in case you dont know, cash for clunkers is a goverment run company that pays cash for old crappy cars. but, apparently, if you open a cash for clunkers email or visit their website, you are giving the government "permission" to search your computer. now im the last person to buy into conspiracy theories but with obama in charge im not so sure anymore. so id like the opions of the AG users. is the government using cash for clunkers to spy on americans? (oh, btw, this was either on fox news or cnn. you know, big news companies, not hipies or hobos or sumtin like that)
Yah, you can't trust the goverment or their money. Bascically everywhere you are put on constanly camera. Without knowing it. So be careful of what you do out there....
Also a problem is that they are wasting it on untrained people like the police. I mean some of the police out there are 100% rascist. And army funding and so on and so forth.
the government (under obama) want to control as much as they possibly can. we're slowly becoming a socialist contry. hopfully by then americans will stand up for their rights. if not we're doomed for communism.
the government (under obama) want to control as much as they possibly can. we're slowly becoming a socialist contry. hopfully by then americans will stand up for their rights. if not we're doomed for communism.
Wait... You want big cooperation to control the USA? Which is basically what your implying, it's good that were not controlled by big oil anymore like Bush was.
the government (under obama) want to control as much as they possibly can
if obamas cabinet is trying to control the citizens, then what was GWBushs Patriot Act. with this law at hand, you do not need any tricks to spy on someone. you can do it legally.
if obamas cabinet is trying to control the citizens, then what was GWBushs Patriot Act. with this law at hand, you do not need any tricks to spy on someone. you can do it legally.
Wait... You want big cooperation to control the USA? Which is basically what your implying, it's good that were not controlled by big oil anymore like Bush was.
hey, i never said that bush was any good either. to tell the truth bush sucked too. just saying we need another pres like reagan