I was gone all last week on a vacation to Tombstone arizona. Many of you have probably seen the movie (Val kilmer, kurt russel, go rent it if you havent its a great movie) Anyways, i took plenty tours and read enough books. In the 1800s prostitution became a great buisness moneywise, in almost every city. It was perfectly legal than, and required a buiness license to continue the only womans oldest profession. What im asking though, is it right? Its legal in nevada, maybe some other places in the U.S. It was a successful buisness because of all the mining cities, 1 woman for every 100 men in most boomtowns, and many men were left sexual dry. Prostitutes were a way for men to complete these needs.
Should it be legal? Why or why not? Look at it from a religous view if you want, though i know all you christians (including mysef) already know the answer. But in this century should it be legal?
Okay, I just stumbled upon this thread, and In my opinion, It might be a little too mature for this site.
If you can look at it from a religious point of view (Christianity in particular, not all religions are the same) the answer is that it should not be allowed. According to the Bible, it is adultery, and it is a sin, yet why more so than any other? Because the Bible also says that the body is a temple, and violation of the body is a big consideration in discouragement in religion.
I dont want to get Into a big debate, just pointing that out.
Legalizing prostitution actually could protect against STDs, and heres how: Business license. Every prostitute needs a business license. They get the license and keep it by going through regular checkups to make sure she got no STDs and SHIIIT. If she has any, she loses the license.
I guess that would work. But do you really think that the government would allow that. I think the only reason they don't legalize it, is because of that reason. So maybe hat would work.
If you can look at it from a religious point of view (Christianity in particular, not all religions are the same) the answer is that it should not be allowed. According to the Bible, it is adultery, and it is a sin, yet why more so than any other? Because the Bible also says that the body is a temple, and violation of the body is a big consideration in discouragement in religion.
Here's the issue with that kind of argument though - that's only if you look at it from a religious point of view - and, for all of those people who do not share that religion, or any religion for that matter; why should the rest of us be bound by rules that are specific to your faith?
Especially in countries where freedom from and for religion is one of the rights of the people, this kind of suggestion does not hold up.
If brothels were run by the government, taxes would be paid on them and the gov. would earn money with brothels. Plus, government regulated prostitutes would be tested for STDs and so would the clients, therefore making it more healthy. Also, less chance of rape, not paying, or pregnancy(as the client would most likely be made to wear some sort of protection). Honestly, what's the harm in sex for money? It seems a legitimate job to me. I mean, gross, but I don't see what harm it could do.
no it shouldnt be legalized. Not only because of the std but also that "rofession" would probaly be the most likey to get you killed. Think about it if you could just have a women get into your car at will some ppl will probly just rob her.
kpelton, obviously the government would regulate the hookers. Perhaps the brothel would be some sort of facility. If it was legal, the government could keep an eye on it, extremely decreasing STDs, rape, etc. This "rofession" is a legitimate way to earn money. It's pretty much like prostitutes are porn stars.
You have a point but still i dont think that anybody who runs for president would nationly leagalize Prostitution as still most americans would not vote for one that did.
That's true. Even if someone moved and seconded the motion to legalize prostitution, it would never pass. The Christians would stop it. I hate to say it, but they pretty much control the government, not only because most politicians are Christian, but the majority of Americans are Christians and they vote.
You have a point but still i dont think that anybody who runs for president would nationly leagalize Prostitution as still most americans would not vote for one that did.
What makes you so sure of that? You fail to realize how many men there are in this country. By nature we 'like' sex. Give us an easy way of getting it and we do it. 95% of us anyways.
At least when you get to a certain age. Any man that says he doesn't like sex is lying. Simple instinct.
There will always be prostitutes, so why not make it safer, revenue inducing, and legal? I say yes.
Ok, let me first say this, and get my eleven year old impulse out. Ew ew ew. Now we've moved past that, I think it's vulgar and degrading to have a woman sell herself to a man like that, but still may be a legitimate business. I mean, you can't lie, boys like their sex. And girls can give it to them for money, even the ones who couldn't get a date if their life depended on it. And if it was government regulated, it would lower the chances of rape or STDs. Of course, it'd still be just as degrading, but so are some other jobs. And people take those jobs because our economy is steadily sinking, and people need whatever job they can get. I know. You're asking yourself; how the heck does an eleven year old come by that kind of knowledge. I'm just mature.
Erm...Jessica? Not to be rude or anything, but... HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW ALL THAT? Opinionated little sister*walks away muttering* You're eleven! You're not supposed to be disillusioned yet!
Erm...Jessica? Not to be rude or anything, but... HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW ALL THAT? Opinionated little sister*walks away muttering* You're eleven! You're not supposed to be disillusioned yet!
A genius? You're too kind. I think what he meant was how do you know all that? Cuz the teachers, the parents, don't really teach me that stuff. I'm not really supposed to know anything about that. I read it. Google is my friend.