All i hear now is just really, really bad rap songs, where has all the rock songs gone? I want to know If rock still has a fan base, and i mean a strong one. And if rock isn't dead whose the best rock band?
Nope. It will never die. At least not in my lifetime. You know why? Cause I'm around. And when I'm around, rock will NEVER go away. No matter what. Because when at least one person likes it and it's their primary music type, it's still alive. Although the bands themselves are already dead. Rock isn't what it used to be. Sad.
i wouldnt say its dead just not the inn thing, tbh im living in the uk and from here it seems that rap is dead and most people listen to pop. eg 2 people outa 30 in my form like rap and like 5-6 like rock with the rest liking pop. kinda wierd how people automatically frown at you if you like anything other than pop these days
Rock will never die... It will always be in the hearts of millions of people, no matter what happens. Especially Classic Rock, which is still listened to after 30-40 years.
Especially Classic Rock, which is still listened to after 30-40 years.
You know thats interesting, because my thoughts on that matter are once my parents die and rock band/ guitar hero go away, I think (like all music) it will slowly die and fade away.
rock is much better then rap, but rap and hip hop have somthing called a smooth hypno beat, rock dosent have a similar tempo.
the tempo of rap and hip hop take controll of the fads, not to mention hip hop is mostly preformed by african americans, which leads people to the conclusion, love it or get shot :S
everything is gonna stay, but yea there gonna change.. and techno.. that's never gonna work out. techno's mostly an 80's genre of people thinking that it is gonna be the future. but it's not.
Rock wont ever fade out.. Just spread more likely.. new genres, made off rock.
NO Rock is not dead as long as their are people out there willing to rock it out, then no it will never die...unless robots come and kill us all or take over the will of humanity, and ban music for ever then yeah pretty much rock will never die.
BTW, if little wayne goes into the rock business then hill liven the whole rock industry bringing rock back to its awesomeness.
I'm quite a fan of some modern rock bands - Coldplay has some rock, Modest Mouse (one of the best bands ever, not just of the modern ones) is great, and there are others that are pretty good. . .REM is still going, Jimmy Eat World is okayish,