I think the main problem is the lack of centralized government and infrastructure. If the majority of the countries in Africa didn't have either corrupt or warlord governments, the people would stand a better chance. The problem isn't solely population. There are other countries with comparable populations and land and because of good government they do well enough.
That's cruel, heartless, disgusting, but true..at this point in time we can't save all of Africa there simply isn't enough food on the planet to feed all the people on the Earth, shadow children anyone?
Actually, there is enough food on the planet to feed everyone nine meals a day.
The problem is that the governments and people in Africa do not want to take responsibility for their problems. As terrible as it sounds, they were not starving under imperialism. Once they gained independence, they began to suffer. Now they blame imperialism for their problems. It's a load of crap, but it's the sad truth.
Actually, there is enough food on the planet to feed everyone nine meals a day.
Stupid math teacher..I stand corrected then again how could we get the food to them at a rate that would let them survive, I'm all for doing it I just don't know if it can be done.
Also as American's we unfortunatly cannot do anything diplomaticaly with them because they simply refuse and we cannot go to war because many children are involved in they"re "armies."
Also as American's we unfortunatly cannot do anything diplomaticaly with them because they simply refuse and we cannot go to war because many children are involved in they"re "armies."
Not only that, the world has wasted trillions of dollars trying to help the AIDS and hunger problems in Africa. The problems are just getting worse. We honestly shouldn't waste anymore money until the people of Africa are willing to change.
Not only that, the world has wasted trillions of dollars trying to help the AIDS and hunger problems in Africa. The problems are just getting worse. We honestly shouldn't waste anymore money until the people of Africa are willing to change.
Also true, not to be inhumane but at this point we need to let their societies collapse upon themselves and then be there to help pick up the pieces.
America? What is America going to do? It's a capitalist country! It can only survive if it holds back its food so that its farmers can make money! America would be the last nation to actually help these poor critters.