You know, i was thinking. If America goes to war with Germany to stop the war lets say. Germany will want revenge. Then Germany will attack the U.S. Then allies will come in and theres you world war 3. And think about it. If the world was all settled and every country was peaceful with no enimies. The world would be even more overflowed with its human population than it is now. So if you think about it. War is good and bad.
If America goes to war with Germany to stop the war lets say. Germany will want revenge.
why would america go to war with germany? if germany would want revenge, they would have tried to get it in the last 64 years.
The world would be even more overflowed with its human population than it is now. So if you think about it. War is good and bad.
well it is not. the use of our resources the way we waste them is bad. if we use ressources with responsibility we can nourish many more people then we do right now.
I dont really see the good part of war .... sry :/ I dont get why everyone thinks we need to go to war its just more killing and fighting, its just stupid to me
that is very true donpiet .... but what profit do you get from a war ?? all I see is killing and fighting and most the time there is never peace in the end
You know, i was thinking. If America goes to war with Germany to stop the war lets say. Germany will want revenge. Then Germany will attack the U.S. Then allies will come in and theres you world war 3. And think about it. If the world was all settled and every country was peaceful with no enimies. The world would be even more overflowed with its human population than it is now. So if you think about it. War is good and bad.
Your point is full of holes.
While World War I did lead to World War II, World War III didn't follow because "allies" didn't come to attack the U.S. Now yes, there were wars after WW II but we thankfully didn't have any wars with Russia. Also there was a chance that Hitler would not have even been made leader of Germany, the communists got very close to beating him.
War is a product of capitalism. You know those companies that make all the stuff used for war? Damn, they'd sure lose a lot of business if people just got along.
as for overpopulation im pretty sure at some point we will be colonizing more than this planet.
Yes, in 2025 we will be living on the moon (according to NASA) in 2035 we will be visiting Mars (according to NASA)
And population will never be a problem, it is controlled naturally. Humans avoid the predator-prey relationship most creatures get stuck in, which controls population. But we can't this natural method of population control by some over-eating...and NEVERMIND not for this thread...
or in order to "save" a country and force their own beliefs on to them. because people tend to think that their lifestyle is the only right one.
Capitalism thrives off of war. War is the perfect distraction from the every day problems the lower and middle class face. War is what keeps companies like Pratt & Whitney in shape. Hell, war saved the U.S. economy by creating more jobs for millions of young men's equipment. And a lot of those young men died in the name of it. War creates jobs, jobs create consumers, consumers create a good economy. That is capitalism at its finest. But don't get me wrong, the United States didn't even want to go to war. It just so happens that the new job slots as a result of war saved their economy.
sry I didn't mean you donpiet .... dieath said that profit was one of the reasons that people went to war ... sorry
Awww you beat me....
Anyways, quick point. If I'm not mistaken, World War 2 did end the depression, but once again taht points at capitalism...war was apparently necessary to end the depression...