Kind of hard for me to pick, I like to do a lot of reading. So My list could be a little lengthy: -Lord of the Rings (The trilogy plus the other books tied to it) -Harry Potter (I got into this when I was a little younger and I liked how the books got more in depth. I quite liked this series) -Anything set in the SW universe (Star Wars, that's all I have to say) -Almost anything in the Dragonlance series, though my favorites are: The Chronicles trilogy and The Legends trilogy.
My favorite series of books in order of oldest to most recent are:
Guardians of Ga'Hoole-Kathyrn Lasky. I enjoyed the books. Could use some more action scenes for me.
The Tripod series-John Christopher. These were AMAZING. I was so angry when I finished the last book cause they're so great! If you enjoy Sci-Fi books this is what I'd reccomend.
The Sword of Spirits Trilogy- John Christopher. This is also an excellent trilogy by John Christopher. It's kind of set in Mideval times. You'd understand if you read it.
Charlie Bone- Jennie Nimmo. Now I haven't completed all the books in the series, but I've read a few of the first and I couldn't put the books down.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians-Rick Riordon. I've just started to read this series and I love it. I read the first book, The Lightning Theif, a week ago and now I'm on the 4th book. I cannot put the books down. It's modern and mythic mixed together, but some action and comedy.
Great story, I can't stop reading it. It fits my requests perfectly. massive war, great enemies and loss. It's great. I especially like the part of "The siege of Gondor".