Whenever I see something like this, I focus elsewhere. Why? Because I feel like people are forcing me to have some weird guilt-trip... So I just shrug. It's not that I don't care, but the whole poor-black-starving-african-child-needs-YOUR-help doesn't feel real at all, just some image people want you to see.
Those commercials don't make me feel bad because the old man is too sweet, he just says "But it's okay, just take your time" and I change the channel, they should drive guilt down your throat, so you have no choice!
And I'm actually a missionary for my church so we go to different parts of Africa every year and help them out, and this year we did a fundraiser with about 100 kids and we made over $100,000 in only one month, so there are other ways of helping out other than donating, but they are more difficult.
That's true. If we would let the ones who they can't support die then eventually they'd have enough resources for everyone
That's cruel, heartless, disgusting, but true..at this point in time we can't save all of Africa there simply isn't enough food on the planet to feed all the people on the Earth, shadow children anyone?
The infomercials are not made to instill guilt but rather remind us of how fortunate we are. Naturally one should feel compassion. No one chooses to be poor.
We should stop helping them and let them die. Then maybe they would have the appropriate population level to survive.
That would be inhuman. That wouldn't help think about children growing up without parents. Children without education. Ignorance caused by lack of opportunity will only worsen the situation. Your suggestion would only work if people killed all youth and educated everyone 18 and over. First world countries have enough resources but still people go hungry so do you suggest we let them die too?
How human is it to allow them to live longer and longer while suffering? We supply just enough food to get some of them buy, but I'm sure there are still days when they don't eat. If we just let them die they would eventually be able to fix their problem.
First world countries have enough resources but still people go hungry so do you suggest we let them die too?
First world countries have enough resources to support the population, third world countries don't. First world countries just choose to use the resources in different ways than feeding the people who need it.